BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

lol um… a day?!
Trick question, right?


No, what is a reasonable period of time to cure?


As long as ya want it to. The longer the cure time, usually means the better the smoke/taste/buzz.
If you can put it into curing jars, and not touch it for a couple of months… (good luck with that! lol)


I do it with most of my strains. I have a hard time with harsh smoke.


Mine always goes a minimum of 12 weeks before I will even think :thinking: about smoking :dash: it. :wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Well I normally go for at least a month after they go in the jars. But I also, normally sneak a bud here and there. The temptation is too great. A six month cure is a good place to strive for and always miss. Haha.


lol That’s pretty much us… we TRY, lol but it never seem to go for as long as we plan


Most new growers don’t realize the big difference until they experience the big difference. I know I didn’t. Plus its easier to let it cure when you have last grows stash to continue smoking while you wait. Its just that ,even so, I find the temptation to dig into the new stuff hard to resist.
For educational purposes, you know.


Good morning brother @BigMike55 & all OG

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Good morning :sun_with_face: @BigMike55 and to all, looks :eyes: like it’s going to be another nice day on the east coast. :wink::facepunch::partying_face::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

Morning folks!

I’m all caught up! :sweat_smile:

Plants look great @BigMike55 , love reading that the CapJunky did you so well! :smiley:


Morning everyone. Its Monday again. Did I miss the weekend or something??
It went so fast, I didn’t even realize it had been here.
Hope you all have a fine day.


I smashed it for the seeds. I got seven seeds from that bud. And not one of them was white. All nice dark brown “Dragon Eggs”.


Thats awesome! Sounds like a new project in the works! Your pics are great of a really good looking crop.

I have so much to learn, thanks for posting the details of what you are doing, for people like me its great.

And Good mornin @BigMike55 and OG!

Love this picture!


Just take it in baby steps, man.
Remember. We’re growing a WEED here. It will grow. Its our job to grow it WELL. That’s the kicker.
Just don’t over think it. I think you are doing well so far.
In my opinion, one should grow a plant or two, all the way through. Pretty much like you were growing a house plant. Keep it watered and give it occasional nutrients.
This will give you the basics of what to expect our girls to do.
Then… You can start tweaking stuff here and there to become the master of your plant. To me, that’s part of what makes this a great hobby.
Remember this. Growing cannabis is easy. Growing GREAT cannabis takes some doing. But you’ll get there.

Again… My opinion. No flames, please.


Very well said, and thanks for encouraging all to just stay after it and all will fall in place. The outcome is just part of the fun :star_struck: on the running of this long marathon of life. :clap::clap::clap: :wink::blush::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


True words. One of my problems is over correcting. Making small incremental adjustments with the patience to wait a period of time to see any changes can be difficult for me to do.
I keep being told LITFA by friends that know. lol


Man, I feel like I won the lottery.
I went to the mailbox and found a letter from @LoveDaAutos
Somehow, he found out I wanted to secure some more Cap Junky beans. And decided to bless me with another pack. Whohoo! Now that’s what I like! I owe you one bruh!

A nice FatPack of my new cross Chunky Junky is in order. Since half of it came from his Cap Junky. That sounds like a nice return.
Hey, @LoveDaAutos is the return address on the envelope correct? If not, DM me your address


Hey good they got there. Yes it will reach me at that address. So what’s the Chunky part of your cross?


Good morning brother Mike and all OG… that’s good news then for ya, my friend! If these new beans turn out the same, you’ve def gotta winner! Way to go on the hook-up there, @LoveDaAutos !