BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

The Lavender Frosting appears to be very high quality smoke. Top Shelf for sure. For that little dinky bud I smoked, I’m pretty toasty. Can’t wait to Harvest the big buds now!


Make sure some last till the end of the cure bro. :slight_smile:


Heres from the first couple small branches. Trimmed up in the jar. Never have had buds this purple.


Awesome color. Looks like it’s dusted in grape kool-aid powder

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…And stickier than a by-god; and by God that’s sticky.


Hey, my wife bought me some bong cleaner. It’s called Grunge Off.
If you have never used it, it seems to work remarkably well. I soaked an old personal sized bong in it for about an hour, swished it around and its clean as a whistle. And it must have something in it that leaves like a film behind when you rinse, because the next time I rinsed it the gunk came off a lot easier. The bottle says reusable. How many times is up for discussion. but for the first time using, I’m impressed.


Them are some beautiful buds!!

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Thank You Kindly, Sir (or ma’am). Welcome to this monkey farm.

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Sir lol. Took Ganja Ma from a garden in Northern California, one of my favorites :pray:

You will find me a little old school. That is just what I say when I meet someone new . he is Sir, or she is Ma’am, until I learn who they are.
Hell, I still open the car door for my wife. I get up and let a woman sit in my seat at the dr’s office. Part of being me.


I’ve used orange chronic most of my life, if I buy anything at all. I’m gonna have to try the grunge off. What’s it smell like? Cleaner? 🤷

it has a nice odor. A little citrusy. but just a little . Not alcohol or chemical smelling.

Excellent. Orange chronic is very Orange forward. Lol

Ok. I’m a little miffed.
Mostly at myself for my stupidity.
So yesterday, I took a bud off the Euteriia for testing. What I hardly ever do.
And there was a skimpy branch of Lavender Frosting That I took the day before.
So, while I’m waiting for my Euteriia bud to dry a bit more, I handgrind the LF to try out. What do I find in the smallest buds? Frickin seeds. This is supposed to be sinsemilla. One kick to testicles. How in the hell did I get seeds? no male was in the tent. Last run in that tent was DBHP. So, still I cleaned that tent and the devices until my hands were sore. Then I washed it some more.
Oh, well… must have been a stray pollen or two. No big deal, right?
So, now I handgrind the Euteriia, a few minutes ago. well HELLO, MOFO three seeds fell out. Kick number two to the testicles.
I hope it is just random on the lower buds on these plants. and not on the upper buds and colas.


@BigMike55, had the same happening to me with my first and only OG kush (so far!), and being a newbie at such, pollen never even existed around my grow space! Came to find out here it does put out some nanners at times! In your case, two different plants! Makes one wonder!! How was the smoke!? Dank!? All the best brother!!

A gentleman! old or young! A good person! That’s who you are!! :pray: :hugs:

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That sucks buddy! Must have had one of them hermie. Are the seeds well developed?

Yes they are are. Small, but dark coffee brown and hard. I assume they are good.

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I was wondering about that. I wonder how long pollen stays viable after releasing from the plant. Cuz it’s been a couple months since I had a male DBHP in there. If it’s Hermie I don’t want to fool with the seeds. If it’s an unintentional cross I would try the beans to see what they produce.

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So probably an early male flower or nanner somewhere. You may find the culprit when you take them down. I have LF seeds. :thinking:


I dont believe that long. Heat and humidity will degrade it.