BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Hey guys. This little girl was to be in the @Indoornesian Party Cup Challenge. She nearly died. I dropped out but brought her back to life. Look at this little fart. In full flower mode. 5” tall from dirt to tiptop.



Step away from the google!!!

Looks surprisingly decent, other than being in miniature. :stuck_out_tongue: Gotta love those autos, either everything works or it all turns into a waste of time.

Unles I was given inferior seeds to begin with, these plants boggle my mind. They are supposed to be SS#4. My first attempt at autos included her. They all died. Tried this time and I get 3 completely different plants. All started the same time, all given the same nutes, same schedule, same light, there is this little girl, Then there is a midsized girl about 3 feet tall, that looks like it probably leans indica. Then the tall one. about 4 feet tall. And looks more like a Sativa than any of them. Wierd to me. I have other autos to grow tho. I think I am about to pop a few.


At least I made one achievement. All three of these are still alive, I have not succeeded in killing them yet. And they are flowering, so there’s that, at least.


That little survivor will turn out to to be the best one bud you have ever smoked in your life! :laughing: You’ll be on the hunt for that five inch pheno for years.


I know, right. My wife asked me what I’m gonna do with it. I said ‘Grow it out!’
She said for what? a Bowl of smoke?
I Said, “SHhhhhhYEahhh!!”
Hell, as long as it stays green I will nurture her, Until the entire bud turns amber. Dry that rascal up, smoke it and go lay down while I’m still mobile.


Lookie here ladies and gentlemen. I had a bit of kief. Actually a half jelly jar full from the last two grows. I pressed most of it out into a couple pieces of nice hash. I tried a small piece in my bong yesterday. Hoo boy. Very nice to smoke.


Great minds think alike. I just started sampling this i made from cherry cake.


For some reason I never accumulate enough to do that much. :thinking: I wonder why? :slight_smile:


I use a Trim Bin. It has a screen on the top layer and a solid bottom layer to catch the trikes.


The amount of good hash I made with the collected kief paid for that trim bin.


I have absolutely no doubt. I need to get a catch tray like that.


I’ve been looking at them
I need to just get it.

I always read this thread when I need a pick-up. :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I have a trim bin, but I don’t use it for trimming. It works great for catching and filtering pollen though.


Thanks for saying so. I try to keep it fun. And a little innuendo and trash Tash never hurt nothing.


The real Trim Bin is kinda expensive. Amazon has some fairly cheap trim setups that are similar.

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Yeah, I’ll probably get one off of Amazon. I hate feeding the beast but I can’t pony up a boatload of scratch. I could build one if I could find out what screens to buy… :thinking:

I think its 150 micron in a standard trim bin.
Bubble bags are 220, 160, 120, 73 and 25 micron, so it might be cool to make a tray with a couple layers of screen at say 160 and 120.
Edit: I think silk screen is relatively durable, but you could use poly mesh or stainless mesh too