BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

Hey just noticed you started thread with khalifa genetics Aladdin skunk I skimmed your thread did you finish it? Curious I have one in veg ATM. Thanks


My shelf died lol , so they died too, Ive got two more beans to run sometime , saving those for later :stuck_out_tongue:


Alright I’ll tag you in my grow if you want to see it grown. Right now only 5 inches tall lol.


GO ahead id love to see it grown haha.

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Congratulations on your first seed! Miss pink


Chopped the seeded runt today , little Alpean was chopped on day 76


She’s so cute!


Thank you !!! Hey Rain do you have any lotus drying tips? Im trying to figure out the steps better.

I see some people say they cut the plant, put the bud in the jar, then the fridge, then about a week later or so they switch to paper bag to speed up the drying.

Basically I dont know if I should jar it first or bag it first XD

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Everyone does it different because of things like their different humidity and how much they want to tend it. I cut the plant, hang to dry until the bud feels dry on the outside and it’s usually crispy at the tip then, about a week or two. Then I put in a paper bag for 2-4 more weeks to cure.

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true I ended up cutting it, letting it sit on my shelf in the closet for four hours to air dry a bit, then into a paper bag and on the wire rack of my fridge it goes , ill check on it in a week and probably open the fridge a few times a day to spike the humidity and slow it some .

Once dry I think im putting her into a grove bag

Sad news btw , I lost the little vial that had the first seed XD , but its okay she produced more

my little mini fridge already reeks LOL

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Sounds good. I am one of the least fancy, least attentive dry & cure folks around.

I wash mine thoroughly so they are also dripping wet when I hang them.

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Oh, and good to leave the seeds on while it dries. :slight_smile:

Ah right on, I didnt even hang mine. Shes so tiny XD.

She just sat on the shelf for four hours and shes in a paper bag now in the fridge for the low and slow method dr ziggy made <3

Im on page 11 by now but it was a good read DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest | Page 11 | 420 Magazine

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Might try that if I had an extra fridge, or one with any space :laughing:

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From what im reading its markedly better than hanging air dry, oh and even less work than conventional drying methods XD

It preserves the monoterpenes that would just evaporate into the air . Which is quite neat.

In the thread someone said their fridge dried bud had noticably more mycrene in it which is the terp GREAT at getting noids past your blood brain barrier <3

Ive seen some pics posted too, It looks way fresher :stuck_out_tongue:

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Very cool!
I think myrcene is one of my favorite smells.
We do keep our house fairly cool, 60-68, so it’s not as bad as it could be. I just want a Cannatrol. Set and forget is my jam :rofl:

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Ah right on , I think this method will end up being right for me at least with smaller harvests :slight_smile:

Although some use whole fridges and dry the whole 10 oz plant XD

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Interesting trait noted on the tent girl.

Near the flower nodes she’s switched to one blade leaves !

I can’t tell you how long it’s been but I’m liking her

Here’s syrian v as well


Alpine Gleux by High Alpine Genetics has been lotus drying for three days… I got impatient and snuck a few tester snips into the vaporizer and I’m already happy.

Smells : subtle at first but turns into a grape floral intense smell. Almost like a fruity chocolate? Hard to put my finger on it .
Effects : for CBD, tbh very nice. I feel the effects almost instantly. It’s this calming relaxation that sets in and makes me feel damn good.
I’m very excited to grow out the Alpean x Kullu F1s. Very excited to see what Kullu gave Alpean.

In my opinion in the f1s I think I’ll see some THC dominant and a few CBD dominant depending on pheno. I think the THC dom phenos will offer a Sativa dominant hybrid high with some backend relaxation from the Alpean.
CBD Dom phenos imo will be the perfect wake and bake get work done and still function sativa type of Type 2.

NO idea yet though.

I have 3 viable seeds so far

@RainToday @Magu @GrouchyOldMan


Took a decent bit of leaves off the tent girl , I realized she still had quite a few leaves blocking multiple bud sites and I was kind of worried about airflow. Nothing to major, it’s still early in flower and I think to be quite honest I’m done touching her till harvest so she should recover well !

After the trim

Before the trim