BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Honestly, at this point in the grow, That Lavender Frosting is the real winner this time.
She has perfectly shaped, extremely hard nugs, and the smells keep changing on me. Some times a kinda rubber like smell, sometimes flower, sometimes really sweet. I’m guessing it will be interesting smoke. The frost on them is off the chart, too. Really sticky. About 3 more weeks and we will know what the end game will be.


Definitely came out better than mine :laughing:

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As far as looks goes… the Tropicana Poison is prettiest. For overall STANK… the King Tut, by far. The overall plants tho, Lavender Frosting, hands down winner. I just can hardly wait to try her goodness.


Sounds like the trifecta going on there… Looks, stank and goodness! :smiley:

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@BigMike55 looking great in here I’m about to drop some Good Medicine.
Chopped the Citrus Milf i hit with your Dragon Blood Hash Plant and have seeds separated, I would love to send you some. Not a big haul but more than I need.


Hey bro. I am so pissed and bummed out right now! I went in to check my clones and every one including my Blak n Blu Cookies are dead.
My heating pad has an obvious hot spot where it tried to catch fire and the water was completely boiled out. It baked them all! I hadn’t checked them since I filled the water tray day before yesterday. They are all gone.
I feel like throwing something through a wall right now.


Sorry for your loss. Terrible it happened but lucky it didn’t catch fire. :sleepy:


Yes. I don’t even have a smoke alarm in that little clone room. It would have gotten bad before I even knew it was a problem.


damn @MoBilly sorry for your troubles dude. glad it wasnt worse though.


Thanks @LegsMahoney . We dodged a bullet for sure. I need to change out the breaker on that circuit. I believe it should have kicked off but it didn’t.


Jeez, Dude! That’s a stroke of bad luck to end 2021.
Totally sucks out loud. Back to square one tho.


I’m sick to my stomach but as others have said. It could have been a very bad situation.
More beans can be dropped but we could have been homeless today.
I am OK with the way it is.
My next move is to put smoke alarms in both grow rooms. I don’t know why I didn’t install them when I split the room up for growing. I knew the room was totally enclosed and vented so I wouldn’t have even smelled the smoke until the room was engulfed.


That reminds me - it’s time to check the battery in mine… :thinking:



Those black purple ones are my favorite.I always wanted to grow a darth Vader black plant just never knew which ones did that.The top pic with the SpongeBob pineapple buds those leaves man they are like dinosaur leaves .Only my outdoor gets like that.Getting there though the temp and humidity thing takes some getting a hang of in that tent


Set me to Watching. I think either Friday of Saturday, I am cutting the Tropicana Poison. That will be 50 days and they are a Fast Flower Plant. The Buds are more Purpleish Red than Black to my eye. If we are talking about the same plant.


Yes sir that purple has me just wondering what terps are in those darker varietal like that?I know the purples were supposed to be good for pain some people get head aches from them though.Wish I could find real purple Urkle I heard That guy ownes a chain of dispensary in California and I think he even got rights on the name if I am correct.

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I like the way this plant grows. I may try to make a few seeds for myself if the smoke is good enuf to warrant it… Fncking amazing looking buds tho.


I have a question. maybe some of you awesome growmies can answer this.
I have three Lavender Frosting, one King Tut and one Euteriia all in the same tent flowering at week 8.
The Lavender Frosting appear to be Foxtailling like a mofo. This is the second time I have ever experienced it. The first was several years ago on a White Widow. Thes LF are foxtailling BIG. I thought at first maybe they we stacking and just getting big. But they are definately foxtailling. BIG.The other two plants in with them are fine.
Could this be a genetic thing? Something I did or did not do? What causes this? Why only the three LF and not the others? I’m sure @JohnnyPotseed will have some kind of answer, since he has been growing longer than anyone I know.


If everything is the same, nutes, light etc. I would say genetic. Ive grown 1 or 2 strains that tend to foxtail.

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I’m inclined to say it’s the strain cuz. I’ve grown LF a couple times, 8 & 20 for 28 total, and had foxtailing occur on a lot of em both times

That foxtailing is something I’ve seen on a lot of the hybrid/crosses.It might be due to a few things

Especially since you have other, more solidly worked strains in there with them, That aren’t foxtailing. Which leads a person to feel the lights, nutes, water/feed schedule, temps etc AREN’T the culprit.