Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

I foliar fed in the evening after the sun was low in in the west. Indoors I would do it with LEDs and fans off. Just cut a piece of cardboard hold it above a plant when you spray up under leaves. Turn your fans on for 5 mins before turning LED back on. Protect your Led’s from spray.

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The foliar spray really helped. NOT with epsom salts, did nothing, but with my veg nutes. FOR SOME REASON the ladies are not drinking from the rez’s much. NEVER seen this before. SLOW uptake from rez, plants N starving. My veg food has plenty N…

Could be my tap water has changed? Not sure whats going on. Hit them wioth a foliar and they responded.

So gonna raise the lights, turn then down to 20 % , foliar them now, lights back up in 2 or 3 hours time, then hit them once again tonight at light put.


I use Bushdoctor Kelp Me Kelp You at a rate of 2 tsp per gallon to foliar feed.

I just got my Megacrop 2-part A and B. They sent me a sample of they’re Sea-K. I’m going to try it after my bottle runs out.

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I used they’re Sweet Candy with great success on this year’s outdoor. It’s also a great PK booster
0-27-27 They are still using old bags, disregard old NPK #'s. It’s cheap and badass.

I foliar every other day. I wouldn’t with LED on at all. It doesn’t mess with light cycle to turn them off for 5 or 10 minutes. If this concerns, you just wait until lights off. I also would not foliar feed more than every other day. Twice in one day is overkill and could burn your plants.

I’m basing this on what I am comfortable with.

Always start with a low dose even with foliar feeding

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This is exactly what happened to Frankie
Chech PH in the reservoir when I did I found out it was high and seeems to have been the start of the problems I was having once the ph was fixed things turned around


Already done…par at canopy is only 100 , fans cranking, should be just fine, let them chiil 2 hours then lights back up.

Will NOt hit again tonight, will follow your advise


When I read how last week you watered with 2.5x the previous nutrient strength, I am sorry to say, I cringed. I don’t know soil very well but I have always read that – at least in Hydro Coco – we should only increase or decrease our feed rates by 50-100 ppm per jump and you were literally more than doubling your application rate. I am thinking that you may have overfed them? It is possible they are now in a state of shock and need some flushing out? Their slowwing/stopping growth is definitely seeming to me to be a sign of this.


None seem to be drinking much at all from the rez’s. No meter here, but nothing has changed. Did get a fresh bottle of nutes, wonder if there is an ussue.


What are the roots like maybe poor development?


YES, very poor

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Give them a few doses of some root juice starve them of water for a day at a time make them look for a drink .


I would flush my coco with a 300ppm. solution, the same ppm as I use for clones, consisting of half cal-mag and half nutrients. This helps maintain Coco’s Cation ratio which can potentially be thrown out of whack if pure water is used for flushing. Here is a link to one of many sites which suggest this method:,pH%20level%20for%20optimal%20growth.

Do you check your ph when your make your mix ?

I never checked till it went crazy and from that time on I check every feed


Any them fresh seeds pop ?

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Looks great pal, i would say pop them outside since the sun is for free and the Texan weather is hot! :slight_smile:

Just went in yesterday haven’t looked
Wouldn’t expect to see any yet but I’ll go look right now…………



How soon you ready for Mac and WC cuts ?

Want snips or rooted clones ?

Mom tent back to business


I can take snips I have a small mom tent but won’t be able to run them till next run

Great that mom tent is up and running


Do you feed your moms bloom nutrients before you cut snips it helps them to root faster