BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Good morning @BigMike55 and anyone else I missed, hope your day is off to a great :+1: start! :crossed_fingers::ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::v:


Chunky Junky is a Cross of your Cap Junky and a really nice Blue Tara male I got from my brother in Tulsa. @Oldjoints
Again… Untested. Except for popping. They do pop. I am just convinced, given the parents, its gonna be something special. Good luck.


Been gleaning seeds and trimming buds for a couple hours. Need a smoke and coffee break.
Any of you guys that got some of the Blue Tara from @Oldjoints … If you didn’t pop them, what are you waiting for. Shame on you. Haha. No shit tho. This is the stickiest stuff I’ve had to trim in quite a while. scissors don’t last long. About four to five buds and they are sticking together. Luckily, I have about six or seven trimming scissors in my tool kit.
Bottom line, if you have them, you will definitely enjoy growing them. Did I mention how sticky the buds are??? Oh and a sweeeet smell while trimming.

Try to pack a bowl with that sticky all over your fingers. Haha. Then try to light it. Haha. Good luck.


I think the cure on the Blue Tara was at least six weeks until it calmed down. Longer is better though.
Smoking it right away is not pleasant at all but does get you a good high.
I would let that cure for at least 2 months before even trying it. Just make sure to burp them.


Yeah, that’s about the plan. I am putting the buds in jars after trimming a bit and snagging the seeds from the bottom of the buds. The rest will come off as I smoke it. I do not want to destroy the buds to get the rest of the seeds. I will just take them in two steps.
Then I will burp and leave them alone for as long as I can stand it. I will however smoke the shake that I’m getting from the trim. Its almost 100% crusted with trikes. Have not tried it yet, but I have a half jar of that and what was left from cleaning the seeds. Plus I dumped the Kiev I collected from trimming into the shake jar. That will be some goooood shit, my brother. Thanks for the beans.


Well if you run out of weed and get tempted I know a guy that would give you a few ounces and even some bubble to hold you over……


I know a guy like that too. But he live a few hours away. Haha.
These buds are almost nine weeks. And still stacking. They will probably go the full ten weeks.


Dang man those are a whole bunch of awesomeness!


Thanks bro. I think I said it before. I got a little over zealous with the nutes at one point. But they be OK. F
Its hard to run several strains at the same time when they appear to need different nutes. I tied for a happy medium so I would not have to mix up different mixes for different plants. I missed the mark on the pretty, but everything got the same nutrients. I know, man. I’m a lazy bastard.
But BigMike got 'er done. Well almost. A week away or so.


Yeah Buddy! That is beautiful! Mikey is gettin it done, thanks for all the pics, I love it!


When those chunky junky seeds are ready let me know so I can hit you up for some!


You are already on my list. How can you not be???
You and @Oldjoints are the grand daddies of this cross. Thanks again, Brozilla!!


I have a list of, what I call, my frequent fliers. Those are the folks that come in here and participate, a little. My reward to my frequent fliers. Mainly cuz I know they like me. And they have been around me long enough and are not gonna take the beans and run, never to be heard from again. But ask anyone. I’m fairly generous with my handouts. But ya gotta at least be friendly towards me. Cool?


Duuude! Those things are chunking up nicely! @BigMike55 :fist:t3:
Don’t worry about the tip burn. It makes for great lights out pics with flash! :joy: like a little galaxy spread across the plant! :wink: Nice Job, bud.
I thought you’d be happy with your CJ in the end. The little I have left is on a once a week smoke only basis at the moment. It’s a great buzz. I always get a little goofy. :joy: Nice to see ya had one stashed away in the garage and a new reserve of beans old and new! 🪶🪶


Yes indeed.
Your Pineapple Skunk plants are about a week or so away from harvest, as well.
And again. I appreciate the beans.
I know those have some seeds on them from the Blue Tara or the SD x SD. Both were good plants with tasty buds. If you want some of those, I will get them to you. Also you get some Blue Tara F4 and a pack of Chunky Junky (Cap Junky x Blue Tara… Both frost monsters)…


I hope it’s something you enjoy. I will say some phenos throw a heavy vinyl flavor. Like licking a record ya left on a hot dash for a few minutes. :joy: It may not sound like the most fashionable flavor but neither is dead skunk and cannabis seems to pull the look off equally well in both instances.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ohh. Yes please. Anything you’d like to send my way, when ready would be much appreciated. Thank you! :facepunch:t3: They’re all sure to be winners as you started with some pretty great strains and have had a fantastic grow! :fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::v:t3:🪶🪶


Ok. Give me a couple more weeks and I will get some to you. I really enjoyed running the PS.


I got two different phenos. A purple one and a green one
I will keep the buds seperate when I harvest. I’ll let you know which pheno is better. I’m leaning green.


The green will be the vinyl and the purple will most likely have the pepper. The green looks pretty close to what I called the steakhouse pheno. It has a slightly milder high, a little more body than head. If the purple is close to what I made the Boggy Blue with it’s a really nice smoke for sure. I broke some out again last night and it still has a nice bite! The pepper has smoothed out and gone a bit gassy on the lungs. Still a fantastic high. Thanks for running her, bro! :facepunch:t3:


The green looks to have a thicker coat of trichomes… :thinking:
I look forward to the smoke report bro. :+1:t5: