Black Triangle, Hendrix Haze, and Purple Pakistani Chitral- Bodhi Seeds and Seattle Chronic Seeds

Yeah, I agree. That one has to go.

What were you running that light for again? Just, like, “regular” plant starts and stuff? Like the outdoor non-cannabis garden flowers and whatever?


Yeah. Last time was about 6 months ago I Up-potted a plant about a week into flower that was gonna be too much work in a 2 gallon. Unfortunately I used the same soil I mix for veg, and the plant popped about 10 male flowers over the next week. I got maybe 8 of them before they popped so… near-total seedfest with that fan a-going.

Should be obvious in a day or 2. I really couldn’t be sure with the pic, though. I’ve had a few that were pure girl that had that kinda look at that stage. Look again tomorrow?


I stuck a stupid auto over there and kept it on 18 hours when I switched the other side to flower two weeks ago, definitely not worth the hassle if that happened. And if the plants did herm, it has to be the light, either from the window or from the light as this all happened in just under 2 weeks since I flipped. No other stressor or anything that I could think of, I can understand a nanner or two in later flower which I am sure I’ve had plenty, this just looks different to me thus far.

I will also say that the grow I did of SSDD a couple winters ago was also grown in the same room with the veggie starts growing under two LED seedlings racks and I didn’t have a blackout curtain, only some shitty room divider that definitely let more light through than the curtain. I may have had a few nanners in there as I did find a few seeds but they definitely didn’t full on herm either. Plus, since I grow in an outbuilding, the temperature gets cold in the winter overnight as well which could have stressed the plants.

Anyway, going to see Les Claypool’s Fearless Flying Frog Brigade tonight, looks like he’s been playing a little bit of everything from all of his different ventures, they also cover Pink Floyd’s Animals in the middle of the set. Should be pretty interesting, he’s been playing with Sean Lennon a lot and he is on tour with him for this one. I saw their Les Claypool Lennon Delirium thing a few years ago when they came through as well.

For sure, I’ve spent this amount of time growing them thus far so I will be sure to wait until the diagnosis is more clear before taking action.


Ah, okay. Why didn’t you just stick it outside? Haha! I mean, it’s an auto, pretty sure it doesn’t matter how much light it gets.

Sweet! I wonder how many basses Les will bust out…

I saw Sean Lennon and his girl perform at some Serge Gainsbourg tribute thing at the Hollywood Bowl years ago, they did that track “Je T’aime… Moi Non Plus,” where the chick sounds like she’s cumming in the middle of the song. It was a pretty faithful rendition, I was impressed haha.

Sean’s track “Dead Meat” is an old favorite, too. Should be a good show!


I used green Frog Tape to cover the edges of my window when I covered it with reflective bubble insulation. The green light supposedly doesn’t bother the plants. They reflect most of that light back or dont absorb that color spectrum or some shit. Theres also a strip of duct tape over the green tape and it still bleeds through. It’s really only to help with the hour or 2 in the morning and evening. I do 13 off, 11 on. 8am to 7pm


Gorilla Tape works well, too. I’ve got that shit everywhere. We’re gonna have to spend at least ten grand fixing up the grow room whenever we decide to sell the house haha…


lol we have hardwood floors, and last year I didn’t empty the bucket the dehum pumps into for a few days, so it over flowed and warped a couple runs of the flooring. Had to sawzall them down the middle and pry the warped boards out so I could get the door to shut. They had warped up like a speedbump. Gonna be fun tearing up almost half a room of flooring and putting new shit down when the time comes. I mean, flooring is relatively easy, but I hate doing shit I don’t wanna do lol


You’re garden must look amazing in full bloom!
So many great flowers going forbthe insects and birds, love to see it.

I just added an Apricot Dahlia to my garden today, no pics yet, because its not flowering though, guve a week or so .

Hoping the girls pull through as well!:crossed_fingers:



I know right, I think treating them like shit just excites their ruderalis genes anyway, haha.

I’ll try and keep track haha.

Wow, sounds interesting at the very least! We saw his band The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger open for Florence and the Machine (my wife is a big fan) probably 8 or so years ago and it looks like his girlfriend was/is in the band.

Thanks for the tip, surprisingly the curtain doesn’t let in light as long as I have the damn thing closed, haha (facepalm).

Haha, that’s a visual!

That sucks, so no new boards yet, just the underlayment or whatever they call the subflooring that’s below hardwood?

It does look pretty nice, haha and the birds and insects are all over the flowers, some for pollen, others for insects and seeds.

Oooh, those sound nice! We don’t grow too many flowers from bulbs but dahlias are beautiful flowers for sure, we should probably get some into the mix really.

For sure, time will tell.


I trust your judgement and ability to identify so I’m not disputing that there are male flowers but am I the only one who doesn’t see them? Can you circle them in MSpaint or something similar?


I totally hear you on that and I may have jumped the gun, the flowers just looked like they almost had sacs forming but hopefully it’s just pistils emerging, definitely no balls where the pre flowers are. Don’t know why they looked so different to me this time around at this stage. Will see if I can zoom in on one without it getting too blurry.


Tried to zoom in on the original pics, kind of gets whited out and slightly out of focus. But yeah, no fully formed male flowers, just what looked like the start.


Ahh to be fair, I just bought this Dahlia plant, I didn’t grow it.
Been a while since I’ve planted any bulbs. In fact last time I did, me my dad and nephew planted 200+ daffodils on a field outside my dad’s house, that was a fun day!



Sometimes new floral growth just looks like that, especially when the small undeveloped leaves haven’t separated yet. I had to pull out my jeweller’s loupe last week thinking the same thing on mine. Hoping that’s what it is and not male flowers at least.


It looks pretty obvious to me in the first pic, but maybe I’m wrong. Hard to tell in the others.

That whole Serge Gainsbourg tribute show at the Hollywood Bowl was fucking awesome. I dunno if they recorded it and released it, but they should have. If they did, you should give it a listen. I wasn’t even planning on going, didn’t know anything about it, but a friend of mine called me the day of and asked me if I wanted to go. I was like,”I’m broke,” (which I was haha) and she was like,”I’ll get you a ticket.” Glad she did.

Mike Patton hosted and he was AMAZING. For real, like, blew me away. I’ve always been a fan of his, seen Faith No More several times live (never saw Mr. Bungle live, though, which pains me), but that show really elevated my appreciation for what he does. He was great. And that dude Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the kid from Third Rock From The Sun did a song and he was actually really good, too haha! When Mike Patton announced him before his song, I was like,”Who?” but his performance made me a little bit of a fan haha.

Sean Lennon was good… Everybody who performed was pretty dang good, really, it was like the best variety show-type thing I’ve ever seen. The whole thing was kind of really weird and unexpected. I did not think I’d enjoy it as much as I did, but it was fucking awesome.

Above all, though, Mike Patton kicked ass. It really was one of those things that was like,”Man, I thought I knew, but now I really know…” haha.


Is this what you’re talking about? Does look like it could be. Will be clear in a few days I’d imagine. Don’t see anything else with my (poor) eyes.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I was looking at, but I don’t know how to do that “little red circle” thing that you did haha. I sooooo wanted to do that when blanco posted those pics, it was driving me nuts that I didn’t know how. I really oughta learn how to do “basic computer shit.”

Having said that, looking at it now, I’m like,”Hm. Maybe not.” Like you said, it’ll definitely be more obvious in a few days, if not by today. That Hashplant D that I thought was a female went from,”Oh shit, that looks like male flowers forming…” on day 5 to,”Yep, those are definitely male flowers,” on day 6.


I’ve had one pheno of Black Triangle that hermed on me. Growing from seed, it showed no signs at all. But from clone, it was throwing out balls like crazy in veg.


I think you’ll like that one. Annunaki Genetics is my 2nd favorite breeder, just behind Bodhi.

I wonder if your purple Poppy flower mutation is a type of Fasciation? I’ve also seen it in cannabis.

And a monster strawberry w fasciation.