BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

I do the same as them.
Just harvested 3 slh that looked the same so they got mixed


In the past I just bunched stuff together, but I’ve had weird experiences. I had 4 different plants off 1:1 cultivar that I put all in the same jar only to find that one pheno was not a 1:1 but a full blown THC dominant pheno. Was breaking into that jar often in the daytime during work because of the light effects and then got one of those THC dominant nugs right before a meeting with my boss! Haha. It drove home the point of pheno hunting and isolating individual plants, so that’s what I’m doing from here on out unless I’m running a monocrop of clones


Think I will keep them separated this time. Just because I can see many differences in all three plants of Lav Frost. One has much thinner nugs and tops than the other two. one has really fat nugs and colas, with a little foxtailling, lots of frost even on the fan leaves. The third has fat colas and nugs, tremendous foxtailling, smaller amount of frost, but has a really colorful fade going on, whereas the other two are still dark green, mostly.


Don’t know what all that mean, pheno-wise. But I’m assuming that Frostiest girl is going to be some STELLAR smoke. She was putting on frost on her leaves before she even started budding good! Wish I had remembered to clone.


Go for the reveg! (Never done it personally but it seems to work)


I have revegged a few times. I would much rather from my own clones. Reveg takes a looooooong time for it to catch on to what you want her to do then she goes through a ‘wonky leaf’ stage before straightening out. its a longer process than I’m willing to give it. rather pop some new seed.


I hear you, from what I’ve heard it’s like a last ditch effort to save a special pheno if you didn’t take cuts. I’m always paranoid that something I like might be the only one in the genetic mix, but odds are you can find something again, just a question of how many seeds it takes before you see it again right?


Bean damage


I cured my most recent harvest in Grove bags and really liked the results. You can get them in 1/4 LB size so you can use one or two for a whole plant after it’s trimmed and manicured and ready to cure. Since they’re only a couple of bucks and can keep a whole plant “in one place” it makes it easier for me now to think about curing bud because I know each plant can have its own, homogenous environment where it won’t be mixing with any other strain and creating any kind of weird or blended effect.

This was super important last harvest because out of 2 seeds I ended up flowering from Hazeman’s Bubba Kush x Stardawg, one was a juicy purple bubba pheno and the other was a musky skunky green garlic pheno. Mixing them together would have absolutely ruined the purple bubba pheno, I borderline want to throw out the garlic stuff it’s so unpleasant.


I grew out a Blue Cookies one time that smelled like dead animal. And didn’t get you high or nothing. It was worthless. Beautiful plant. Useless plant. She got thrown away.


Love it! I was thinking of doing something like this as well since its extremely hard for me to hold it, zoom it and take a pic without it being out of focus.

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I would only separate them if they grew noticeably different from each other. If the buds were super similar they’d all be thrown together. The first time I ran Pennywise a few years ago I did 2 beans and then a few clones I kept small. The bud was identical between them so it all got mixed together.

So I brought a plant in last night to put in my bedroom tent. It was lights out so i just put her on the floor for now. Dam if my cat didnt come in behind me. I turn around and that mofo was happily munching on my plant. Little fncker.


Oh damn! I am sorry. Can chewing on the leaves harm a cat/dog or any other animal?

I wouldnt think so. To a cat its probly pretty much like catnip or something like that.


CLEARLY your cat wants a little sumthin sumthin…

Grow some catnip :wink: And keep it away from your ladies…

Or, just blow some smoke towards your cat. You obviously don’t see how jonesing it is for some real grass!


I had a Malamute dog long time ago, that would sit with me while smoking a doobie. and sniff the smoke from the hot end of the joint. A LOT. She would get fucked up along with the rest of us.


I was thinking this morning about harvest coming in about two weeks.
Some of these girls stretched out a good deal, leaving a bunch of buds just below the second net but above the first. what I’m thinking of doing at harvest then, is to cut the stuff above the second net, leave the stuff above the bottom net and lower my lights and let them go another 2 weeks. Never tried it before but I understand it can be a benefit to the bottom nugs. ???

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Check out this little guy. Full blown flowering in a Beer Cup.


I lived with an Akita that was the same. Would come running if it heard or smelled anything to do with cannabis. She was an awesome dog! She would beg you to get her high.

Reminds me of this silly movie. Hahah