Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

Thanks to you for sharing with me those precious seeds :pray:, the other two Coyacan that stayed outdoors (lighter green) are fine under the same rainy conditions :cloud_with_rain:, one of them with three blades: icon_e_surprised|nullxnull


Hereā€™s What the tops of each of the plants look like right now. If you think itā€™s okay to spray at this point I will start doing so on some lower branches tomorrow.

If it will still work timing-wise that is . Sounds like it takes two or three weeks to get any pollen is that right? Third picture down is that weird sex part on that last plant. Still looks male to me but the picture before it is that plant in flower.


They are a bit further in flower than I thought. At this point Iā€™d take clones from each one. Flower them out, cure, dry, enjoy, take notes. And then keep only two clones of each of the best two plants (A and B) by the effects criteria. Breed A into B, and B into A to make two sets of fem seeds. That way you have both bases covered when the better cross reveals itself down the road.


If you start spraying now youā€™ll probably get some pollen eventually, but I wouldnā€™t either. Itā€™s pretty risky and probably wouldnā€™t be much. @ChinookKing has the solution, though I might recommend growing out everything you have and spraying STS on half of them. That gives you maximum diversity for future work.

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I have two or 3 cuttings from each plant, except the strange one. One to grow for seeding and one to grow for sts. Iā€™m going to skip using that one strange plant I think, unless there is great uproar.
Editā€¦2 hrs later i see this when taking care of the plants. This is the late strange one.

Iā€™m 99% sure thatā€™s how this is a seed line of a clone only heirloom. Those old hippies got lucky and found a 99.99% female with just a couple male flowers . Perfect for making feminized seeds without hormones . All offspring from this pollen ( 3 balls that Iā€™ve seen, all on that one leaf set.)will be like what i have going now. I set this plant aside in the woods for the night and hopefully Iā€™ll catch those balls right when they open in the morning. They may even open tonight, but Iā€™m betting theyā€™ll hold off if I get out there early. Certainly one will hold off. Iā€™m going to use the pollen on my favorite couple Black Tuna plants on a couple buds as a fail safe, ( a backup). Should the clones not pan out( they will ) Iā€™ll get another chance with seeds. There should be enough pollen to make 30- 50 of them, a few on each of the 6 stable plants.


For a Preservation Iā€™d prefer to spray all stable plants. I have a plan in mind now. 6 wax paper envelopes, 5 out of 6 plantsā€™ pollen in each envelope. Each plant will get hit from pollen from all the other plants, but not itself. @TopShelfTrees1, what do you think?
@DougDawson whatā€™s the coop rules?
@ChinookKing if i were breeding this Iā€™d do like you suggested. I already think I know which plants are going to be the best.
Iā€™m open. Iā€™ll select only the stinkiest or use 6 of 7ā€¦up to OG.


Top Shelf is MIA, and likely banned after all his shady stuff came out recently.


Well the OG purists arenā€™t gonna love the fact you donā€™t have any true males to create the seeds with. That being said Iā€™d say get crazy and work the strain by selecting the stinkiest and let those be the sires! YOLO Upstate! Make it happen!


Sounds like the best plan to have as much diversity as you can.


You got this @Upstate, onwards and upwards brotherā€‹:muscle::green_heart:


What happened with him?

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Ok. Sounds good. I like diversity. Truth is, this strain doesnā€™t seem to need much of any work done to it. Some of the plants are a little more upright than others with the branching, but could be easily bent outwards a little bit. Other than that it doesnā€™t seem like they need anything. They all stink.

Iā€™m one of them. I prefer male female lines myself, but this one seems special enough to make an exceptionā€¦ and most likely there is not a male- female line in existence anyway, or if there is, it is still tucked away somewhere.
@ChinookKing if there is no objection, perhaps I can do something similar like I did with Peshawar. I can mix seeds from an open pollination with seeds from a select pollination and mix them both in the same packā€¦
@Jango onwards and upwards :muscle:
Iā€™m bummed out to hear about TopShelfTrees1. Is it an unforgivable offense? Anyone have a link to the conversation or event?


Suspended / banned because heā€™s sitting on a bunch of peopleā€™s cuts / seeds and hasnā€™t traded or paid his fair end for up to 18 months going on. Heā€™s supposed to contact the moderators.


Mad Barry posted the link just above. Leetdood summed it up though.


Youā€™d have to let the moderators decide that but after confirming that he did not pay for the clones from @Justblazin it just paints a horrible picture.


Imo if the strain is a pure landrace than yes, preservation of max diversity of genes is a great goal. Save and breed every plant. With hybrids I feel different. With a hybrid I think the strain should be worked and fem seeds created to help folks down the line and save the wasted time of dealing with males. I again point to the UC Davis Agriculture department who found fem seeds to be the same as normal seeds in terms of genes. I would recommend that hermie be culled. Do what you want to do Upstate. Iā€™m just watching from the sidelines. You got this!


Okay so the final countā€¦ I had balls produced on the other two plants that tricked me the most. These were all the original plants that I thought were males. Number four, number six and number seven. Number 7 was the last plant to sex and this one ended up having more male flowers than what I wanted. I found a couple along the main stem on every Main top. I had in fact already pollinated with this one before I found these other balls but Mother Nature helped us all out and rained on it washing off the pollen. That night I took a hard look at the other couple plants I was concerned about and found one ball on one of them and two on another, the rest being stable. the pollen from these three balls is what I used to pollinate the stable plants for backup seed. The pollination was successful and Iā€™m seeing some seeds forming already. The Clones still havenā€™t rooted but for whatever reason they always seem to take a long time for me so Iā€™m not worried about it. I donā€™t have anything planned for the fall so if I have to do this indoors itā€™s no big deal.


Judge by yourself ā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Iā€™m glad some males revealed themselves, trick beasts they are!