Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

Unfortunately, as it turns out, he may well be the biggest weasel this site has ever had. He scammed A LOT of people on here on A LOT of different interactions. Most of us trusted him. We may have lost another good member (SHSC1) because of it…he was so pissed off at losing some rare cuts that a few of us split in on and trusted TST to reproduce that he’s walked away from the site…hopefully only temporarily.


Well, very very slight hermies revealed themselves. It took me a while to figure it out because I just wasn’t expecting that an old heirloom could have any hermaphrodites in it. Nonetheless, I’m confident 4 plants are( so far )stable and that the pollen i used will produce a similar % of stable plants, along with a couple plants that produce just a little bit of pollen. My favorite plants are among the stable ones, including Miss Broadfork and Miss 2 sticks😁.
@CanuckistanPete I’m very disappointed to find this out about TopShelfTrees1. I like to see the best in people. I didn’t see this coming. I really don’t think this is the type of person top shelf is. I think he must be on something that made him into this person. I’ve seen many people go down that road and nothing else makes sense. If he was all bad he wouldn’t have donated these seeds. He was excited about this run and he was excited to spread these genetics around. I truly hope he sorts himself out.


The good side of TopShelfTrees1.


Looks great @Upstate

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Plenty of people have suggested that he just got overwhelmed and couldn’t deal with it; no idea whether that’s true or whether he was just a great actor, myself. :man_shrugging: I hadn’t talked to him that much. That being said, just want to make sure of something - is there any possibility that TST could have substituted these seeds or tampered with the package, and was there good provenance on them in the first place? Going on trust with him has gotten a lot of people burned, and now that they’ve morphed into a herm-heavy feminized line I just think it’s worth asking. Hopefully you’re way ahead of me, and have already crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s on that. :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t say herm heavy. Even a nube could handle growing what i have going, now that we know what to look for . If I had scratched off those early sex Parts with my fingernail there would have been nothing to worry about. After a proper round of selections or two I think the trait can be entirely removed but personally I’m going to keep it in the line I use for my head stash and remove it from the line I’ll breed to outcross. I know lots of inexperienced Growers that would like to accidentally make themselves some replacement seeds every now and again. These plants are very very uniform, like my old strain i grew from 91 to 2018. This is exactly what you would expect from something grown for decades by the same people. TopShelfTrees1 was very excited about this run. He had been after this one for a long time, and we talked about it in direct messages a couple times. He got me enthused about an Indica. Need I say anything else?:rofl::joy:

If that’s true it’s the shittiest excuse I’ve ever heard in my life. Suck it up and offer to mail the seeds back, for crying out loud. How hard would that have been?
It’s easy to get behind on commitments when you’re getting seeds thrown at you all the time. I think people are pretty understanding if you let them know that you haven’t forgotten about them. Personally I still have a few things I need to get to. Timelines get screwed up, personal shit happens, injuries happen, health issues happen… all sorts of things can delay a timeline. If you find yourself in a position where you are behind on your commitments, then don’t take on any new commitments until you are caught up. :100:
I really think there must be something more to it with top shelf. Lots of people find themselves in a tough financial pickle at the moment regardless of how much or how little they have. Even people that are well off can find themselves in the hole these days. Maybe he was selling stuff to make ends meet. I really shouldn’t speculate though because I know nothing about him. I just think there is some sort of explanation that maybe we wouldn’t be happy with but maybe we could accept it if he would come back, come clean, and start coming thru on those commitments.


TST sent me a bunch of seed a couple years ago that I’ve never gotten into because my gut told me it’s not worth the time. When someone shows bad signs like TST it disqualifies any seed they’ve sent me from ɓeing used in any breeding projects. I just can’t trust the provenance of the beans. If they lied about everything else, why would the be telling the truth on the lineage?


Depends whether or not we can trust him, really. He was very, very excited about everything he did with everyone here; that’s how he got so many people on the hook, when someone’s passionate about the same projects you are they seem more trustworthy. It’s a classic manipulative move. He might have actually been that passionate and just really stupid about taking on more commitments, but there’s a rather long trail of shutdown co-op threads in his wake at this point.

The fact that the plants are uniform is a better indicator than anything he said, IMO… not bulletproof, but better than his word. Consider everything he said to be in the service of a scam, and you won’t be disappointed - even if he was probably being honest 99% of the time, that could be more because the best lies are 99% truth than because he’s a great guy. We just don’t know. As you said, he has no good excuses for not coming back and explaining all this shit to the many, many people he’s wronged, leaving us to assume whatever we want.


Your right. The plants don’t lie, as they say. I didn’t intend to disparage the efforts of @Upstate and I apologize if I can across that way.


I don’t talk about it much but I grew my uncle’s 1975 Afghan from 1998 until 2017, and then in 2018 a hybrid of his old line and my old line that I made in 2009. For that reason I’m very familiar with old afghans and I’m confident this is one of them. Sometimes the smells are very similar to what I have. Another thing I noticed about old inbred lines is that they are often not as resinous as hybrids or if they are as resinous it’s just one out of 10 plants or two out of 10 plants type of thing. One clue I notice is a lack of resin on bud leaves. I’m not saying there is none, but it’s not near as thick as it is on hybrids. In my old Afghan the resin is limited to the buds and immediate tiny leaves covering them, much like this one. The upright growth of the plants’ branching suggests that they were field grown closely together for generations before these hippies getting hold of them. I’m seeing absolutely nothing that would lead me to believe that these genetics are anything less than what Top Shelf said they were. He obviously had a knack for getting the good stuff one way or another.


Miss Broadfork is getting hard nugs already and her smell…oooh that smell…its a smell that surrounds you!
Citronella and sweet perfume. One little whiff and I smelled it for 5 minutes. She’s a special plant. Top 10 smells ever for me. Delicious!


this has been quite the wild ride :rofl:


It sure has. I feel really badly about the delay as far as seeds go but I’m happy to be the guinea pig for the smoking part😁.
Two plants smell like cantaloupe, one like citronella and fuel, one fruity unlike cantaloupe. A couple/ few sweet citrus perfume. Great smells across the board. Each different but with similar undertones.

I could have sworn I posted these other ones. I didn’t see them up above. Sorry if it’s a repeat Screenshot_20240724_151532_Gallery|225x500
Pretty sure this is most of them. I know I took pictures of each. They’re a little further along than this now…as in upper photos


After growing longflowers almost exclusively since 2019, it’s hard to believe my own eyes. Day 34 and the pics are now a few days old. These look like they’ll be done in 2-3 weeks. Seeds are coming along nicely. There’s plenty for another try, and cuttings are growing roots. A couple are ready to plant and others need another week. Im going to leave them all til they are all ready


A little pm on plant 6. A little botrytis on Miss Broadfork. Seed buds in a couple pics.


2 weeks left I think. Dealing with PM on one or 2 plants. Miss Broadfork has it a little, just here and there. # 6 (i think) has some on many small bud leaves. It’s manageable but not if it gets any worse. I sponged off any affected leaves with sulfur water and that seemed to help a lot but then it rained for the next day all day. Humidity has been up in the 80% and up range for the last week and we have had rain several times. I have to say I’m pretty dang impressed how well these are holding up to the weather so far, especially well for an Afghan. At night sometimes the plants go indoors completely soaked and they are rubbing up on one another with barely any air movement. Other plants seem immune to the PM and I’m quite certain that not only have PM plants rubbed on other plants that don’t have it but I have also rubbed on them after tinkering with the PM. I just wipe it off with my fingers most of the time. I remember the first time I saw it years ago I thought a bird shit on my plants😁. This is the best way to properly test them, so although I don’t like the extra effort to bring a pm/ budrot plant to harvest, I like to know what their resistances are, and giving them less than stellar growing conditions will reveal their weaknesses. The plants only get sun from 7:30 til maybe 2:30 or so. None of the branches have been spread out to allow light to reach the middle. I don’t have the space to do that. I think giving these more sun and also spreading the branches out to expose more of them to the Sun and these would be excellent yielders. I have definitely smelled some of the smells emaniting from these plants when I was out west trimming in California in 2016. Surely a building block strain.
You can see a ripe seed sticking out of the second purple bud photo.


Just harvested the first plant, #2, one of the stable ones. Unfortunately this one got hit the worst by mold. I was able to grab four mature seeds out of my seed branch and I lost half a dozen when I snipped out moldy sections of it. I was able to leave that bottom branch and the little clump of seeds at the tip of the end bud and hopefully they will continue to mature before mold takes them. Just over the last week we’ve gotten another 4 inches of rain. All Things Considered even this plant held up better than my Afghan would have. I would say Harvest is a bit On the early side And the bottom of the plant should have had another week. I’ve learned over the years to take what you can get. Another week of rain and this one would have been a goner. I haven’t seen the Sun in weeks and I could probably count on both hands the amount of times we’ve had sunny days this summer. Pics don’t do this lady any justice. Tastes like pine, smells Cali…like San Fernando Kush. I wish I could take a picture in the Sun to show off all the resin for you guys. Grey is the new blue.


Whatever is left on the plant is mold free


Plant #3 harvested. This was the most resinous plant, with abundant resin everywhere. I picked seeds out of 2 rotting seed branches. They look done enough to grow. The plant bottom and another seed branch are still going. This one had more mold than any other plant, along with the densest buds. The kind that looks great on the outside of the cola, but rot all inside. I had to cut all the colas up and salvaged a good 80% or so despite the rot. More rain tomorrow, rained today, washout coming Friday. Had to cut it but would have loved another week. She’s at early peak potency now anyway, and thats how i like my indica smoke, but for pain cream more time would have been nice.

Anyone ever see mushrooms like this? This wet weather is bringing out the shrooms. I’ve never seen this one and it’s growing right in my yard.


Harvested Miss Broadfork today too. Had the day off to go to the ortho doc. Found out I have Lyme disease and that’s what’s been screwing my knee up. I have a feeling that along with Doxycycline, this nasty disease doesn’t stand a chance when I add in some good old Black Tuna hash oil to the mix😁. Pictures coming after I bring in the plants. We are at day 45 right now so these took just over 6 weeks to finish. This one was pickable a week ago. Incredibly fast! A 5-weeker!
Btw… I never had a bit of fatigue smoking sativas and having lyme… but when the doctor took fluid out of my knee and had it tested, he told me a normal white blood cell count for a given unit of fluid is 0 to 200 and mine was 24,000. I hate ticks. This was a different tick that got me this time than the one that put me out of work for 9 days a year ago. I didn’t even know I had been bitten.
Sativa grass l’ move that ass🤣