BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

Sorry sometimes my journal gets two big photos updates in a row :rofl:.

So after reading some forums I found ethylene gas Is great for increasing flowering production.

So I grabbed a tomato and sat it on the soil until it started rotting, threw that away and we switched to a lemon lol. But IT WORKS very well

I’m blown away by how long some of the hairs are on the lowers ( literally longer than some tops )

And last but not least. I believe I have the final toll of beans from The pollination…keep in mind she was a real tiny plant :rofl:. 13. !!! 13 kullu landrace male x alpean gleux CBD auto female

I lied I touched tent girl :eyes:.

Since she seemed to respond well to my bends , I did some more , she’s really opened up now and light is getting deep into the lowers :slight_smile:

@blowdout2269 heres what ive been up too :stuck_out_tongue: !


It’s been five days without an update , and a lot has changed !

The first Syrian V I repotted is exploding. I tossed both into flower. The second one I repotted today and am hoping for the the best. It looks a little sad now…

Both have hairs now!

Should I remove those super huge fan leaves from syrian to let light get underneath ?

There’s a random shot of babys mixed in , that’s drunken cherry fogdog and red velvet cake auto !

Tent girl, oh tent girl :notes: . She’s smelling awesome :sunglasses:. I’m not good at descriptions but I get sweet cake type smell with pepper / gas.

She’s getting thicker.

@Flower I saw you liked alot of my posts so here is a tag to my most current update !

@Magu @GrouchyOldMan @darkillusion @blowdout2269 how am I doing for a novice grower? I feel like ive been growing for an eternity but its only been a year ;p with little success. Im glad this year is already a better outcome than last.


Yes, go ahead and take a few leafs out. Just do not go to crazy…

You are doing just fine, Rome was not built in a day. All new growers do not just start out growing ungodly good weed. Takes a grow or two to get used to the system you are using.


I took two middle ones and two lowers out , leaving her alone for a while ! Thanks for the advice, I think Im getting used to it, It was a very smooth transition from the two males I had earlier this year to what Im doing now So I think I’ve honestly got a hang of my system now.


I have only been growing about three years, myself, so am also a fairly new grower.
I think your plants look great.


Thank you I appreciate that. Hoping to get the dry and cure dialed in !


Hey friends I need an opinion, I’ve had these autos practically under 24 hr light , but. The environment changes. Most of the night they’re on my desk under that lamp getting 300-400 ppfd. In the morning they’re in the window sill ( for now, not much longer ) getting That glorious sun PPFD , and rest of the day is in the tent at 700-800 ppfd .
Is this bad for the plants in any way?

Also, I’m going to check ph the next time I water it, but meh poor red velvet cake has Browning showing up on her leaves.

Her root system looks rather healthy so I’ll rule out over watering and leave all other possibilities on the table :stuck_out_tongue:


Plants in general will adapt to the light they are getting, but in nature that could include growing in a place that gets shade part of the day and direct sun part of the day. I feel like routine is good for them so they can adapt to it, and if moving them is done like you describe on a fairly consistent schedule I don’t see that it would cause issues.


Awesome that’s what I was kind of thinking :thought_balloon:, I’ll get an update on the tent girl and syrians soon :soon:, I’ve been out of wack lately , low energy , tired etc, so I’ve been doing bare minimum with the grow :p.

I just got outside today and planted an azalea and a rose bush for my mom which took 2 hours to do because I was stoned and jamming music , whilst conserving energy reserves trying not to go to hard
( look im 26, im working on it okieee I got addicted to video games and it just went wayyy to far over the past 10 years. I think especially since covid ive been the most inactive ive ever been.

Im not overweight <3, but Im not eating the healthiest and I am sitting way tooo much :-;
I am also so addicted to fricking nicotine ( disposable vapes ) that its suppressing my appetite alotttt.

I am making steps towards change and I keep finding out if I go to hard on exercise im going to REALLY feel it the next day :stuck_out_tongue:

Why am I saying all of this? I dont know honestly, maybe one day a younger guy or gal in a similar situation as me will read this and change themselves !

I do know one thing though, I curse those who make social media , video games, tvs, etc , so addicting… I didnt fact check this but I BELIEVE IT , Apparently brain scans of heroin users look very similar to brain scans of heavily addicted gamers.

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Stop smoking nicotene and start walking regularly. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. :grin::rainbow:


I destroyed my vape, only one left is my brother’s , I’ll let him know I broke mine and maybe that’ll get him to break his :).

Walking is the next step. I have been singing daily , which is exerting alot of physical energy because I also do the metal vocals , and dance around having fun. But we’ll call that baby step toward walking. Just like my mom said , go check the mail, come back, do that for a week, then the block a couple times for a week , etc till I’m active again :slight_smile:


Small update. We’ve reached day 40 Ish for my Atonic x CakeFighter Tent girl , it seems like everyone kind of has their own ideas on how to defoliate, to be quite frank I beat the shit out of this plant by doing all this while she flowered : bent the main stem down to even canopy, bent more stems down to even canopy , and a third time bent more stems down ( a hard enough bend to make a knot. )

And here I am day 40 trimming her up. She just had too many leaves :skull::joy: , way too many flower sites being covered, leaves smashed up against each other etc. definitely had to be done :white_check_mark:.

So I don’t ruin anything , how should I be feeding her now at day 40?

Also keep in mind she did not get a long veg whatsoever! The 40 day mark she looked about as tall as my solo cups rn, just wider.

The Syrian Vs are both showing hairs , kind of stoked about that as I still have plenty of Blue Moon Rocks pollen and Black Cream Auto pollen.

I’m not sure what f generation Hoku is selling for Syrian V, but I think the size difference is on me… funny enough the smaller one seems to be flowering faster than the bigger Plant.

Hey it’s me Again !!!

I decided to take more pictures today so here they are!

@RainToday @GrouchyOldMan would you guys up the nutes? Ive been giving her half a teaspoon or more of jacks every few days. and alternate between feed and normal gassed off tap

Note for Light - Day 45ish for tent girl


They look pretty good to me, I’m not much of a nutes expert :slight_smile:


Sharing photos of how the grows going :slight_smile:


Going to try and pop two beautiful Kullu X Alpean beans 🫘. Let the hunting begin :exploding_head:.

I’ve got a tent full right now so I’m wanting to veg them quite a while, maybe a month , if I can keep them small

Heres a photo of tent girl :


@GrouchyOldMan @DougDawson

Is this too early to pollinate?

I’m thinking about making some syrian V x black cream auto and Syrian V x Bog BMR


I would wait for those pistils to fill in a bit more personally.


I was thinking that myself, Just wanted a pro to assure me, thank you man <3


I wanted to ask is their a chance that the Drunken Cherry Fogdog doesnt go auto?

Or maybe it wasnt auto at all haha but Im pretty sure it did say auto on the seedpack ;p

Maybe her timing is alot later or something but i’m not seeing any hairs come yet, and shes been under 12/12 conditions for a long time . The other auto I have going is flowering already :stuck_out_tongue:
Heck maybe she just needs more light :P. Cool plant regardless, nice smells already :slight_smile:


It is an auto, unless I accidentally got a few beans mixed up and not noticed it. I was on a lot of pain killers for my neck for a few months. :grimacing:


Maybe there was a small mixup haha !!! I’ll keep you posted on it, maybe we’ll nail what it is haha :slight_smile:

I hope your necks doing better now !