Best Fertilizer?

really nice man great work props :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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Looks yummy.

I know this might sound like a noob question but on the bottle of Dr Earth’s Pot of Gold liquid fertilizer, it says to add to pure water. They mean RO or, Distilled right? Not tap?

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They might just mean without other ferts.


I checked the website. All I found was add to potable water so I guess tap will be ok. Mine’s not to bad but, maybe I’ll blend it with a little Ro to be safe. :thinking:

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Also, does anyone know if there’s any Calcium in the Dr. Earth all purpose and, the flower girl? How about Magnesium or Sulfur?

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Here’s what it shows. This is the flower girl.


Thanks for that. I have a few bags of the all purpose, the Tomato fert and, Flower Girl but only the Tomato fert lists the Ca percentages. They are all made from the same basic ingredients so I’m assuming there is Ca in all of them but can’t be for certain. Don’t want to over do it on the Ca and lock out K or Mg.

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I have all three bags if you’d like a picture of the one you don’t have.


Thanks I have all 3 but only the tomato fertilizer lists the calcium percentages. I’m trying to figure out how much if any, calcium, the all purpose and the flower girl has.


so someone said to me at some point “even if it’s not printed in a percentage amount, it’s got all you need” or that’s what i thought i heard, maybe, but it works haha


there’s a guy on youtube that explains it pretty good and he does talk about the calcium thing, maybe that’s where i heard this, this is one of his videos

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I would say if ca is not listed , then it’s deffo not in there @SeymourGreen
If they don’t put it in , it won’t magically appear : )
If it was added , it must be listed
Only the tomato feed has ca in it Same with anything else that’s not on lists ( but I’m a salt head so )
Altho after reading ingredients fish bone meal and bone meal has ca in it lol I see what you saying haha Maybe in process ca is removed idk organics always confusing things , salts for the win say no to guessing : )

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I realize I’m late(really late) to the party, congrats on the harvest(always awesome to harvest) but for simplicity, I’m going to toss out the suggestion of Grow Dots and Recharge. I have a cut of Tiki Madman’s “Ice Pie” that has done beautifully. This pic was about a week ago

15g of Grow Dots per gallon of media (coco) mixed in at transplant. 1/2tsp of Recharge per gallon of water, keep her moist.
I’ve said it before, Scotty may be a pothead that forgets where he put his joint, but his stuff works well.
(That’s Recharge, after mixing, in the bucket beside her)


Just received the KIS nutrient pack yesterday and will give it a go as Flower Girl is not available locally and the KIS pack has more ingredients and is cheaper than ordering Flower Girl. 20 bucks for 3 1/2 pounds shipped to me door


Same here @ifish. Been mixing my own salts for about a year now and I love it but, I need to improve on flavor. Going to do an organic soil run with the Dr. Earth and see how that goes. Just going a little nuts trying to figure out the elemental percentages of the Dr. Earth but they don’t even list Mg or S lol! The lack of control over the elements suck and I’m super rusty on what input supplies what element.

After this run, I plan on going back to coco and my raw salt formulations but, with a weekly tea and, see if that doesn’t increase brix and terp production.

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@SeymourGreen maybe some canna boost ?
I feel flavour comes from genetics and particular pheno selected and slow initial dry


I agree also. I’ve been running the same 2 clones for about half a year now and everyone says I just got a dud and to start over. Perfect plant in every dept but flavor. Bust a nug open and the smell fills up the whole house. Just very weak in taste. Mind you, with my small setup I can only pop about 6-10 seeds at a time so my pheno hunting is very limited lol!


in a 7 pack of feminized seeds, you can definitely find a keeper, CSI humboldt is good for that!