BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Indeed it is. I’m not real good at picking out specific smells. But the Lavender Frosting has a smell to me a mix of rubber and flowers. The King Tut has a fuel smell to my nose. And I can’t place the Euterria yet.


Has a weird name then since it’s smells nothing like it’s name.

Never saw a strain named baby shit either, but some claim their plant smells like a dirty diaper.


I’d ask where you come up with this shit, but I know you draw on personal life experiences, you mentioned once that it was the only way to be as descriptive as you are, ya gotta experience it firsthand you kept saying… I’ll take your word for it…

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Some of us are mature enough to recognize groundbreaking cinema regardless of whether the subject matter is of interest to us :smirk:

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The ground is not the only thing that cinema’s breaking!

You can feign interest all you want, but we’ve seen your favorites list on pornhub… 1727 views of fisting firemen 8?? dude where do you find the time!!!

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HA! You just played yourself! 7 was so bad I never even watched 8 so what now?!

I mean, uh, yeah haha like I’d watch those movies :neutral_face:

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Looks like a great haul. Lavender frosting has some nice resin. You should be happy a while :wink:

I’ve got a friend who talks about King tut but this is the first time i’ve ever seen it. Have you had it before?

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Ok back to work.
Here my shed tent today. ~6 weeks into flower.

This one is the Dragonblood Hashplant I cloned. Lots of buds.

Heres the Undertow. Shes really pretty in person.

And here is the Tropicana Poison. About a week away from chop. Aint she purty?

Thats all I have for now. Thanks for looking.


Sweet Tent! That Trop Poison is a real looker, aint she? The others all look delicious too… Well done my friend!


She’s pretty, that’s for sure. And she smells like fruit. But to be honest I’m a little disappointed in the buds. They look awesome but they never really fattened up much like the other plants that are in that tent. They are are very airy looking up close. I gave one a gentle squeeze and there’s not much there, in my opinion.
But those are pretty for sure. I will let you know how she smokes. It is supposed to be a good strain.


Never had it. It was a gift from my friend @JohnnyPotseed
This is the first time I have run it. He says it’s real fire. I can’t wait.


Had both auto and photo phenos of the F2 version. Auto was a tiny little girl, but nugs that looked like anime characters hair… Ran for seed, and ultimately not a ton of weight obviously. Can’t complain on the photo version, her main cola was a nice thick dense nug, and her lower buds were pretty firm as well. Just jarred her up the other day, gotta get a weight on her, but it was a full 64oz mason jar :smiley: all purple LOL…


Picture or it didn’t happen!

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Nugs SO big, I gotta move em by train! TPF2 on the light green car, UFS#18 on the dark green car…


@BigMike55 Those colors are so striking and just keep going back for more!
@Nagel420 That train pic had me grinnin’ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Nicely played, indeed!


Mike did you do a seed run with the TP?

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no, I was running Sinsemilla. If the smoke turns out special, I may do a little hunt. Only have a few seeds left tho.


Yeah, I meant to get clones but did not. I messed up. I mighta been high… I don’t know.