BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Lets see what I get before I start giving away the farm. But if I get some dust I will share it with you, brother


Many thnx!

btw, lol I’m in the process of harvesting a good bit of very nice looking beans of a Unicorn Poop gal I hit with the last of that fem ISS dust ya sent me. Do ya want some?

Unicorn Island! fem, at that lol


Indeed, I doo.
See what I did there?
Unicorn Poop… Doo???
Ah never mind.
Yes, please.


lol cool, they’ll head yer way in about a week.


Don’t hurry on my account.
I have no room for any more plants. I already have taken over the ‘guest’ room with grow tents and equipment. Plus a few guitars and amps, and the room is pretty full. I don’t think Zee will let me have another room.


lol yeah, it’s hard to get a room. When I relinquished the two spare bedrooms back to Rose… she let me know in no uncertain terms that I would NOT get em back.

Who is the boss around there, anyways??? You have your rights!

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IKR? I wear the damn pants in this family…she just tells me which pair to put on and which leg to put in first. Sheeesh :heart_eyes: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :man_facepalming:


Rose is gonna smack me for that last remark. Haha.


She had to ask what I was laughing at. Then she got up and read the last few posts over my shoulder.
You’re in soooo much trouble! lmao
She said to tell ya that after me taking over half the house in the last two homes we owned, lol she ain’t giving em back to me.

She said she felt like she was living outdoors! A jungle, is her words lol

But… but…but, at least it was a lush jungle!


This Space Dude Cross looks nice, Yes?


That’s one weird looking female, but wow look at the size of those seed pods……. :clown_face:

Don’t mind me it’s the bubble I just smoked kicking in!

Looks good bro……


By the way. @Oldjoints
Since these were yours, I naturally give you first dibs on pollen. But @JohnnyPotseed will get the rest. If I get like I did with that ISS, there will be plenty.

And OK. Bubble hash it is!!!


Pardon my not being able to answer a bit ago. I had some pain come over me that made me sick to my stomach and laid down for a bit.
Of course, I’m on board with however you wanna work out the pollen. If there isn’t much, just send it to our fiend @Oldjoints ! I got plenty to do stuff with here.

I’ve got 6 or 7 different pollens as it is. If there is not enough for both of us please feel free to take it as you will get to it before I will!


Many thnx, my friend. I would be glad to get & use it!


Last night I did my Pest Management routine. Not that I have any pests in there.
I just know I have had spider mites in there and want to make dam sure nothing will bother my plants after I put them in flower.
I DUSTED A bit of Diatomaceous Earth on the surface of the soil. Then I mixed up some neem oil to spray them down. And I sprayed the tent walls too. Probably overkill. Then turned the lights off. I have not been in to check them out yet, but just before I said goodnight, they looked really good.


It is NEVER a waste of time to make sure you grow area is free of pests. I do it every time I get an infestation of any kind.


I don’t want my plants to go all Sheelavathi on me. Ha! I had almost forgot about that bug circus.


Hey guys!
I have a question. I am running A humidifier in the grow room. Because its winter. Its Oklahoma. Its 21% humidity.
I have read where some folks foliar feed their plants and that they love it. I’m sitting here looking at this humidifier with its cool mist coming out of it. Wondering if I aimed it directly into the tent and add nutrients to the water, would I be doing the plants any good?? Would it hurt them? Better yet would it hurt ME?