Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

How come when we just want smoke this never happens? :grin:


First time i ever hoped beautiful plants were males lol. I dang near had the last one talked into it, too. She tricked me til the last minute. I thought male, then briefly thought it was a hermaphrodite when I found stigmas in the top shoot, and then the ā€œballsā€ turned to secondary shoots. Strange one for sure. Double shoots only on those nodes where the plants hit sexual maturity. Iā€™ll be keeping an eye on all of them. They may not be done with their tricks.




You planning to reverse one or two of them?

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@tejas From what Iā€™ve read, its too late into flowering to do it now. Youā€™re supposed to do it before the end of the first week of flower. It will have to be later with the cuttings unless @Pleiochasium thinks itā€™s still okay now. I donā€™t know how long it takes for male flowers to be fully formed in numbers High Enough for a seed run when using stsā€¦ but figuring in time for roots to grow on the cuttings before I can start spraying and then at least two weeks for male flowers to form, Iā€™m pretty sure it would be too late to do it now. As much as the delay sucks as far as the seed Run is concerned, it will allow me to make sure the pollen donors are stable female plants first. I think thatā€™s probably a good idea after seeing those weird sex parts.
Another thing is if I pollinate these in the second half of flower I will most likely have massive seed loss From mold.

Plan is to reverse all of the stable plants. I took a pair of cuttings from each plant. One for buds, one for sts.


Are you seeing stigmas on all of the plants? Those secondary shoots are tricky for sure.


Yeah, unfortunately they all have clumps of stigmas and some of them are pinky nail size now @Hemlock

Yeah thatā€™s a new one for me. Made me look sillyšŸ˜

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Your last to develop one might not be too late?
Also I did not know mold affected seeds?

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I could use just one of them but boy Iā€™d really like to use more plants and Iā€™m a little bit nervous about that one in particular.

Not the seeds themselves but the parts around the seeds die and the seed stop ripening. The stem that feeds them dies.
@George has a good photo of what can happen with just one rain if the plants are not resistant to mold. I Donā€™t know about this one yet. Petrolia Headstash alone would rot badly, while the Killer New Haven is probably resistant. Without knowing where exactly in the mountains this one is from I canā€™t know if itā€™s resistant or not. It could be dry or wet near Santa Barbara, depending on which side of the mountain range you are on and what elevation you are at.


Iā€™m certainly not an expert on sts. But Iā€™d think if youā€™ve already taken cuttings, you could certainly try to reverse the plants. They look like they are just starting to throw a pistil or two, so not too far gone per my understanding.


I could spray unrooted cuttingsā€¦that have no flowers yet.

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If you can take enough cuttings, spray some now and some when they are rooted to see what works/works best/works fastest?


Dark green leaves more prone to mould as you say ā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Thanks for posting that. The moldy plant is an Uncle Bill( my uncle. His nickname was coyote so I have called his weed Coyote, or UB.) Pheno of Oaxaca x UB that @George made and calls Coyacan. Even after 20 years growing outdoors in NY, some of his (my uncles 75 Afghan phenos) still mold towards harvestā€¦ especially when there are seeds involved. He lived in the Okanagan National Forest in East Central Washington and only got about 9 inches of rain a year where he lived and grew . I got the seeds from him in 1998. As the seeds begin to ripen the husks of the inner seeds are mold magnets and they are right next to the stems, which rot, killing the other seeds. Just yesterday I had to pick off part of my seed branch of a Turkish plant that I pollinated about 4 weeks ago. It molded about an inch from the tip, so I lost that nice clump of seeds from the mold getting in the stem.


The lightened leaf says this tip is a goner in a few days.


Theyā€™re a little further along than that. Iā€™ll get a picture of the least Advanced plant. Nearing pinky nail size clumps of stigmas on the tops. However, the lower understory of the plant is not making flowers yet. I can try STS on some of these if you think it would be worth it. I wonā€™t have any time to do any research or read that link you gave me until tomorrow mid-morning. That would be the earliest I could spray as well.

This is what the bottom of the plants look like.


STS can be really hard on a plant. I would not spray unrooted cuttings. Just my 2cents.
Also, I donā€™t think itā€™s too late to spray a few branches on the ones you have going now. Just remember to tag the branches you spray, or you might not remember. Okay, make it three cents. :grinning:


Ive reversed a lot of plants. Pick the two with the strongest stem rub terps and get to spraying. Twice a day, everyday for 10 days. Than once a day until you see pollen sacs forming. Stop spraying immediately when that happens.

You do not need to spray the big fan leaves. I only thoroughly spray the bud sites and the stems that run back to the main stem.