Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

That sure does look like a male to me… fingers crossed


That does look like a male to me.

I would personally advise against messing with the light cycle to produce fem seeds. I think this is a terrible practice, and I would personally toss any plants that produced pollen from this sort of light stress.

Maybe I’m misreading, since you later seem to imply you might do this only to weed out unstable plants, which seems fine, but then you still need to reverse the rest if indeed they are all female.

I spent ~$90 on effectively a lifetime supply of sts supplies, including enough to give away. As far as I understand, it is generally the preferred method these days as compared to colloidal silver, so I would likewise advise against buying a $150 colloidal silver “generator” which is probably just a power supply and some silver wire. You could make CS for a fraction of the cost.

Offer still stands for some Sts precursors.


Of course I still would like that sts. Since this is potentially my first time making fem seeds I’m going to try both ways on different cuttings. Cuttings i can revert to a long light cycle as the other plants continue flowering, so that’s now the plan. Easy for me to try different methods of making male flowers this way, if necessary. There’s always two ways to tie your shoe. I’m a Gemini and usually prefer to know both. Sts is preferred because you spray less often. I have to carry the plants in and out each day 12 hours apart, so adding a spray regiment would be easy, Spraying the cuttings at that time each day.

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In the meantime I’m sending male plant vibes to that last potential male.


I second those vibes, looks like a male but one never knows… icon_e_confused|nullxnull


More male than female looks lately. Still a couple female looking flowers, but I remove them, hold the plant and silently communicate to it that it must be a male to continue its existence. I picture male flowers while doing so and remind the plant what it needs to do whenever i see it.


I think you have convinced “her” ejem|nullxnull, I see the start of two balls below and up one leaf superposed to the other like in the male preflowers:


I will shave my beard it I’m wrong :see_no_evil:


That particular one looks female to me, the way it is elongated and pointy, with no obvious stalk.

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I thought the same while watching the tear shape (hermie :see_no_evil:), but the presence of both protuberances below makes me doubt, and that preflower has enough size to have thrown pistils yet. And the most important from all: we need a male … :sweat_smile:


@Upstate convincing his plant that it is a male


Maybe time to mix up some STS and start spraying the plants with the strongest stem rub terps. Nothing wrong with creating Black Tuna fem seeds!


I know I’m late AF but this last one looks like a herm, and the rest are all female :face_with_monocle:


They all looked like that at one time or another. Lots of what looked like male balls turned into a second branch at the junction of the leaf stem and the main stem. I’ve never actually seen this before. A " sex part" becoming a branch. Strange plants for sure. It’s quite possible that this is a feminized strain and that the line is continued from some plants going slightly hermaphroditic at the end of flower.


:rofl:. I won’t hold you to it. You’d have to change your avatar and that just doesn’t seem right​:grin:.
Found some definite male flowers but I still can’t rule out this being a hermaphrodite due to some other suspect flowers on different branches. I’ve sent @Pleiochasium my info for sts. Cuttings have been taken.


Thanks, I already suspected that before, it has balls so in some sort I was right embaressed_smile|nullxnull, what if they really are fem seeds created by stressing the plant, provoking a hermie and getting seeds from there, could it be an already existing trait? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


This is exactly what I’m thinking. When a plant that is almost entirely female produces a few male flowers late in flower the Offspring will be similar. There may be completely stable offspring too if stable females were hit by the pollen. I’m even wondering if a male plant was reversed to make seed due to every plant looking male at one time🤔. My male ratio is nearly always 34 - 66% of the population. Only with Thai have i gotten no males.
I still have some hope. A second plant is another potential male but Its another wierd one…and I’m pretty sure i saw stigmas on it before. Perhaps it is overhearing my conversation with that other plant.


Ask them if they like movies about gladiators … :joy:


Classic movie! As soon as I saw that title above I started picturing that lady spitting eggs out of her mouth🤣.


I’m sorry to report that all of the plants are females. STS has been mailed to me by Thanks! I don’t know exactly how timing is going to work with this now. I want to wait for the cuttings to grow roots before spraying them so we’ll have to see where the plants are at that point. With the humidity and wetness we have here in New York I can’t be pollinating these plants very late because they will rot. In other words I can’t do it in the second half of flower or I will have a mess on my hands. Quite possible cuttings will become the seed run. Plenty of time left this summer for that. Here’s Pictures of that last plant we were all rooting for. The male balls turned into a second set of shoots like I was saying happened on some other plants, and if you zoom in with one of the photos you can see the stigmas further up towards the top of the plant. Must be feminized seeds I’m dealing with because I have never seen anything like this and I have never grown feminized except one plant.