BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

:v: :slight_smile:
I didn’t know it was a contest?!!
I won!!! Yay me!! LOL
I’m good man. I just saw the numbers and thought I’d yank your chain. Thanks brother. :facepunch:


Got some BTK yesterday. Did first application yesterday. Should I wait a few days and hit her again?


It’ll kill anything that ingests it in three days. Check back then and see if they are all dead!

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I never spray for caterpillars. I try to comb through the plant looking for the brown spot on a bud. I want to make sure I get the crap out of the bud so it doesn’t create a mold issue. I pinch off all of the bad stuff and once I see the worm, I know it’s dead. I make sure any of the dead area is removed. I also don’t have a full blown problem yet. I’m sort of hoping this is it for them but the white moths come out around end of August start of September, if I remember right, when the buds are pretty fat. Good luck.


Decisions, decisions. What to smoke next.


Nice bud there bud!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Hmmmm, I see. That is a predicament. :thinking:

Is that one strain? or multiple? Nice buds.


Blue Cookies?? :star_struck:


I absolutely LOVE having that particular quandary!!!


Those are all Blue Cookies from my previous grow. Got some good sized colas.

Yesterday my wife, while I was out, let the Terminex guy come and spray for termites.
So, he got to see my plants in the back yard. I hope he forgets about them. I have a strange feeling that my outside plants will be stolen.


Here is a pic of the Dragonblood Hashplants. The one in front is a girl by seeing what I believe are her pubes. . The other 3 are not showing yet. This is 3 weeks since putting them in the tent as seedlings about 6 inches tall. They are growing well. I put them in Happy Frog soil with about a quarter Perlite mixed in. Today wasPreformatted text the first time giving nutes. The beer cups are Lemon Pie Autos a member here gifted to me. That would be @Mr.Sparkle


Without making any changes, like puttin the exhaust system outside the tent, i figure I have about 36” of height from top of soil. Thats as tall a plant I can have with lights and exhaust and still have distance to the lights. They are 14-16” tall now. I wanted to wait another 2 weeks to flip but they seem to be really taking off. Now I am thinking 1 week. Dont really know what to expect on the finishing height.
Any advise???


Looking great bud, just remember supercropping is your friend. I would bet @Mr.Sparkle would have great advice for keeping plants a manageable height.


Im talking about the Dragonblood plants. I got those from @anon93244739, i think. @Mr.Sparkle gave me the autos in the red solo cups.


I just meant because he grows in a very confined space. His setup is amazing.


Yes it is.
Im in a 4 X 4 X 80 tent but when you start adding up everything. Pot, lights, exhaust system. I feel im going to run out of space. If I knew how much of a stretch to expect I could judge better. So, with the exhaust at the roof, then lights plus distance to canopy, you run out fairly quick. My Blue Cookies and my Afghani plants last grow only stretched a little. Maybe about half again. They got more wider than taller.


Come on in here,. @corgitron go back to 1011. That’s what I have as of today.

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You don’t have doubts, just a couple dilemmas!!! LOL! Enjoy friend!! Fat ones!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Good smoke too. Not ’ one and quit’ but about 3 is all that’s needed. Now if you fire up a bowl in the morning with coffee, you won’t get sh!t done till about noon or better.


How big are you flowering in? The one up front looks like it needs a little extra boost of micros and calcium. I had 2x / 2.5 stretch. Was taking it 14 weeks.