BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

This thread has been fun and informative, thanks for making time to share it.

BigMike takes a lickin an keeps on tickin!

Feliz Navidad y prospero ano nuevo @BigMike55!
:v: :green_heart:


@BigMike55 Merry Merry Christmas Mike!!!


Thanks a boatload Pink. You too. Hope you and yours had a big ol’ time.


OK folks, Now I’m not one to plead with anyone to get a Covid shot. I’m just asking everyone to PLEASE be careful.
A very good friend of mine lost his wife to Covid last week. And if that ain’t bad enuff, his son was put in ICU last night and is on a ventilator.
My nephew is a head nurse at a major trauma center in California. I was talking to him yesterday. He said "Uncle Big…you know what I hear the most from people who get put in the hospital right before they die? I wish I hadda got the vaccine. And he is as anti-vax as anyone. Meaning he only got his vaccine because his job required it.
Like I said, You gotta do you. And thats cool with me. But if you choose to not get vaccine, please be as careful as you can be. I don’t wanna lose no more people to this.


I’m the kind of guy if you bring the vaccine, I’m getting it in me. If your public service announcement saves a single life it’s definitely worthwhile. Probably had 50 vaccines by now, I lost count.

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Guy at church’s son, a 26 year old son just died. He was a bodybuilder and caught it at a compensation. They kept him on a vent for an extra week after it should have.
All anti vax. My Daughter is a PA and the hospital she works at is at a higher rate than during 2020.


People are getting lasaiz faire about it… Some are tired of being cooped up I’m sure. But numbers don’t lie (I hope, never totally trust the govt). I’m vaxxed, higher risk for a few reasons, and almost live like a hermit. Honestly, I can understand peoples frustrations, I am a person who thrives on interactions with others, and I feel like I’ve been in jail over a year now :frowning:

If it doesn’t take a toll physically, its taking its toll mentally :frowning:


Aggree 100% man. I seriously leave home for work and that’s it. Even have groceries delivered and sanitized every item before it comes inside.
But yes Jail like :+1: is how I’d describe it too. Small price to pay to enjoy a mask less world again hopefully.


Same boat here man, got a 1 year old in the house to boot so we really don’t do shit anymore. Saw a meme early on in the pandemic that said “I don’t care if they are microchipping people, for all I care bill gates can shove an iPod nano up my pee hole if it means I can go get bottomless chicken tenders at Applebees again” :joy::joy::joy:


So. Sunday morning. 7 weeks since flipping lights. These babies are packing on some serious weight.
Heres the whole tent.

Lavender Frosting.



And the King Tut

tagging @Kyumonryu @Slick1 @MoBilly @JohnnyPotseed @lambchopedd


My other tent will have to wait. I performed a wake and bake this morning and nodded out watching Pink Floyd on Bluray. So my other tent will have to wait until the lights come on tonight.


Looking great as usual man!

I could think of much worse ways to spend a Sunday. What made you choose to watch that versus your weekly viewing of Fisting Firemen 9?


Ok, you wanna go there?
I was gonna not say anything, but when you sent it back to me, you know good and well you scratched the shit out of it. Its now unwatchable. And what is that dried up puddle on it? SPIT?


Oh it’s just tapioca. I just appreciate you letting me borrow your prized possession like that. You were right too! 5-7 were totally phoned in but 9 was a triumphant return to what made the Fisting Firemen franchise so great. That scene with the fire hydrant at the bottom of the firepole blew my mind!


Thats some funny shit right there or im extremely high rn.

Maybe both…


You fukkerz craaazeee! Haha! Tent looking righteous BigMike!


thanks brotherman!

Dang bro. That looks down right tasty right there! I bet it is smelling wonderfully rank in there as well!

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No Tropicana Poison, did you already chop her?

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No, she is in the other tent. Still have a couple hrs of dark for her before I can do pics.

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