Bigj’s Refresher run

It’s still active. :joy::rofl: and the peppers still going


Awesome work in here, @BIGJ ! I’m glad to have stumbled on it in the wild when you mentioned it over at Rhai’s thread. The plants look like they certainly can’t complain, but the real story is buried- that room you’re building out with a quickness and a damn good set of priority to it. Real deliberate, like. I love seeing that kind of thing in journals, since I feel like our garden is always gonna be at that point in one way or another. Each picture set is just a spring board for the next- then that whole ass ppfd monitor dropped into the picture! Hahahaha. That took me by surprise.
Sure to keep watching here, and gotta check out what happened with the Permafrost.
Ran out of likes about a third of the way in.:laughing: :rofl: gonna have to sweat that out and come back with more for yas. Best of luck on your current crops, thanks so much for sharing, especially as another hydro-head, and damn glad to meet ya.
Stay up!



Scarlet grapes nice and perky little seedlings putting some roots down …The last unlabeled seedling is purple jellato, lonely little lady waiting for the other 2 to finish sprouting so they can be transferred to the totes .:+1::+1::v:


Dosi kush left lower , dosi pluto cut lower right , upper right is arachnid pie and upper left is charlotte’s dementia, Dosi kush was angry for a bit. Had some ph issues and come to find out my ph up was really old (3yrs) and not working as it should . New bottle and she is a lot happier, not sure if full green color will come back as she is a budding auto who has also started to show her flowing colors. Have some reds and purples starting to show on Some leaves. :+1::+1::v:


Trough ladies growing like crazy. Gonna pull some clones tonight and clean them up a bit. Get ready to flip to flower. Train wreck (3) in the front row. White widow (3 ) in a the back row. 5 out of six plants 23-25 inches tall one white widow is a bit of a runt, but like her structure, tight nodes , nice foliage, she is a nice little plant all around …

in the running despite her small size. Top right corner little white widow.


@Rhino_buddy not sure if I tagged you or not. Here is my latest journal, feel free to look around, comment, offer advice and ask questions my friend. I like to take it all in and improve my grows :+1::+1::v:


Took Cuttings last night and put In the cloner , so far so good. Everything got a little angry and wilted a bit after about an hour. Dialed up the humidity , and they perked back up. Got a quick peek this morning before lights out and they all look pretty good , :+1::+1::v:


Thanks for the connection man! I’ll be snooping around in my free time. Your plants look so healthy. :heart_eyes:


Nice to have likes to give, and… I’m out haha.

Healthy ladies all around! Love the variety and I really like that cloner setup. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Clones are still looks really good , haven’t checked on them all day. I’ve only been home about an hour. , went out to my brothers commercial grow and did some repairs on the steel door frames. Lower portions rotted out. So he got the repair pieces and I cut the old ones out and welded in some new ones. :+1::+1:


Trough ladies just killing it. Got a few leaves with some brown spots. They are really hungry and needed a cal mag boost. Pic of all the monsters and can’t forget little runt white widow. Buckets doing good except this damn Dosi kush wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. For what ever reason she keeps turning the water acidic. I come home to her with a ph of 4.5 !! She’s not happy and it’s pissin me off.keep
Adjusting and it’s the only one , the others fluctuate 6.0-6.2. Gonna do water change tonight and start over. Hopefully it helps before it ruins flower for her. And a side note for whatever reason my camera makes them lighter in color with the led’s they are not that light green. :joy::rofl:


Scarlet grapes picking up a bit.


Looking great beautiful refresher run!

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and little lonely purple jellato. Got 2 other that have popped just slow to take off


Thank you brother. I try , should’ve started a new journal for these… not much of a refresher anymore :joy::rofl:. Really wasn’t to begin with. Apparently I never really needed it :joy::rofl: only thing I seemed to have lost was my mind :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::dizzy_face:‍:dizzy: :+1::+1::v:


Your title is broad enough that a mind refresh would decide fit😁

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Look like purple jellato is gonna remain lonely, horrible germ rates on these. 3 out of 10 seeds popped and only 1 survivor. So at this point Im thinking about taking 2 totes out and use the empty space for clones for now

Can’t like that bro. :grimacing: