Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

I’ve used this guide in the past:

DM me an address and I’ll send some out on Monday.


@Upstate Your plants are looking great! I would strongly recommend taking cuttings on all of your plants prior to reversal as a back up. Also, many people tend to want to spray too often as they don’t see results as quickly as they would like. Too many treatments can easily result in sterile pollen. Three treatments, a week apart should be more than sufficient.


I personally do four or five treatments five days apart. Starting about five days before flower.
But yes, I agree. Dont overdo it.


Never smoked it, but I love the pedigree. I think @TopShelfTrees1 must have smoked it though.
@ifish i hope you’re right! Fingers crossed its male. Tricky one to sex indeed!
@Emeraldgreen at first I was hoping I’d have more females than 3, but now No one is hoping for a male more than i am😁
@blowdout2269 if I do have to make fem seeds I won’t self pollinate anything. There’s a few plants whose structure is just ideal. I’m sure I’ll end up picking these. Miss two sticks and Miss Broadfork for sure… and there is one more I haven’t named.
@Pleiochasium thank you very much, the guide is appreciated. I’ve already watched a couple videos on YouTube and I talked with @YoBigdaddy about ppm levels. I may put a colloidal silver generator on a credit card, too. Its about $150 all in. I like to have options… and if I’m going to make more Fem seeds in the future, it sounds like the generator is the way to go. In the video I watched the guy recommended spraying the bud sites twice a day with a 30 PPM colloidal solution up until the flowers begin to open.
@PineTarBastard thanks brother. I’m liking the look of them as well, especially miss 2 sticks, now a confirmed lady. Actually all of those I thought were females originally did end up being females, but at one time or another every single plant tricked me, lol. Sometimes Wrong is Right :grin:. YouTube Music
I’ll definitely have to get cuttings because these plants are already a week into flower. With my injury I can’t put them back into veg at this point as I’d never be able to keep them healthy if I did. I can’t possibly lift more than 7 gallon containers this year, and the plants have already overgrown them. Sounds like they would be nearly two weeks into flower before I could do anything to reverse sex, and from what I’ve read, its best to treat the plants before the first week is up. I’ll give it a try anyway, but I think it may come down to the cuttings, should i get no male.

No need to worry there. I’m used to growing long flowers. Patience is a necessity. I’ll make this happen one way or another. Good excuse to get the cuttings i said I’d get. That never happened. Tomorrow i can do it. Ill get big branches to root.


Sts video. Not sure how I feel taking advice from someone that spelled feminized wrong… any input from fellow ogs about this video?

What if i screwed with the light cycle? Doesn’t that work, too?

Another colloidal silver video that was helpful.


With messing the light etc your triggering a response in plant with sts etc your blocking
For peace of mind I would stick with sts

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[quote=“ifish, post:168, topic:143500, full:true”]
With messing the light etc your triggering a response in plant with sts etc your blocking

Hormones, right?

I seem to remember Soma messed with the light cycle to make fem seed, and he had a reputation that his fems were very high quality.

Messing with light your triggering hermie trait
With sts you’re blocking out the female gene or whatever is called ? I’m sure other technical peeps on here can give the full explanation

: )


Blocks ethylene I think


No , you have to use STS ! I’ve done it a few times.

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@hashpants This guy had success 5/5 times with colloidal silver, so I’m sure it boils down to technique and the strain in the end. I like that theres no precautions necessary to use colloidal silver, and it has other health benefits as well. Sounds like it might even work for arthritis. Most likely ill do both and see what works for me.


There’s a little more to it than that. Basically when you screw with the light cycle it helps you determine which are the very very stable plants. If these are all females then these are feminized seeds, and that portion of the work has already been done for me out in Cali. I have the old High Times article about how Soma used to do it without using any chemicals. That Old Hippie knew what’s up.


Looks like a male. They throw the weird ball that turns into a leaf, but in the end it’s still male. Has tricked me a few times.


Well the plant that you spray will be awfull hard to keep from pollinating itself when you’re using it to pollinate the others. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s the mix I made by our very own @Sebring



They all looked like that at one time. Here’s the same plant. First the male looking flower, then 2 courses up, both sides of the stem, formed since i flipped to 12/12. I was thinking at first it was those smurf head looking " false females", but 5 other plants did this and all have grown stigmas further up. I hope this one is a male…but it doesn’t look good right now.

I kind of see a ball in the last photo, rt side of the preflower. We’ll see.


I’ll snip the branches before the sacs open, put them over waxpaper in a vase. They’re good thick branches and will keep the top alive for weeks.


I reckon that that there is a male.

Fingers crossed lol!