BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

He dropped 3 packs of beans for each of yas. He hit a Oaxacan Red with Space Queen (Red Queen), an Acapulco Gold (Gold Queen) and I forget what he hit to get a Black Queen. I’ll ask him after he gets home, phone reception is terrible on the roads out here in the boonies, lol

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I’ve heard of Space Queen. Was that not a Subcool creation?
I think the story goes that when he and Ms Jill split, she took Space Queen and Sub got a clone of it and called it Space Dude.
But that’s just a story. Don’t know about it’s truth.

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Yep, it was.

Wait a minute, lol what’s the pollen you’re collecting? I thought it was Space Queen?
I’m confused here (read ‘stoned’) lol
tag @BigMike55 ?

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Theres something wrong with you. Haha

I have Blue Tara that @Oldjoints wants some of. You should see some of his pics of that frosty biotch. I just need a tad bit for myself a few seeds.

The other is Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude. I want to dust a branch or two of his sister with a bit of his pollen. Just for a handful of beans.


lol ok, no problem. I just needed the reminder so to remember! So the pollen you’re collecting to send is Blue Tara, and also some of the Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude? 2 pollens?

I saw the ‘frosty one’ pics! lol

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Yes, sir. The Space Dude part of this cross, I believe, is renamed Space Queen. Maybe if that is incorrect someone can fix me.


Nope it will still be strawberry diesel x space queen pollen.

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Do you mean it will still be SD x Space DuDe?

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Yes unless you used a straight up space queen as the male


lol ok, so I was half right… it is Space Queen, but only half of it, the other half is Strawberry Diesel. Cool. i lookf forward to using that BT on a couple of different girls/strains! The SD x SQ dust will also be used for something nce!

Gotcha. There’s your answer Johnny.

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Rose is fixing to pull outta here in a couple minutes, she’s almost out the door. So be to your place soon @Oldjoints

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Don’t worry I will give her back…… :clown_face:


DAMMIT! I can’t get rid of her, in spite of trying hard! :scream: :rofl:

Wee-e-e-ell maybe not trying TOO hard! lol

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After all these years I’m surprised she hasn’t sewed herself to you……

lol she says she felt sorry for me!

She just didnt have a big enough needle to get through that thick hide

Whenever I sewed up any bad cuts on myself I used one of those big curved upholstery needles… just saying, lol
Only hadda sew myself up twice…so far, lol

I thought it would take a rivet gun.