BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

Good morning everyone


lol the X rated version of rebel moon is definitely the best version. 6 hours long yiiiikes! :smiley:


Have not done part 2 yet. I’m interested. Am I the only one who sees the parallel to the star Wars franchise???
I did think part one was really well done tho.
I’m tryna get the wife interested in seeing Alien:Romulus in 4dx theatre. I think it comes out on Thursday.


It actually reminded me more of pitch black. It was kind of like star wars in the way there were robots and high technology, but there were no magic powers…aka the jedi. Even their interstellar ships were made out of living beings.

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True. I was talking more of when the went to the cantina to find recruits. Heck even the oriental girl was sporting a nice pair of light sabers.

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Ahhh the “oracle blades” held by “nemesis”? They were constructed out of oracle steel :wink: And she’s a cyborg.

I liked rebel moon but I’m a big sci fi nerd. I watched Terrifier last night @BigMike55 :clown_face: that was some seriously f’ed up stuff man

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Gotcha. Don’t get me wrong. I am more than a little interested in it. Just need a free three hours. Hehe. My wife has heart and lung problems, is diabetic as well. I pretty much take care of everything around here so my time is at a premium right now. She does have good days tho.


Wait till you try Terrifier 2. There is one scene that nearly got me. And I am a huge Horror fan. .

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Probably tonight

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Bleh yah, had the diabetes for… uhh 45 years or more myself. Know what sucks more than having diabetes? Getting old and having diabetes! hah hah!


If you are into extreme horror, see if you can find one called Trauma. I think its from Chile or somewhere in South America. That movie broke me. Its not so much the gore, its more the story. Very disturbing.
It was on Tubi, free, but that was a couple months back. It was a cold watch. And it caught me off guard.


Sooooo… you reversed your diabetes?

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Naw man, I need the cure. Unfortunately it’ll probably be another decade before it’s available since it just came out this year. I was born with that shit.


There’s where it went.
I was tryna send that to my little sister. She never got it. I guess I was tryna do two things at once.


Ya mean you can’t rub your head and pat yer belly at the same time?!


Ha! That’s a breeze. I can walk on my knees with my hands on my head and my feet in front of me.

At least I used to could before I got (cough, cough) old.


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!


Damn you’re up early as hell @JohnnyPotseed , goodmorning brother!