Black Tuna Coop Seedrun


Looks like I may be @Upstate

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It is growing right underneath a beech tree and next to a Douglas fir Forest. That could be it. The only thing missing is the swollen stem and those weird tentacles coming off of it

Neat looking mushrooms. Reminds me of those disc shaped squash. Patty pan squash i think?

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This is growing in doors with Aloe plants;

And this is in with a Lime tree that winters indoors and goes outdoors in Spring until too cold in the Fall.


They are the same fungi at different stages and they look
similar to your photos @George.


They have already melted like plastiline, so I just think it was a nature’s joke … :sweat_smile:


Cortinarius traganus (Gassy Webcap) would have yellowish-brownish flesh. Laccaria amethystina (Amethyst Deceiver) does not have this kind of stem.

@upstate you could take a spore print (cut off a cap, place it on white paper, put a glass on top) to check the color. Do they have any kind of smell?


I’ll have to see if there’s any left. The one that I sliced lengthwise remained a lavender color on the inside when exposed to air.


I smoked my first Black Tuna bowl. For my first smoke I chose the number three, the most resinous plant on the leaves outside of the buds. Unfortunately nearly all of what I harvested ended up molding, leaving me with maybe an 1/8th. I still have some smaller inside buds on the plant that I left to finish ripening, and these have no mold.
The Taste is absolutely spectacular. Easily one of the tastiest smokes of my life. I’ll have to really think about it when I smoke next time and try to place what the smells and tastes are. It’s a complex profile for sure. The effect is a very powerful head and body high. I fell asleep shortly after smoking unfortunately, so I can’t tell how long the high lasted… but I only woke up one time last night and I usually wake up two or three times. Also had some crazy dreams. This is great stuff for sure. I think several of the others should be dry by this weekend and then I will get into those as well😁


That’s an encouraging review @Upstate :green_heart: Sucks about the mold but that’s not the end of the world - most importantly it sounds like you have a winner on your hands. Excellent work, really have enjoyed following along with this one. Have a great Friday!


Thanks. I’m looking forward to spreading this one around overgrow. I just harvested the last plant, #5. This one took a little bit longer than the others but it’s mold resistant and PM resistant as well. I only had to cut out one small bit of mold and there was zero PM.
First #5, then the remnants of number 3, turning purple


Very nice @Upstate , she looks like a beaut!


Great work! Thank you for doing this! :grinning:


Looking great!

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Those are beautiful


Look real nice. Well done


Wow, they turned out nice!

Congrats on another great run.


She looks great! Thanks for running these was great to watch :+1:

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Just finding this thread now!

Great job @Upstate !

This is one of those old strains I’ve always wanted to grow. I remember smoking it every once in a while when a buddy of mine from Cali would come to visit.


What a ride this has been 🤷 good to see you still determined to create some seeds using STS and preserve the line. Impressive to see how fast they ripened up and although they had little sunshine and loads of rain they performed quite well :wink:

I loved reading about the history and nostalgia for some people and got pretty interested to see how this project turns out. It would be nice to see you spreading that cut and seeds later and see how she does for others.

Good thing you caught the lyme early on and you can treat it.

Thanks for doing this seedrun and letting us follow the whole process :pray: