BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

I dont know. something is causing it. You have too many hermies for it to be plant genetics. @Upstate may be along later. He would probably know. It may take awhile because he is a very busy dude.


Yeah thats super true. Like I said tho, I think wbmk might have been a male from the start.

It only had one spot where female flowers where. Rest were spot on male.

So maybe kullu was the only one too herme from light or whatever else is happening, it was very few so , It looked more like stress of some sort.

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Upon closer inspection, both damn plants may have been males tbh. Kullu is showing male organs and im not seeing hairs anywhere.

Both strains are reg so this is for sure a possibility. @Upstate if you got a kullu male what would your move be?

Id love to collect pollen but idk if I want to wait 4 months + for that LOL. For flower sure… I’ll do a long flower sativa but for a male… Idk if I want to push a male 4 months , I have two solo cups that could really use the pots these fails are in lol.

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Hey friends

I ended wbmks life. It was a hollow stem male , honestly probably a PRIME candidate for breeding , to bad I don’t think I’ll get any pollen :confused:

I repotted one of the solos…so arises my question.

Why is the shade of leaves so different? And that solo cups always been that way


How same is the soil & nutrient levels in them?

There’s quite a bit of variation in color between plants, but I see crispy tips on the edges of the leaves of the light green one, so I don’t think it is fully healthy.

My instinct is that the dark green one has got maybe a little bit too much nitrogen though not harmfully so. The other looks like it is very short on something, likely nitrogen, but identifying that isn’t my best thing. Maybe try feeding it a very little bit of nitrogen and see if the color improves. I wouldn’t do anything to the other except stop any fertilizing for a bit.



Right on, so what I have been doing is putting half a teaspoon of jacks bloom booster into 96 oz of water, and I was giving wbmk and kullu about half of the 96oz each. Then I would feed the small plants any of the mixture left.

Then for the rest of the week its just gassed off Tap.

The soils could for sure be different. although I couldnt begin to tell you how.

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Too ensure lighting isnt my issue. I got my light giving those two small plants about 500-600 PPFD, If they want more they’ll have to stretch some :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like maybe it didn’t get much nutrients then, I’d give it some, start light and give it a little at a time until you see how it’s responding.


For sure, I gave it a small dose of leftover mixture just now, i’ll see how it responds to that throughout the week and may give it another booster in 3-4 days If I see 0 improvment

also unrelated but its cool seeing a topped plant vs a LITFA plant haha


@Upstate Got a confirmed male kullu, what would you do with it brother?

I have ZERO Idea how to collect pollen so getting TWO males is kind of unfortunate :stuck_out_tongue:

Cut it up and throw it in your compost pile… :smiley:

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See if this was some random bag seed male sure but its a Landrace cultivar.

I feel like OG would truly appreciate some Kullu pollen if I managed to get some <3


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Well pollen collection You Must… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Reveg & share cuts with people? :slight_smile:

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How does one reveg a male ?!?! Just turn the lights back to 18/6?

I have never in my life shipped cuts before and TBH, its legal for me to recieve cuts according to Georgia law, I dont know if its legal to ship from Georgia :stuck_out_tongue:

Georgias ass brotha XD

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Did you only have one seed for the Kullu… :smiley:

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I believe I should have 2 more left. maybe 3.

Khalifa Genetics has them listed still so I imagine they have a good stockpile of the strain , my goal if I got a female was too either STS or breed some of it

Ooo, I think you reveg just like a female. So reveg, and pop another and hope to breed? Or you can certainly try to save and share pollen.

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Im a rather indecisive person so itll probably be a little while before I truly decide what to do,

I would like to get that solo cup repotted, maybe kullu will face the same exact fate as WBMK ( but I’ll actually wait till the sacs open :smiley: low and behold I didnt do that with wbmk , so once the banquet time is up, oh well for that plant :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s worth collecting and storing some pollen to use for yourself later or to pass out. Sucks you got a couple males.

No need to reveg unless you need lots and lots of pollen. One male can make thousands of seeds easily. The key is to let the pollen dry before storing it. There must be a thread about this by now, but if not I’ll fill in the gaps for you when or if it’s time.