Black Tuna Coop Seedrun

We have a definite with the females. 4.


Those plants are looking great. :grinning:


Awesome update thank you. Theyā€™re looking fantastic!
Iā€™ll make space for the male if needed


Spray or Spay? Spell check get you? You mean reverse it? Hmmmmā€¦
So the point would be so that I could make seeds on that plant, is that correct? Or is there a way to spay a male plant?:rofl:




:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: sometimes I go back and read an earlier postā€”/think to myself what the heck am I supposed to be saying :flushed:


Aaaaah. Spaceā€¦i have space for cuttings but Iā€™m a seed guy. I take cuttings all the time and normally let them die. May have to make an exception this time though.

Lol. The edit feature is waaaay overworked on my phonešŸ˜


The dumbest posts (and texts) Iā€™ve made are thanks to spill chunk.


Spell check. :grin:


Previously Iā€™ve done the exact thing. Saved my clones while letting my seedlings die! Actually still do that sometimes


The dumbest posts and Texts ive made are thanks to Oaxaca :joy::rofl:
Spill chunk. Epic! :rofl:


I just noticed that whole photo. CleveršŸ˜„


I think my knee will be healed enough to start flowering this weekend. Iā€™ve been crippled 2 weeks and unable to do much, aside from watering. Plants are as tall as me now. Turks were pollinated 2 days ago and i can get rid of their males, leaving only the black tuna males in proximity.
What are the rules when doing a co-op seed run @DougDawson? Do I have to seed the whole bit? The plants are quite a bit bigger than what I had planned on and there is definitely room for me to smoke some and make plenty of coop seeds too, if allowed.
Otherwise Iā€™m going to have 20,000 seeds. Seems like a waste


Ultimately the goal is to have genetics from all plants in the mix. Open pollination with no selection is the rule. I suppose you could selectively pollinate a number of branches on a couple. That would provide a good number of seeds for the mix while still giving you some bud for smoking. I will tag the @coopactiongroup to chime in as I canā€™t speak for them. Glad to hear you knee is healing. Knee injuries suck.


Iā€™d pollinate every female plant on all the bottom branches +, using pollen from all males in equal amounts. Iā€™d still include everything for sure. It would be a controlled open pollination which is what I usually do to keep pollen from going everywhere. There would still be plenty of seeds. Id make sure. Some of the branches are as big as the plants I normally pollinate.

Thanks. Scary injury. Almost considered going to the doctor for a minute. Its been two weeks and I can just now walk a bit without a cane.( last years Tirah valley x Peshawar stalk lol)
Iā€™m pretty sure i screwed up my quadriceps. It was painful. Still canā€™t bend my knee, but im getting there


Sound good man. You get your smoke while still including all the genetics. Canā€™t see any issues with that.

I hear you about your knee. I took out my right knee stepping off a jetski. It just popped and then popped again. It didnā€™t hurt, just made 2 popping sounds. Then it swelled up huge as the day progressed. Was a full year before I could kneel properly. I still keep a knee brace in my car but have not had to use it for a long time. Hereā€™s hoping yours doesnā€™t take so long to heal.


I was a bystander years ago when a shooting went down at a mcdonalds in surrey bc.
Got hit with a .22cal bullet in the right knee. It went in where the soft tissue is on the left side of the knee cap and imbedded into the femur part of the knee joint. I was extremely lucky it struck where it did and not closer to the tendon below the knee cap. Still they had to do a major surgery to get in and get the bullet out. Was in a knee brace that screwed into the bones of my leg to hold the joint together while it healed. Took 18 months before the brace came off and another year of physio before I felt normal. Canā€™t kneel on hard surfaces at all though. Took out my other knee when I was a kid riding BMX track but that is a whole nuther story LOL
Knees are a bad one to bugger upā€¦ Iā€™d go see a doctor if it were me. My nephew was a skateboard fanatic and was extremely good at it. kept buggering up his knee and not seeking medical attention. One day it completely gave out. Now he is 25 , in constant heavy pain, brace 24/7 and doctors canā€™t figure out a way to fix him he has buggered it up that bad. His joint is so blown it wonā€™t hold together without the brace. Kid is fucked for life unfortunately.


I messed up both knees in some motorcycle accidents. I have one knee replacement. In one accident I busted just about every bone in my right hand and wrist. They were going to schedule surgery to re-break and screw everything together in a month and I didnā€™t want to wait. So I wrapped it up with athletic tape and left it to heal on its own. Talk about dumb! :roll_eyes:

Iā€™ve had back surgeries too - sciatica and blown disk. There were two disks blown when I got that surgery, but the doctor would only repair one. Now the other one is really starting to bug. Iā€™ll wait for insurance or Medicare to take care of that.

All those things wrong, but the pain is currently manageable. Iā€™m not looking forward to that time in the future when it may not be.


Good Lord thatā€™s a long time for an injury to heal. Sounds like I better invest in a good knee brace. I have to squat all the time for my job. Iā€™ll have to do it while keeping my right leg straight now somehow. Iā€™m hoping to go back to work next week sometime. Sounds like a similar injury.
Good to hear I can get some head stash out of those big Black Tuna plants as well as plenty of seeds. I think Iā€™ll make some sort of cream for the knee out of some of the buds or trim. Flowering begins tonight. Iā€™m extremely curious how they handle the humidity once they hit midflower mid summer. Some places in the San Bernardino Mountains have decent rainfall and others donā€™t.
@SHSC-1 ā€¦ some rough luck for sure! How random to get shot in a McDonaldā€™s. Talk about an un- happy meal! Glad you made a full recovery. Thats a long road.
@rasterman I hope youā€™ve ditched that motorcycle for a car these days. More often Itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault rather than the bikers fault When an accident does occur. Be careful if you continue riding.
New pics coming


The knee brace did help at times and kept me moving. Once I could bend again I could kneel, just could not sit while kneeling as my knee would only bend so far. Itā€™s great now so in the end it all healed up. I suppose thatā€™s the main thing. Hopefully yours doesnā€™t take near as long to get back to 100%.