Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Want me to hold off for a bit then, was about to make you rooted clones.

If you want me to hold off, i have Mom’s safe, not going anywhere, just give me 3 weeks notice and ill make them for you


That would be better for me to wait a bit
I was thinking once Frankie is finished I’ll take them

That would open up the small tent which would be better to store them in

I can take them in 3 weeks I’m on week 6 now


was wondering if maybe the soil got packed to tight around the wick in the octos?


I pack mine fairly tight at the bottom and looser for the rest.

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Could be but I know jet no that’s not his problem

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My bet is they aren’t drinking as the EC is too high


Ditch them spoons and jump into the 21 century with a blue lab ph and ppm pens/meters lol
Make life easy and plants happy
Precise ph , proper gradual increases in ppm and consistent mixing of nutes
No more unknown or ish

Ec was very low
Roots not heavy in the rez for some reason

Rez not packed too tight .

Not sure what is happening but foliar spray is helping

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The foliar is just masking the problem
The issue with the roots is still there


Yes I realize that
But don’t know how to fix it

The foliar working and the rez not getting drunk fast tells me they are not pulling from the rez

It’s not high ppm

I can’t remember if I use the rotten soil on them or not

I can keep doing the foliar but once they get into flour I can’t spray buds so I don’t know what I’m going to do

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The power of the flip will help ie stretch
The racing flowering hormones etc will pick them up a gear or two

It’s a catch 22 , the foliar is helping plant buuuut the plant not reliant on making roots as it’s getting it from foliar


Did you want me to send you a jar of this ?


Canna rhizotonic is another good one for explosive roots , plants in stress etc

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What do I want to find here local ???

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Paps bought some rhizo so should be easily available over there
It’s expensive , even here , but great stuff
Makes strong roots ,multiplies root mass , puts protective coating on roots and great for vigor and plant health
It’s so good I have to use it sparingly and not recommended dose or my crates fill up with to much roots , so although expensive it can go a long ways

Ask @Papalag tho as he might give different view on it’s he octo guy like you , whereas I’m not

Also people use it for seeds clones and young plants in general too , in weeker strength

There are other makes ie house and garden roots excellorator etc but they have other ingredients in it ( avoid copyrights eg added npk maybe ) so not in pure form like canna kind off, I’ve always used canna so I’m biased

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Paps bought some rhizo so should be easily available over there
It’s expensive , even here , but great stuff
Makes strong roots ,multiplies root mass , puts p

This is great stuff it’s available on Amazon

Builds big ass roots

Love it
Just order a new bottle lol


No canna boost yet @Papalag ?

cms = condensed molasses soluable ( I think ) = molasses zero kind off

Aids photosynsathis ( haha ) promotes uptake and full of good stuff


No I haven’t tried the boost yet when I run out of the one I use next time I need

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Couldnt get the Rhizo for 5 days so bought Voodoo Juice, be here today . Looked up, just about the same with same reviews.
BOTH say to use in early plants, NEITHER say does anything in older plants, but WTF, might as well try it.

Given the ladies 3 foliar hits, 100% improvement .

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What is your plan? Give the voodoo juice a try and flip no matter what? Or try and mess with them to figure out the issue before flip?