BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I think you may fuck up your humidifier. Mineal salts build in humidifiers so i doubt the nutrient salts will go anywhere.

I use distilled in ultrasonic humidifiers and tap water with wickimg filter types.


Well it kinda sounded good. But I’m a little bit high right now.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


On a different note. These boys are about to start popping good.

Strw Diesel x Space Dude

Blue Tara

Tagging @Oldjoints


Like @Pigeonman said, not good for the humidifier. It will leave mineral deposits in the humidifier, shortening its useful life.

I foliar feed my plants. When applying IPM sprays, I include 1/4 strength nutes. Just mix a small batch of 1/4 strength nutes and use a spray bottle to mist the undersides of the plants. They will like it.


I don’t have either, and can use both. lol I believe @oldjoints already said I could have any you want to part with?

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It will be several weeks. They are just now starting to pop. I see a little pollen laying on the leaves. Couple more days and I will start collecting and drying.
I actually like doing this, but it does nothing to add to the jars. Haha.


It will definatly add to future jars so gotta love that………


I know how you could make some room. All you have to do is find a new home for that blond guitar of yours. I just happen to have plenty room for another guitar.
Just saying.


It is a pretty nice git-fiddle ain’t it?


Well it’s like this. I didn’t have any finger picks when I messed around with it. I also don’t keep long fingernails. Even then, the sound was crisp and clean. The girl has great sustain to boot. I like a good clear tone that just rings for most of what I do. I like the old Martin for when I’m backing up my bluegrass friends.


In case you forgot.

That other is my Pelham Blue Joe Bonamassa Signature Lee Paul.


And then there is this PRS Custom 22Semi Hollow.

Been playing her a lot. Needs to be cleaned. But she sounds sweet.
Trying to learn some old Leslie West riffs.

And to keep it cannabis related,
This is a nice little pile of Mephisto Double Grape for me to smoke.


Those are both pieces of art!I love that Pelham blue


Appreciate it man. Do you play?there several around here that do.
I kinda have a mini collection going. I also have a real nice Led Paul Gold Top. And an ES339 solid black.


Guess I misread my plant. I thought I had one boy of Blue Tara and two boys of Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude.
Turns out one of those SD x SD is a girl. I have run out of girl space. I may have to put a couple in the garage with a heater. Did not plan on this many girls.
With my 4x4 tent and my 2x4 tent I can run six. Without males. The males are in the 2x4 right now. And it is getting crowded in the big tent.


looking good brother!

Thanks, brother.
Yall wanna see them today?
Looking pretty righteous to my old eyes.

Strawberry diesel x Space Dude

Blue Tara

Pineapple Skunk

Cap Junky

Tagging @Gumbert


Hell yeah!

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I think I need to trim them up a bbit, wait about a week and throw them into flower. I think they look healthy enuff and if I don’t do it fairly soon, the stretch is gonna run into my lights.

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Ok let’s see those pics……
That Blue Tara will get her fruity smells once she is in flower.