Best Fertilizer?

I am moving over to Mega Crop parts A, B, and their Sweet Candy. just added their Sweet Candy into my foxfarm nutes. after this outdoor, I will continue using Bushdoctors Cal-Mag, Kelp Me Kelp You, and Microbe and Tiger Bloom, I am going to tailor these with my Part A , B and Sweet Candy after this outdoor season :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I use the mj line of plant prod with decent results . It’s cheap and goes a long way.


very nice job, especially for a rookie! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

got plans for the clones?


Yes, I have two of her clones that I call my “science experiments” … they were two identical small snips taken from identical branches on Whoopi and planted in identical containers with the same dirt and light source… one plant got strictly distilled bottled water and the other got nothing but city tap water that was allowed to sit for a couple of days before use. Current results: identical growth and in fact, the tap water plant might be a tiny bit better looking and a bit taller. Not much. All leaves are growing the same. They need bigger pots and are showing a little stress from being root bound but I will get them up-potted within a couple of days… had to harvest a few to have enough buckets. (The cats are poopin as fast as they can but can’t keep up! LoL).

I also took a couple of regular clones from Whoopi and they are growing just fine.

Note: as a result of my “science experiment”, I will not buy distilled water in bottles any longer. It had gone way up in price recently just like everything else. I am lucky to live in a town that has clean drinking water for its citizens.


I ran all dehumidifier water, this last cycle. I do splash some H2O2 into the empty reservoir after I empty it.
I got to run it regardless, as my basement can smell musty.
So instead of collecting and dumping, I collect and use it for mixing up nutrients.


Great idea!

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Hey everyone. Just about to try the Dr Earth dry amendments w/ liquid fert maintenance for the first time. Having a hell of a time growing high brix cannabis with salt based nutes. Plants are super healthy but, lack in flavor. So, my question is, how is the flavor on the finished product after using the Dr. Earth line? I see a lot of posts of super healthy plants but, not much info on the flavor. Thanks everyone.

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I’ve found growing organically makes for better flavor. Of course genetics and curing are also very important.


For beginners with organics dr earth tomato food is great, easy to use and pretty balanced. Salts, I’ve used masterblend and fox farm trio, liked masterblend better. Gonna be switching back to salts soon and trying the Gh florapro line (dry version of their 3 part) mostly because it comes in 5lb bags(small enough for me to mix 5 gallon stock tanks :grin:) and is fairly inexpensive.


I can say I agree with @EugeneDebs420

When I first found this group, I asked for advice about fertilizers… I wanted organic and premixed (even though make-your-own mix might be better in some ways, I don’t have the space to store the ingredients), and several people recommended the Dr Earth trio of bagged ferts.

They worked really well for me.



I’ve been using plant prod mj line of salts with good results only additive I’ve found it lacking is micro which I’ve added the general hydro micro in veg.

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If you have good tasty genetics… really really good, i don’t think it “has a taste” tho, one strain will taste like acrid lemon pinesol and the other strain pure sweet chocolate, you would never know they were in the same room, but then again, i never grew hydro or nothing fancy like that

It definitely doesn’t turn bad plants into good plants tho, i had some bland trash amongst the great ones



As far as we can tell, the fert has no influence on the smell or flavor of the two strains we used it on (grown with fert versus grown with no fert), we just got more and bigger buds. Most of the strains are “first time use” and so we have no “before and after” comparison… but we were pleased with the smell and quantity of the outcome.


Botanicare pure blend pro is what I’ve been using lately… just more carefree and not a bunch of unnecessary crap in it… doing me good so far


Lots of good nutrients lines out there. I have tried a few and haven’t had problems with any of them. I wish all fertilizers had best used by dates on them. I always smell the newly opened bottle and get a good whiff and remember that smell. Some products are not as stable as others. Keep them cool and don’t buy more than you will use for each run. But if I had to use only one fertilizer from start to finish I would use Dynagro grow formula.


Grown with Dr Earth


Neem Meal - NPK, plus systemic plant action against pests
Alfalfa Meal - N, plus organic PGR
Kelp - N, K, plus organic PGR
Crustacean Meal - NPK, Ca, plus systemic pest resistance
Gypsum - just a general godsend
Rock Dust and SRP - all the minerals you need, and food for good fungi
Fish Meal and FishBone Meal - NPK, Ca, enzymes


for a simple Organic nutrient lines check out Elemental Nutrients(myco based) (sample packs $10.00) Also checkout thuse new line called Simply Professional all-in-one (veg/bloom) samples are about $8.00 for both-- Both line gave me excellant results withiout “breaking the bank”

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grown with dr earth, green and pink bag only, in roots organics soil



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