BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Maybe the L was a typo when I was signing up :smirk:


All caught up again! Haha

Always a pleasure to peak into your garde BigMike!!! Loving the fade on dbhp! Excited to be watching those happy little monster grow up!



Two days ago I took a Lavender Frosting bud to try out. I couldnt help myself. I hardly ever do that. I like the surprise of a good cure. But its close to harvest and this tiny little branch has been pissing me off so… snip, snip.
Anyways. A couple of the smaller buds were dry enuff to crumble and smoke. Two small bong rips later. All I can say right now is… It’s FIRE!


No worries on the Lav Frost producing nanners. It turned out to be the King Tut. And not very many male flowers at all. down at the bottom of the plant. So, I have seeds on all the plants but only on the bottom larfy shit, (so far), I took a small branch of LF the other day. It had a few seeds right on the bottom larfy buds but nothing in the top. My theory is that, since I don’t defoliate my plants very much, there were enuff leaves to keep the pollen for those few flower from getting to the top of the plant. Hopefully the buds and colas have not been affected.


Sounds like a good theory. Fingers crossed for you. :smiley: :crossed_fingers:


Sucks about the nanners bud but who knows, those seeds my just grow some amazing stuff. Hope your main colas are safe :v:

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Fingers crossed bro! I have too much air flow for that to help me. Because I need glasses, I had to take more leaves than I wanted to just to be able to see any nanners. Glad I did too. That RBC x Ck threw some.
I do love that fading Hashplant!


Well. Getting ready for my colonoscopy today. That stuff they give you to clean you out is pretty nasty to drink. But it cleans you out good. I bet I could stand flat footed and squirt through a tire swing.


You ever written any books or short stories @BigMike55 ? You’re amazing at painting a “word picture”. :rofl:

Good luck today! Something I never look forward to.


It’s an amazing thing. In a perverted kinda way.
What really chaps my ass, no pun intended, is the price tag to take a good dump. The stuff is $135 after insurance. But I had a coupon, imagine that!, Brought it down to 70 bucks. But still, that’s some high dollars turds I’m flushing.


BigMike! If you ha e a White Castle near by… I think the burgers are pretty cheap and will do the trick! Haha!


The puns :rofl:

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Holy shit! Thats expensive. Fraction of the cost in Canada. I know, I’ve had a few butt scopes unfortunately. Better safe than sorry though.


There’s always the good old ‘fleet enema’… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:

Nurse Ratchet makes sure it’s nice and cold too!



After my colonoscopy was done, the doctor came in and said “Bad News!”
Oh, shit! What has mother nature unloaded on me this time. First thing I thought of was Cancer.
Turns out he could not get a clear scoping and he said it’s important for me to retake it. He said the stuff they gave me to clean me out did not no as well as needed. I was like, tht stuff was coming out of me like one of those water canons used in swimming pools. I shit you not!
Bottom line they have to reschedule. It better be like 6 months or more. I can’t take any more of this!


Was this your routine weekly colonoscopy or your bimonthly deep cleaning?



You could gift wrap them, and show folks you really give a shit :slight_smile:

I’ve had one, never again.


@BigMike55 Good shit looking good!!
You’ll never see a nanner on any of my strains I promise. I’d never use any plants with hermie traits to breed with…I’m REALLY picky and I toss plants with any signs of hermie. I wouldn’t want to give anyone some seeds I wouldn’t want to grow myself :peace_symbol:


I’m enjoying some of that Lavender Frosting right now. A week in the drying/curing process. But dry enuff to give a good tryout.
When I picked out the small bud to try, it looked pretty dam good for a smallish bud. What I consider enuf for about 3-4 small bong bowls. about three hits each. That size.
I looked at it under the scope. Many of the trichomes were smashed from being in the jar, and from me not being a very good trimmer. But it looked as good as anything found in the top shelf section at any of the dispensaries around here.
So, I just busted a bud open, and scoped the inside. My gawd! those thick trichomes go all the way through the bud. The smell is very herbal/dead flowery.
So I just ground up about a third of the bud with my fingers. VERRRY sticky. Maybe it will get a little less sticky as the cure progresses. but it almost resists being pulled apart, if that makes any sense.
so… one bong hit… feels like it makes your face feel like its going flush.
Now I close my eyes and I can feel it going to the back of my head to my shoulders. Nice.
hit number two. This is now into the body and feels really nice. I’m fairly clear headed and I think I could get up and do something, But I dont want to. I’ll chill for a while.
Lavender Frosting=FIRE!!!


Heres the bud in question.
