Bigj’s Refresher run

Thank you brother . Buds are super frosty smell fruity piney skunky. Really dense heavy buds , looking forward to trying theses out. I’d definitely grow it again just on its appearance :rofl: I’m gonna give her another run along with some other OG autos I’ve got a couple more from @Going2fast im looking forward to popping but I’m gonna run them in the troughs and put them into overdrive :joy::rofl:


She looks delicious. Thanks for sharing her journey.

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Cruising along. Need To up my nutes a bit. Widow and wreck have a few fried leaves, hit them with some preventative hypochlorous and mix was a bit strong gonna clean them up and get some better pics. :v:


Few rootball pics from scarlet grapes day before chop :v:


Looking good brother :clap::clap::clap:


Ya dude, killing it!


Hey there, just found this place, hope you don’t mind me hanging around.


Oh it’s no problem, I thought I had tagged you brother. Feel free :v:


So today I spent some time with my brother , helped him move a few things from his house and went to his shop to check out his grow and to help him out with some seed questions, he and his partner always grow from clones . Well apparently his source of clones is infected with hlvd and now so is His whole grow and he is licensed comercial , with 500 plants . So I’m getting him started on some seeds , they ordered some genetics from elev8 seeds , and I’ve been helping them along. Couple strains discontinued and he doesn’t want to screw it up. As we were talking he brought up tissue culture and wants to set up a room for making crosses and and a clean room for tissue culture. So I asked who’s gonna do the breeding and tissue culture being they are worried about popping seeds :thinking:and he looks at me and says welcome to the business bro start studying up on tissue culture , got an 8000 sqft building with plenty of room for a lab​:rofl::joy:. Athena has a start up kit and that’s what they use :grin:. Took a couple pics of his sherb cake that’s couple weeks out from finish. Room pic is only half the room and only room left using double end hid, getting switched to led after they finish :v:


I’m gonna start sending all these cuts your way to archive. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I wanna play in a lab!


Super jelly over here.
Ya gonna do it BIGJ?


I’m seriously considering it , can’t quit my day job yet :joy::rofl:. I gotta talk with my brother some more. Getting some hlvd infected clones really fcked up their grow this round. Normally they veg a couple weeks and flip. He has plants half the size as he normally would on a 3 month veg. He called me couple weeks ago and started to explain what he had going on, ran down the list of things to check. And eventually convinced him to get them checked at a lab , half the building is in isolation now , Got him to start seeds this round , start fresh with fresh clean genetics , seeds take too long to get going for the schedule they have and he wants to grow stuff nobody else has. there are too many of the same hype strains going around . . so that’s where we got into the conversation of making more seeds and new crosses and then tissue culture came up. I’ve been reading up on it and it seems pretty damn easy. Biggest issue is a clean sterile environment, which shouldn’t be too hard with an 8000 sqft building with only about a 1/3 of it occupied :joy::rofl:. My brother has a 7 year plan. His goal is to make enough money in that time to retire and with the exception of this hiccup he is on target. So it’s really tempting, work inside , taking care of plants and creating new strains and tissue culture lab. :grin::grin:. He was really trying to butter me up about it , showing me a whole section of the building where I could do my thing crazy mad scientist style :joy::rofl:. :v:


New project at work today. Just finished putting a used box on one of the dump trucks , and now I get to cut one of the dump boxes down and shorten it up so that we can add a behind the cab tool box.

1st truck box swap

Second box is getting 30 inches cut off the front and the header is getting moved back and and a frame mount tool box getting added identical to the box in next pick :v:


Job sounds epic to me :grin:
That HLV is nasty stuff. I was really unhappy to read it can come through in seeds as well. For a bit there I thought I was safe going seed-only.

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Finally home and got a little bit of scarlet grapes that’s dry, smells mostly piney with a hint of skunk time to give her a smoke :v:


Progress!! Header tacked back on , hopefully tool box will be in tomorrow. Gotta finished cutting and modifying side door opening, hopefully have it done by end of the week and try to get this truck back on the road :v:


Snow Ryder x Gambian x blueberry so far 1 male . I did not keep it , at this point I have to many others flowering. Next round of these I will let the male do its thing. lol.


Gonna leave me hanging like that?


@Going2fast No brother I’m sorry.i didn’t mean too. She put me out !! I rolled one up and hit it a few times and woke up at 3 am . Really good buzz very relaxing. Not couch lock but mellow. Now flavor is a bit off from what I was expecting and I think she just went too long. It’s kinda earthy with some light floral notes and hints of pine and occasionally a bit fruity at this point. I want to run her again and take her at around 70 days instead of the 81 she went , at 70 days she was smelling fire :fire: . I will run her again when this widow and wreck are done. Gotta check them with the scope tonight see where they are at. Scarlet will go into the troughs along with the recent tester you sent me , couple other autos from you and emerald fire. The trough system will give them a good run and kick them into overdrive. All in all it’s pretty good. I will definitely grow it again I want to try to find that sweet spot between potency and flavor.