BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

How about a Sunday morning look-see ?

Pineapple Skunk

Cap Junky

Strawberry diesel x space dude

Blue Tara

A few clones

And the pollen machines are cooking.


What day of 12/12 are the females at now?

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I haven’t had many grow the BT and I haven’t grown it again since I made seed so I am looking forward to hear how the strain does for you. So far only @Dirt_Wizard has grown and reported on it to any degree. The f2 was good and had a blueberry taste on the exhale. I am hoping I passed that trait on in this generation so please let me honestly know what you think of this strain once harvested. I am going to try it again in my next grow and hope to improve it if I can………. :v:


10 days today. Still in stretch.

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The bud sites on yours are more developed than on mine at 13 days in. I’m pretty sure the really cold days retarded the development on mine a little.


They will pick back up like nothing happened.

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As usual my friend, you’re killin it! lol Things are looking just lovely in there!

I thought I had kept a pack of the Blue Tara back, but can’t find it in my vault, lol Reckon when @Oldjoints does it to it again, im gonna have to beg a few beans off him! :thinking: :heart_eyes: :+1:


Well, now I have that male BT that I will rob some pollen from him and dust a couple branches on the female here in about a week or two. I was going to do that anyways, for a little supply for me. I will gladly let you have some when I send the pollen I’m collecting (after I get some out for @Oldjoints and just a touch for me. )
I also have those two clones going too. I may reverse one and pollinate the other for some female seeds. They plant overall says its worthy, but if the flowers show good and its top shelf cannabis??? That’s what I will be waiting for.


Heck yeah, brother, lol ya know it’s appreciated!

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Girls are stretching big time. I looked at them last night after the game, the tallest one so far is about nipple high. Shortest is about eight inches below. I’m really liking this grow. I think I have everything dialed in good, except for that Cap Junky. That is the thirstiest plant I’ve ever seen. Prolly because I never up potted. She is still in a three gallon grow bag. Everything else is in five gallon buckets. But Mikey be’'s very happy so far.


but… your nipples are dragging the ground! :scream: :rofl:

That’s not a nipple that’s dragging haha.

lol I ain’t going there! Nope…

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Yeah. We should keep it civil. I think some women folk come in here from time to time.

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But seriously, my brother… lol I’m glad to hear they’re doing so well for ya!

They really are. Spectacular plants. I hope the looks transfers to the smoke.


Most women have minds as dirty as ours, just not publicly…… or will admit to it.


Absolutely. But I do try to keep shop talk in the shop. With the guys. While tearing up a bong. Its just me. I guess the way I was raised. I used the F word on my step mother once. After dad got finished beating me, I didn’t do THAT shit no more. Hehe.


Man I trimmed these girls yesterday. Got a full shopping sack full of leaves a shit I knew was not gonna do anything. Can’t even tell I’ve done anything except for the bottom.

