BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I plan to keep the seeds seperate too in case. I’m sure the genes will be scattered th right?


I kept the seeds separate on the two phenos I had as well. Both were pollinated with Blue Kush. When I ran the BBPS I also ran a couple of the Steakhouse cross. Those also came out with some heavy vinyl in the taste but the buzz was improved in my opinion as a little more head was introduced.
That said one of the BBPS had some vinyl as well where the mother did not. The other BBPS is a definite mix of the colorful PS mom and the BK male. I suppose that’s a long way of saying I agree the genes may be scatters still yet. Apologies. The Frankie is kicking in while typing and things are happening to me. :crazy_face::rofl:


@BigMike55 what is your grow soil mix?

I have been using Happy Frog potting soil for a couple years. And I get a sack of perlite to mix in. About ones sack of perlite to four big sacks of Happy Frog.
There’s enough light nutrients in that to take me about three weeks from the time I transplant into that. Then I start using 1/4 strength nutrients for the first couple watering. Then up it to 1/2 strength. That’s about it. Easy as falling out of bed, right?


So you aren’t using the Promix and soil conditioner anymore?

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I can’t think of any strain that I have grown that had both a purple and a green pheno where the purple was better than the green


That’s been my experience as well.


Never used Promix, bruh. I have used HF for a long time. Now I reuse it several times. And then it goes in the flower beds and for outdoors cannabis. I use the Happy Frog Soil Amendment with the ultra used soil mix for outdoors stuff

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Team Green! @NDNCHILD is this your work dude? lookin’ good!

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@Rhai88 These being grown by @BigMike55 are not my work. They are however the springboard for my first cross, BBPS. The Pineapple Skunks Mikes growing were a pleasure to grow here as well and helped me produce a bunch of baby beans! :partying_face:


What’s BBPS?


Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunk , I think.


That sounds VERY interesting. I’m guessing it’s BOG’s Blue Kush x Pineapple Skunk?


Pineapple Skunk x BOG Blue Kush pollen from Doug. I’ve only grown the few out so far but they turned out nice. @GrowTheAtlas


Oh hell yeah dude

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Good morning brother Mike and OG

Good morning @BigMike55 hope your day is starting out well. Sunny :sun_with_face: and nice on the east coast in MD. :wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

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Morning everyone. Got up just in time for a nice coffee, a bowl of ganja and watch the sun come up. Have a good one peeps.


That is, without a doubt, the most eloquent statement of Overgrow seed-sharing ethics I’ve seen!

Well said @BigMike55! May it be widely noted and adopted.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Mornin @BigMike55 and OG! Same here, coffee in hand thinking about whats next….

Getting ready to move the ladies to their final pot. Need to go shop today for some living soil and amendments.

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