BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

HEY! thnx for the idea! :joy: :+1:

She just went out the door

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Lemme tell ya. As nice as that Blue Tara girl is, the SD x SD is VERY nice too.
And those Pineapple Skunk ones are spectacular too. Now I can’t wait till they get deep into flower.


Have much head space left?

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Not too much for the pineapple skunk. Maybe six inches left to raise the lights. Blue Tara, so far is the shortest. I expect her to pick up some steam directly though. And she is only four to six inches below the PS. These girls still have a good two weeks of stretch left. Or more. I think they will be almost in the lights. Again. Happens every time. Me tryna get as big of plants as possible. When will I ever learn. It would be different if they were not inside the tent. I could grow seven footers in the house. Like @MoBilly


My BT about 3/4 through stretch jumped a foot in one night and 6 inches a number of times.


DAYUM! lol That’s a helluva jump overnight!
@BigMike55 you might want to think about bending them gals over there, my friend!


I do have a tendency towards going big. lol
Just trying to emulate the great JP.

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Holy Cow!

I now have no clue of exactly what I don’t know about growing this amazing herb or even what questions to ask @BigMike55 @JohnnyPotseed @Oldjoints

How does a person learn about the breeding process and where would I start?

Right now I am just germinating some Frankie Fems Johnny blessed me with for my very first grow.

Where did you guys start and what would be a good first project for a noob?


Learning about breeding can be a long time consuming process. But in general the way genetics work is the same be it any type of animal and even some plants. As long as there is a male and a female traits of each will be passed on to the offspring. Some genes are more dominant and some are recessive. Genes can also skip generations and pop up at any time.
If you are just trying to make a few seeds of cannabis for your self it isn’t necessary to delve into the complicated world of genetics. It is very simple and you can learn more than enough using a search engine on the subject.


I was typing slower than @Oldjoints lol …what he said^^^^

during the process, there will be a lot more ‘nopes’ than ‘yeps’… trust that!
There are a LOT of pitfalls in the whole process, also. lol Cross-contamination being one of the biggest, more frequent.

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And if you need help I am sure you can hit me or JP up and we can guide you in the process or any questions you may have.


Always, of course!

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What my brothers said…
I’m not a breeder. Or a pollen chucker.
Those Frankie beans you got will only produce female plants. What suggest is to get some ‘regular’ seeds with good genetics. Then, you can grow both the male and female and introduce yourself into the world of pollination. After you get your first crop of seeds, the “AH-HA” light will come on. After that it’s a matter of learning breeding techniques. I’m not there yet, but I CAN make seeds.


Breeding is, in itself, a whole new chapter in growing Ganja.


Yup. I think I can grow pretty nice plants and harvest great buds. The breeding is a bit further on up the road for me tho. I’m happy where I’m at right now, in that I can and will make seeds for myself and for my friends.

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If you just want to read a little do a search for Mendelian Inheritance. It will give you a glance at what you are facing.

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It may not be feasible for all and I’d recommend understanding college chemistry/biology first but ecornells hemp genetics and breeding program is helpful. It did cost $3500 for me, but I completed it and while I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for a few reasons, they did give a very solid basis for breeding.

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Thank you for the research recommendation, I am an avid reader and will certainly pursue the topic.

Thanks @JohnnyPotseed , @BigMike55 , @Oldjoints and @DirtySlowToes for your input. As some of you know I am on a mission to get off duloxetine for neuropathy pain in feet and hands. I am hopeful the Frankie Fems Johnny gave me will allow me to do just that however, being an avid grower the rest of it is a captivating topic.

Thanks again to all of you for replying to my questions, I hope I don’t over do it, if so forgive me… This is proving to be a fascinating new herb for me.


@BigMike55 , @Oldjoints & @MoBilly I just got off the phone with Guitarzan. He corrected me and also gave me the one I couldn’t remember, lol
The crosses are;
Angola Red x Space Queen pollen (Red Queen)
Acapulco Gold x Space Queen pollen (Gold Queen)
Vietnam Black x Space Queen Pollen (Black Queen)
The beans will go out in the mail to yas soon!


Most awesome! Thanks to both of you. :+1:t4: