Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

Bad luck with those ticks :face_with_head_bandage:, I had once one and climbed up in the leg looking for warmth and was pretty near my fundamentals :sweat:.

Glad you’re going to safe this crop after all this bad conditions (you included :sweat_smile:), could those shrums be these?


No doubt, some bad luck, but I’m happy to know it wasn’t old age, and happy to know what Im dealing with so i can fight back.

Tough, grueling season for me this year. I may have inadvertently discovered how to shave a couple weeks off of flowering times. Everything I have going this year is super fast and when I was laid up I couldn’t get the plants out as early as normal and I had to start putting them in earlier than normal as well because it was taking me so long to finish. So in the end they saw maybe a couple weeks of 10 and a half hour days in the early part of flowering and then that got bumped up to 12 hours again. I think the shortened light cycle got them going faster and then the long days helped them put on some weight. Keep in mind these saw no more than 6 hours of Sun at the height of flowering and probably a little bit less than that now. The plants were crowded and I never did pull the branches away from one another to allow light into the interior like I would normally do.
Great plants.

Maybe. Will they grow in New York? Do they have those crazy tentacles down at the base of the stem? Looks like a yard squid, lol. I sometimes forget I have the internet but if we use it all the time there’s no conversation😁.
Here’s Miss Broadfork. Seriously I could have picked this one at a touch over 5 weeks, somewhere between day 35 and 38. That’s pretty epic. I’m about to smoke my first microwaved sample. No PM and very little rot. Got some seeds off her already too.

Harvested plant 6 too. This one had pm on many of the smaller Bud leaves but not on the buds themselves. I would have liked to have left this one for a couple more sunny days but the glands were turning cloudy. Just a full plant pic and a fat leaf stem photo.
The others are done too. Harvest is imminent. These 3 also held up well. One got some late PM, but no mold, and the other 2 no PM and very little mold…but when mold comes with these that are susceptible, it spreads really fast during late flower when rain is heavy. Unfortunately, the nicest looking plants had the tendency to rot. One of the resistant plants has zero smell. Two others smell, but don’t look as nice as what I harvested. All plants stayed stable after the first couple balls on #4, #6 and many balls( every top cola had two at the base on unused #7.) Plants #1( Miss Broadfork), #2, #3 and #5 were all completely stable. #'s 1, 2 and 3 were the nicest, followed by #6. All but a few seed buds on the harvested plants, aside from Miss Broadfork, got hit hard. The plants were constantly wet inside the buds. Seeds were done enough though. The backup plan is secured. I’ll get the cuttings in dirt this weekend and get the ball rolling again for round 2.


I keep asking about mushrooms in my yard. I’m always hoping someone will tell me they’re the “good” ones


Good job on round 1 of the Black Tuna and sorry to hear about having Lyme disease. That can be a real pain. Hope you get better soon.


Damn I missed that you got Lyme. That sucks, glad you caught it.

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Wait what??? :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Look at the post above mine. That’s were I found out.

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Do the underside of the caps have gills or pores? They do look like the Gassy Webcap @George posted, but yours have very pronounced bases!!!


Been watching this one. Awesome job @Upstate


Fucking ticks. I had knee problems for a while without any real reason and later learned that may happen from lyme. I had a tick bite weeks before that. I never went to a doc though as mine retired and I could not get my ass up to find a new one. It got better after a while. I recently had two tick bites in that leg a bit below that knee and guess what, it started again. Luckily just a few days and not as bad so I guess I have learned some kind of immune response to that or I am half tick now.

Hope you are getting better fast.


Do the shrooms have pores or gills under the hat? Can you cut a big one in half (from top to bottom) and take some pics? Also check if the colour changes when cut.

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I’ll check tonight about gills and @allotment I’ll chop one lengthwise to see about color change.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I’ll get better quickly…I hope :pray:.


Sorry for the off topic but speaking of mushrooms never saw this before … :see_no_evil:


That’s awesome


There are gills on the underside, and the mushroom remains purple when you slice it open.

That’s not my resin filled thumbnail in the photo​:rofl::wink::shushing_face::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:
@George neat! Does that mean your mix is fungal dominant?


I just mixed Canna Terra Professional with garden soil as you suggested, so still a mystery for me … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Black tuna porn. Sorry if there’s a repeat from an earlier post.


Is this mushroom a Amethyst Deceiver?

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@Fortman420 I haven’t been able to find a picture that looks exactly like it but @Hemlock thinks it’s a Gassy Webcap, and he’s very familiar with mushrooms. Does the one you’re talking about grow in New York? Hopefully with the new pictures I just posted we can figure this one out.