BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

My first experience with a full sativa was my Jalisco :mexico: Landrace seed run. And even with just the seed dust it blew my mind. Next was the Zamaldelica which was grown as full flower and even with a white fly attack the stuff is next level!

So now I have 4x of my new cross “Zamjal” (pronounced: “Zam-Hull”) which is Zamaldelica x Jalisco :mexico: Landrace which I expect to be :carrot: 's all the way down yo!

Of the 4 seeds 3 are now small plants on day 5 since water and i JUST dug up seed 4, hand cracked it, and tossed it back into it’s cup with a splash of water as a “suggestion” to get your shit together!

:rofl: :+1:


I wonder how the zamaldelica auto will compare to the real thing. :thinking:


So you like the Zamadelica then? How long did you let her flower? If I remember correctly, my indoors Zammy is at 5 weeks of flower. Same as my ISS. And Zammy is no where near where ISS is. But HUGE colas. And that outside example is my favorite plant as far as looks goes. She’s just starting to show bud development.


Here is my outside stuff.
Zamadelica about 6 1/2 feet tall

Fricking gorgeous plant.

Frankenstein about 4 1/2 feet.

Here my old ISS mother plant. She has served us well. About 4 feet tall.

Skywalker I put her in a better spot. I think she was getting full sun all day and the leaves did not like it.

This was a leftover London Pound cake I think it’s a female. If so. I might run her with the others outside.


Wow brother, those outdoor plants look amazing :clap:


fore sure some nice plants you got outdoor! fantastic bro!

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Zamaldelica can be as quick as 11 - 12wks or take 14 - 16wks . Same old story watch her & she’ll let you know .

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Looking good bro. :sunglasses:

It was done at 11weeks. I prepared for 14 but “lucked out”. I was also battling white flies so I have no idea if that shortened the period. :man_shrugging:

The thing grew and grew and then like 1st semester 1st year university students got really fat really fast. This happened just after all the red hairs started presenting in a way I’ve never seen before and am really happy about. :+1:


If it weren’t for the :bug: 's I’d have tried to reveg them over the summer but instead pollinated the lower branches early enough that I wasn’t too bummed.

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I’m baaaaack! Looks amazing brother!


What’s up my brother? Missed you being around. I was about to start asking questions


When my wife’s aunt took sick we took over running her homestead. She has a lot more goats and other livestock to milk and feed than we do. By the time we get both places done the first time, we’ve just about time to eat a meal and head back over to her place for evening chores. She’s out of the hospital now but still too weak to let her try going out to the barn alone.


You’re a good man @MoBilly, the world needs mo’ Billy!

Your plants look absolutely stunning @BigMike55. Got one of your ISS going in my yard (of course it’s nowhere near what yours is like), I’ll post a pic this weekend. Thanks again for that!


When she’s done, you are in for a real treat, I shit you not. After all the different strains I have tried, she remains my queen. She always does me right.


How many days does the ISS usually finish? She looks soooo good @BigMike55


“She always does me right.”
I’ve noticed, in living, that the more attentively one cultivates and ethos of “doing right” —which is to say, living with clean intention and an uncompromising integrity— the more ruthless one become in their intolerance of half-assery and half-heartedness. Giving oneself fully is usually rooted in a sense of the fragility of our present circumstances and of how ephemeral it all is. Which sensitizes ones awareness to the preciousness of “this”, whatever this is.
One becomes quick to cut out/cut off the things and folks ain’t on the same page. A strain checking only half the boxes has a short stay in the garden!
Just started these gals, thanks to The Icon and you, Big Mike. Gratitude and respect. I’m pretty sure they’ve already been thoroughly vetted. I’m confident Time will reveal my confidence having been well placed.



Damn cuz, lol that was a mouthful! But I get it, and agree!
Also I believe I speak for @BigMike55 as well as myself when I say thnx, your confidence IS ‘well placed’! Neither him nor I have any time for BS! lol

edit… as, it seems, neither do you! :+1:


Happy babies @ one week. Frankenstein and Island Sweet Skunk

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