BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

If you don’t want to save the plant, just wait until the male flowers are nearly open on the top colas, and then snip them off and put in water like any other flower. Place the vase or glass on top of a piece of wax paper to collect the falling pollen.


Alright, I will take a look at some threads today thank you ! Im not too bummed about the males, I still have 3 other plants to raise <3

Like this ?


this is the cut up WMBK , I for sure got to get some wax paper underneath.


Talk to @DougDawson, the master pollinator.


Will do. Man I kept a piece of the WMBK male main stem because it still reeks and makes me happy


Wanted to drop some news to you guys that have been following the herme / male journey.

WMBK was 100 percent a male. It just decided to make a tiny bit of female flower at the top node.

Kullu on the other hand im not 100 percent sure yet. I am very suspect Light leaks are causing whats happening and thats my own error for not blocking out the light good enough.

Maybe I am overthinking it though, I cant really say I saw any hairs pop up on Kullu , but the male flowers sure showed up.


@DougDawson @Upstate

Hey guys , I’ve got a few pics to share , and some ramblings and thoughts to share !

So I have the wmbk bouquet taking up the shelf , below the shelf on the floor are the unknown strains that made it through the great shelf collapse of January :sweat_smile::rofl:. In the actual tent I have the kullu.

My goal for the unknown strains are definitely flower with potentially some pollen chucking…

I know pollen is all up in that closet :rofl:

Would spraying the girls down below with some water once or twice daily prevent any pollen from activating ?

I’m not opposed too WMBK pollinating them but one plant isn’t showing flowers yet and the other is very young flower still.

And at the current moment I can’t really move any plants around :-; so that can’t be an option…

I’d bouquet kullu and put the girls in the tent and close it up but hes underdeveloped :rofl:.

So with all this knowledge, uh , what would you guys do?

I think my answer is just let it ride…


Alpean Gleaux , what a cute eighth of weed :rofl::sweat_smile:

( When clicking the link it does say download but if you hit the little eyeball you can watch without downloading!! Sorry idk the good free sites :rofl: )

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I doubt it, you can’t keep it wet all the time and pollen is pretty good at doing it’s job. Collecting pollen is an easy process if you want to go that route.


Ive got the bouquet sitting on parchment paper now, hoping for some collection fingers crossed !

I guess im going to just ride this little mess out, probably end up with a WMBK x Unknown cross .

Heres my lesson learned so far : Dont grow one reg seed… LOL. You may get unlucky and get two males of two different strains like me. :rofl:

Does this sound good? ‘’ once the flowers open put branches into paper bag and let dry for few days ‘’

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Day 55 Alpean Gleaux !!

I will probably chop up Kullu tomorrow and bouquet him.


I am curious, because I messed up my lightning schedule , what would happen to the little Alpean if she got 24 hours of dark?

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Nothing. She just would not grow for 24 hrs.

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To be fair I think she shot a couple more pistils out in that 24 hrs :stuck_out_tongue:

She should be wrapping up here soon !

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Holy Kullu Dust :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: @Upstate @DougDawson

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The Beast , Mr Kullu landrace is coming down , ill bouquet a few nodes but I’m mainly just collected leaves that had pollen on them, or nodes that already opened

And he’s done :white_check_mark:



It’s been a little quiet around here haha, well, I’m just finishing up the micro nug Alpean Gleaux , and hoping to see more finished here in a month or so. I’ve got the unknown solo cup still growing and still looking as bad as ever :rofl: and the transplanted potted girl seems to like her new home.

For the solo cup challenge I’ve got two Syrian Vs that are in soil !


@GrouchyOldMan @THCeed @RainToday @Magu @DougDawson howdy friends just making a new entry with some new updates.

The triple stack solo is rather interesting. It hasn’t show sex yet , and it seems to me, that it’s possibly killed off the upper root system in favor for the bottom cup, it was rather rooted in the second cup but it looks dried up now .

Alpean was pollinated with Kullu , im assuming anyway since she was around it the most.

That other girl in the pot, an unknown strain, either a cakefighter or something else was likely hit with wmbk pollen which would explain it’s slower looking flower production. It’s been fun around here , still looking for success with the triple stack solo!


Roots will follow moisture :slight_smile: if you want them in the top cup, just keep it a little moist up there.


Is this two cup pot a new style of planting, :smiley:
Hydroelevating cup style grow…


IT may be , Ive noticed with how I built the thing water doesn’t stay in the top cup as good , it all kind of leaks LOL. Its a fun little experiment plant and hope I can reuse it after this one is finished

it is 3 cup btw !