Best Fertilizer?


The Tidy Cats buckets hold 35 Lbs of litter and they seem to hold about 5 gallons of loosely shoveled dirt. My friend drilled 6 holes in the bottom, and around the top: two along each long edge, one in the middle of each short edge, and one in each corner (for tying down strings to hold the branches down). I use the lid for a tray under it.

I followed the Dr. Earth fertilizer schedule as recommended by @supershitfuck. It is a 420-Caret.


Nice! Thanks for the reply, good way to repurpose. :sunglasses:
Out of likes, as per usual lol

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Hold on a min… I’ll get you a pic

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Ok here are a couple of pictures as promised:



The front makes a good place for a label.:grin::+1:


Do they some how make sure it’s virus and viroid free?
heat alone doesn’t kill viroids that’d worry me


That’s so awesome, thank you for going out of your way for those pictures. I would give you a 100 likes if I could :100:

I’m going to have to go DIY one this weekend ha

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well you did better than me! i always get some leaf weirdness or discoloration, as soon a it starts to flower, yours is 100% healthy looking

so you bought the 3 fertilizers?

nice nickname, is it rachel but mike tyson says it?

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LMAO! Ok, that was funny!


Most plastic containers have the volume molded into them. My Tidy Cats containers are 20 liters, 5.3 gal. :+1:


No, it’s pronounced like a Christmas wreath — EL. It was my mother’s name. An homage to her.

A difficult woman, but always a strong person, a fighter and always tried to do her very best at everything.

Sorry, I don’t get the Tyson reference.

And @potpotpot is right, the bottom of my buckets say that too. 5.3 U.S.G.


How should we know?
The proof is in the pudding.
Do you feel good after ingesting it?
If the answer is yes then the answer is yes.

Just looking for an opinion on the progress… still a week or two away from harvest and an additional two weeks for cure, so it’s still a work in progress.

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Crustacean Meal
Soft Rock Phosphate
Kelp Meal
Neem Meal
Glacial Rock Dust
Dolomite Lime

You can grow big plants with good quality just using those.


Ultimately, if you are satisfied, you are successful.

But in my opinion, yeah, it looks like you’re doing a hell of a job :+1:


it looks like you’re killing it for a newbie @Reithel ! you don’t seem that new to growing, lol! i love how you’re re-using your containers.

which strain is this that you’re growing? i didn’t see a mention of it in your thread, or maybe i missed it.



It’s called 420-Carats

I did a lot of reading before I started growing, then I found this Overgrow group and have been reading many posts.

Sometimes the posts here are confusing because they are written by experienced growers and worded for folks who are knowledgeable… they have abbreviations and slang and euphemisms that make clarity challenging for someone who is truly new.

Sometimes I read stories about plants that are producing buds by the POUND and I know my little girls aren’t going anywhere near that much… so then I wonder what I’ve done wrong, but I don’t grow outdoors and I guess that makes a big difference! LoL.


Got to veg a long time to hit a lb on a plant is why you usually only see it outdoors. They also use alot of soil lol, i have seen 150 gallon trees that are 4 or 5 lbs lol, that would have me set for a long long time :sweat_smile:

Quicker to have 4 plants produce 4 ounces each, and cheaper on the electric bill as well.

Gram per watt is a great standard for indoors, or as long as your jar never empties that’s usually my standard :wink:


It’s hard to judge size from the pic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you get several ounces from that pictured plant. It looks great. So you are doing way better than most I think.


Thanks for the optimism @LennyB !

I’ll let you know… shouldn’t be much longer. My friend is bringing a microscope over later today! :grin::+1:


Final top from above plant: (using scissors for height comparison):

Box containing all buds from Whoopi after initial clip.

Sad to see her go, but I have her clones growing, so … circle of life. 🥲 :green_heart: :slightly_smiling_face: