Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

dunno about Deep Chunk resemblance but I sure do see some distinct similarities in leaf morphology between some of your plants and the Black Tuna clone I used to run.


I have to move the plants to get a pic of the family. Coming along nicely. Still can’t confirm sex on all of them, but I’m sure there’s at least one male, so we’ve got a seedrun for sure. Strange sex parts on this one.
Big leaves on them. In the ground i bet they’d be huge.


First photo is the best of a whole plant. Second photo if you look closely you will see a broken off branch that is hollow inside. I have snapped two branches trying to bend to them. They snap extremely easily compared to the flexible sativas I am now used to. Good sign to see the branch so Hollow on the inside. In my experience that means potency. I’ll be cloning the branch, as it’s clearly a sign the universe wanted that to happen for me😁
Perhaps my days of living in pain are numbered. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:!


Plants are looking healthy, glad you have a conformed male, black tuna will live on… sweet


What happened? I’ve seen giant fat broad leaves in some of @upstate’s posts lately. Did he get his account highjacked ? :laughing:

Healthy grow as usual! Wonder how they’ll look when flowering. Surely heavy. Hope the branches won’t snap.


I know deep chunk has those fat leaves. Nice

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Strange sex parts…2nd pic up they look like another leaf set


Out of my character for sure😁



Having trouble figuring this one out. Early on I figured it must be a male because it was way bigger than the others. Then I confirmed it was most likely a male by early sexing. I left it in the 3 gallon container while I transplanted the others… and today I look at it and possibly it is female. Either way it’s in a 7 gallon now. I hate to have huge males around, So I’m really hoping it hasn’t tricked me…again?


These big ones are ready to flower now. I’ll wait a few days for the roots of the freshly up potted plant to take in the new bag, transplant miss broadfork to get her bigger and flower the 6 that are ready next week, with miss broadfork to follow a week or 2 later.


It looks kinda girly to me as well.

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ya it’s hard to say eh?
nice looking plants though man :wink:


As @funkyfunk mentioned, certainly unusual to see big fat leaves on your thread, but beautiful plants just the same.


Tricky tricky… :face_with_monocle: Can’t wait to see some flowers soon! :pray::green_heart:


@CanuckistanPete strange indeed! I do love indicas and some hybrids, but I had them most of my life and I never did have the opportunity to try all the old famous sativas, so I’ve concentrated my work there for now. Those are the strains that take a long time to go through. But I’ll be going Whole Hog into Indicas at some point, and this Black Tuna will definitely be worth sorting through😁
@OGSince03 I’m looking forward to seeing some flowers soon myself. Definitely Tricky Tricky but I’m pretty sure I know what’s what now. Pretty sure being the key words lol. As it looks now I’m pretty sure I got it perfectly ass backwards. Nearly every plant I thought was a male is a female and every plant I thought was a female is a male​:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So if I’m right this time we end up at four females and three males. Since the smallest plants are the females I’m going to give another week or two veg time before flowering, which will allow me just enough time to make a few Turkish seeds in the meantime.
Growth is crazy here in NY in June and July with the longer daylight hours.
The difference in these two photos is one month’s time almost exactly

The plant at the bottom is most likely a male and one of the finest I’ve ever seen. All the plants have stinky stem rubs. My buddy came over this week and mentioned one smelled " chemy".


Same plant. It’s a he for sure. I’d have never guessed( and didn’t, now that I think of it🤣) this one could be a boy. 3 confirmed males, 4 confirmed or extremely likely females. I managed to really screw up my knee area, so I haven’t been getting many pictures. I’m going to have to move the female plants into a place with less Sun so I can still properly take care of them, but they are definitely big enough at this point to start flowering. The Turkish are just about ready to pollinate so I think my timing is still good and I’ll start flowering them in one week. Any residual Turkish pollen isn’t going to survive more than a day or two outdoors in New York. Heavy dew every morning and plenty of rain. I’ll do my best to get pictures of the whole family today. Depends how far I can walk. I’ve discovered that hopping plants around in 7 gallon containers is no fun. Go figure.


Why have I missed this thread? :confused: Watching now. Nice fat leaves :face_with_monocle:


All pics same male. Nice thick petioles on these leaves. Last two pictures show first the male pre-flower that let me confirm this one, and then a different node( last pic) on the same plant showing what I call a" false female " male flower. These are the trickiest to identify properly in my opinion. Basically the “Pod” or actual " ball"( yes male plants have balls😁) itself is encapsulated in these modified leaves that form a sheath that looks a bit like a Smurf head. Looks a heck of a lot like a female flower.
Nice furry stems on these. Flea Beatles and other pests have left these alone. I can smell them when I get within 10 ft


The females. 4 pics. Last one is Miss Broadfork.
Then a group shot of the 3 males, a few closeups of the males to show their height, and finally a long overdue family photo.

These plants have a pretty rigid and upright growth pattern. Ties or early continuous training will be needed to spread out the canopy
I always Mark the stinkiest plants with a stick. Typically the stinkiest plant of each strain gets 2 sticks. This is the first time I ever marked a male plant for best smell, and it happens to be the plant with the best structure too. I’d be a fool if I didn’t get a cutting. (Of course that doesn’t mean I will lol)