Bigj’s Refresher run

RIP Monkey Slapz. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. So apparently during one of my half awake checks in between working I moved a bucket right on her airline and she dried up from lack of water. I got the line clear and pumping air. Looking like I’ll have to pop another.


@SubzeroIceKold 2 for 2 , be hitting the buckets in couple days. :+1::+1::v:


@chronix 3 for 4 so far.


Purple jellato just about ready.


That top pick is dope! How do you transplant your clones, when the roots are so long and whatnot?

I started adding clonex, and my clones took off. Thanks for sharing that. The roots got long, but not bushy like yours.


I’ve been watching your grow growin’ along. :smiley: :v:


I don’t usually let them get that big. I got preteen clones :rofl::joy: my brother in law wanted 4 so I put couple extra in just in case a couple didn’t make it. Well that didn’t happen …they all made it :grin::grin:. He has his grow shut down getting some work done on his house and well it’s taking a lot longer than expected . Going on 3 weeks past when he was supposed to take them. And of course I took clones of the #2 plants which are monsters and grow quick. Now he’s talking end of February. So a couple are gonna go to my other brother in law and the others I’m not sure probably find somebody to give them away to. I’ll have to start him more when he is actually ready. The other brother in law will be doing dirt which will be easy.


The clonex really helps.keeps them from yellowing so bad and Speeds things up. Good to hear it’s helping. Roots will get bushy. Just let them go longer, as far as transplanting them that big would probably have to modify a net pot a bit open some holes and try and weave the roots through them. Lol sorry for the delayed and sporadic response Just finished watering/ feeding and checking things over , I kinda rush read though , had to go back through it again. Lol.


What a stoner move! :joy:
RIP Monkey Slapz.

SG lookin good, aswell as the others!


Those are gorgeous! Love the dark bud colors amidst the big leaves. Reminds me a lot of poinsettias, which I adore.

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So last night I took some Blue moon rocks pollen from @DougDawson and dusted some buds on white widow and train wreck. I hit both #2 monsters used a q tip dipped anf a little tap tap over some buds and I’m sure a little may have flown around a bit and gotten a couple others. Didn’t use all but I’d say 1/3 maybe even half of it. :rofl::joy:. If all goes well . Charlottes blue moon and Blue Train Rocks coming soon. :+1::+1::v:


4 for 4 @chronix hopefully have them in the buckets Sunday/monday depending on how quick the get going lol.

Pinot noir x galaxy brain by @SubzeroIceKold cruising along and going into buckets tomorrow or Sunday.


Couple pics of white widow , she is a beast gonna be som nice frosty spears at a month since switched to flower. -1 week transition and roughly 3 weeks , according to nirvana she’s a 8-10 week flower pics are of #2 biggest, frostiest and stacking the best :v:


Train wreck not as thick as widow but still doing great. Frost is definitely getting heavier traveling down the fan leaves. Again # 2 is a beast , best looking of the 3 :v:


New tent mostly set up. Clones transferred , waiting in pots to show up so I can transfer the clones from the cloner


Finally got the cloner transplanted. Gonna be crammed !! :grin:


Ready for the buckets , but I screwed up. I meant to order another air pump with the buckets and didn’t.all my air ports are full. And of course I go to order that same little Comercial pump I have 800gph. and the big one 1450 gph is on sale for less than I paid for the smaller pumps on sale :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. I ordered 2 at 17$ each. .:grin: So I’m waiting on the pump which should be in tomorrow and they will get transferred into the buckets so we can get this party started. :v:


Whatcha got in there.

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Full tent pic. 4 plants coming down this weekend, all 3 scarlet grapes , and purple jellato , emerald fire starting to bud next round of nute will be switching to bloom.


Looks like you starve your plants like I do. :laughing: