BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

He looks so content, must be catching a contact buzz.:wink:


LOL!! He’s on catnip for sure…


Reminds me of this
Kitty :call_me_hand:


I dam sure don’t want to introduce cannabis flower to my cat. She’s too smart. If she likes it she WILL figger a way to get into the stash. I have her wet food in the cabinet. She has figured out how to open the door and get in there with her food. She plays fetch. She understands some english, I shit you not. If she don’t like her food and wants something different, I can say, “No, you have eat THAT”. She will immediately start eating THAT. She’s a smart one for sure.


I am lucky enough to be in the company of two dogs that are trapped in cats bodies…

Don’t get me wrong they are not the same as the Sheppard or the Malinois but as cats they have leanerd much from the Dogs.

My wife talks/screams at them in spanish and sure as shart they respond according.

They just use that meow thing to make us think they dont understand us. It’s all part of their manipulation of us. :wink:


I had another cat named Yoda that we rescued and he gave us 23 years. He was a good one too.
I have really bonded with this one just as much. She’s only about three years old.


I had ONE cat. She had four kittens after we took her in. But I put my foot down. “You can keep one kitten” I said. I now have five cats. “They stay outside” I said. Then the temps dropped out. Now I have five inside/outside cats. But at least they don’t mess in the house and are well behaved. But FIVE cats that know to go to the front door to be let out… or the window next to it to be let in.
I feel like a doorman at a cat house. It seem like 50 times a day, I’m opening that dang door to let them in or out.
But I’m the master of my abode. Really I am…

Just don’t ask them. The momma has taken over my chair. She shares it with her young ones… sometimes.


These girls are starting to stretch good.


I love to see your work/hobby/passion!


I just hope they look as good to you guys eyes as they do to mine.
They have not shown flowers set yet, but it will in a few more days.

My cloner is working. At least on one pineapple skunk cut. The vortex cuts still are showing nothing. Maybe some white pimples where roots will form, but nothing white hanging down.


Well, I checked my cuttings today to see if I have clones yet.
I found i have two Blue Tara, one Pineapple Skunk and one Vortex all showing roots. Small ones, but they are there. There are six other cutting in there that have not show anything yet. But the tops are still green.


Good morning brotha, :coffee:
Tent full of beautiful healthy ladies!
I have some Blue tara from @Oldjoints I look forward to trying them out.

Did how the Zamaldelica turned out? That was monster of plant. I hope she gave you some mindbending smoke.


I never got to smoke her. I had a major family tragedy, right after I harvested. And I had to go take care of business. That plant molded bad while I was gone. Along with a Frankenstein and a London Pound Cake. I cried.
She was fun to grow tho and I will run her again.


I’m sorry to hear that about your family. I hope you and the family are well!

I look forward to you growing out another monster this year from the big green thumb brotha!

Hope you have a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Check back in from time to time. I usually post some fairly decent pics in here. That Blue Tara is possibly my favorite plant this grow. She is just perfect. She even topped herself so Daddy didn’t have to. Lol. No shit tho. You will love growing this one, and I ain’t even seen flowers yet. Just a PERFECT plant.


Love a vigorous plant that does all the work with much fuss. I have them on the front of the list after a couple runs, but things could change and might bump them up haha.

Will you keep this perfect BT lady around for a chance outside?

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@MoBilly it’s an investment worth making if you have indoor/outdoor cats; but they make auto doors that work based on a chip in the collar of your critter:

A friend of mine rescues about 5-10 cats on average so she just leaves the windows open enough for them to get in and out at all house (even winter :face_vomiting: ). The adult :raccoon: 's don’t get in but sometimes she finds a squeaking baby :raccoon: she has to catch with a fishing net and get back outside into the ravine that is attached to her backyard :rofl:

@BigMike55 plants are looking damn fine growmie! :ok_hand:

This is where I always slap myself and remember to remember: LITFA

ZOMG now I’m CRYING! :sob:


I have a couple clones of her right now and a few cuttings that have not rooted yet.
If I get at least one more, I will prolly stick one outside.
I’m wanting the two so I can reverse one and make some female seeds. I need at least one more so I can run her outside in the Spring.


Thanks brother.
Yeah that was heartbreaker on the molded plants.
I really do not want to grow a tree again. Too many youngsters in the neighborhood. I try to keep a low profile. And prying young eyes don’t help. If I can keep my plants to around five feet, that would be perfect. I’m perfectly legal, but little kids don’t need to be exposed, in my opinion.


Sounds like you need @Oldtimerunderground to hook you up with Mighty Mite!