BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

I’ve heard both sides of the coin in terms of viability. Like others said check heavy for banners during the trim I guess, if nine then it’s an unintentional cross

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OK so I got up at 6 this morning and started trimming up the Tropicana Poison plant. Got a branch or two in, And looked over to see a lonely bud of Euteriia. I had to go and visit her.
Well I smashed it up. Put a bit in my bong. Two hits later, and…
Thanks a lot @DannyTerpintine now I’m too fucked up to finish trimming. LOL


Time for some Pink Floyd and a stack of pancakes??


Great Minds Think Alike!


Here is my Tropicana Poison after trimming. Sticky as hell. They were cut 5 days ago and still a little too moist to put in the jars. But look at that color! Those buds are so purple, Prince would be saying, “Those are some PURPLE Mofos!”


That stuff in the other tray is shit that fell off while I was trimming. Because I was not in the ‘trimming’ state of mind. Too stoned. but its all for me anyways. and a few choice freinds and family. So, its all good. Honestly have never seen cannabis buds that purple.

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One might say, But those are only purplr because you didnt trim deep enuff !
Nope! This is what it looks like ground up for me to smoke in a while.


haha glad it was effective! :wink: Sounds like a good time lol


That is amazing Mike! I want to see them again in about a month! I would guess that the color should darken a lot through the cure. That will be beautiful. I could see them going almost black with purple highlights. That’s just guessing of course going by how my GDP changed during the cure.


OK So two hits on my small bong of the Tropicana Poison (pre-cure)
First the smell after firing it up is obviously hay-like. its barely dry enuf to smoke.
These taste on the exhale is what I usually go by. This is very berry flavored in the back of you throat. Not any berry in particular. kinda like a berry mix. and sweet. Can’t wait for the next couple weeks in the jars.
The head? well, I didn’t bust into a proper bud. Just the small stuff. Two hits has me pretty dam high. Not immediately tho… after a few minutes I find myself staring off into the distance.
Buzzed in the head.
It was funny I was taking my second hit while I looking at my plants in the bedroom. After who knows how long, I raised my bong to my face, thinking I was drinking a beer. Am I fucked up?


My vote would be “yes”. lol


I’m kicking myself for not taking clones of this.


You have more beans so who knows. You might just get lucky on the next one. :thinking:


Hahah. Hope you do find a similar one in those beans! We’re those the Tropicana S1? Or the F2s?

Got that pollen and the BnB cookies! You’re a truly amazing fella!

Did you get my package yet? Let me know. I’ll resend it. Should be there by now I’d say. If not shoot me your address again and I’ll have more out tomorrow!

Got the Swazi Gold from you if thats what you mean. thank you much
This plant was S-1, I believe I have some F2 seeds as well.

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Awesome. Just wanted to make sure they made it!

I’ll have to pop some of those S1s. Those buds have me drooling over here. :drooling_face:

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If you do and get a plant like this one, be sure and get a couple clones. You will be way satisfied with this plant. I may actually try to reveg the stump. Loooong process but may be well worth it. I will keep watering the stump until after this get a decent cure. then decide if the time is worth it.


I’d say that sounds like a good plan on your side. I was afraid you’d already trashed it. :disappointed_relieved:

Water that nub! :laughing:

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Pollen… Gets… Everywhere…

At least you know dad is DBHP??? And those still sound like some interesting, unintentional crosses…

I feel yer pain. In my Lucky Charms and my BC Pinewarp there were unexpected seeds, likely in the Spirit Train F2 and Tropicana Poison F2 and Alaskan Purple as well. Seems like the Grandaddy Purple is seed free so far… And I am gonna say dad is UFS#18, as I pollenated, thought I rinsed well enough, and replaced in the tent. Not a single nanner was found, and my autos were long since pollenated and done making seeds (in a different tent as well), so that leaves only one daddy possible during that tents pistils being out and flowering.

Ahh well… More seeds that I know should be pretty decent based on their parents, and I just get a trip down memory lane back to college and deseeding bud. Perfect timing for the rosin press I guess, eh?


Or a great time to invest in a rosin press.