BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

No PNH got it It was Don Adams as Maxwell Smart in the TV Series Get Smart


Lmao I thought you was looking to hear the plants breath…

That was kinda like stealing… you’re a good dude.

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My theory is they’ll try to run and since plants don’t have legs they’ll run up towards the light!


How many times did you flash that poor CT??? :rofl:


I left some posters I had made up in the room when I couldn’t physically be there.


This explains ALL of your troubles!!


Don’t be fresh I sent you an autographed one like you requested (repeatedly). Should be there soon!

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Yes! I needed a new target for the pellet gun!

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Aim small, miss small!

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“The pellet gun” is what he calls his undersized wiener…

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Now you boys play nice in here!

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Yes dad. Ten characters

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My old man’s line used to be “you kids fight nicely”


Do you ever drop your temps to harden up your buds?Id imagine dimming them would drop the temps a bit to help I was going to try where I’m at it’s pretty cold and all I have to do is dim the light a bit and it drops in 5 degree implements.Was wondering if it was worth the effort.My buds are fluffy and thick a little harder would be better ideal.


Felt like a gift served up for a knuckle dragger like me. Thanks BigMike!

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Not really, the temperature setpoint remains the same when I dim the lights. I may try that, but I don’t usually have fluffy buds.

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Hey I have a question.
When you guys are running several plants of a certain strain, when it comes harvest time, do you keep they buds from each plant separate?
I normally just bunch all the same strain together and the buds get mixed together. Then they cure as, say, Blue Dream, or whatever.
I have a buddy that says he likes to keep each plants buds serarate, so he ca experience each pheno.
I was just wondering what is done by my peers.


I like to keep different phenos of the same strain separate. I don’t always though.


I do the same as Floyd, but not always. Depends on if they have more noticeable differences or not between them.