Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Well what ever I did worked on my issues with Frankie she is drinking better and is stacking nicely the new growth looks much better

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I know issue, they are starving., For some reason the roots never went deep into the rez. NEVER seen that before, not sure why unless i planted them in the old tainted soil i had.

Normally, at this stage, and their sizes, they should suck rez dry in 5 days or so, maybe 6. Been sucking this fill up 3 weeks now. Not taking from the rez.

The foliar is at least giving them some food.

I already flipped them, about 4 or 5 days ago, lost track to be honest. They were plenty big enough , and if i can get them to kick in gear, this will be a tent of big ass plants like i just took down.

ALL of them branched well, VERY LITTLE LST needed('cause they are cuts from adult mature mothers) and there is plenty of budsites.

Blissful Wizard kind of took it in stride, they are too light green, not exactly happy happy, but not dropping leaves and not looking horrible. Not looking like id like, but not horrible. Well, ok, maybe close to horrible, lol

The solo Mac1(which i babied and LST’d the Hell out of and was NICE) is really having a hard time. Until i hit her with a big foliar shot, she was closed up, leafs down, very very pissed off.

The 3 wedding Cakes are absolutely PISSED. Droppin leaf, showing SEVERE signs of N deficency, and look like a 3rd grader is growing them :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The 3 wedding Cakes have drank NOTHING from the rez in a week!!!

So, to answer your question, as to what im gonna do???


Gonna hit them with the Voodoo Juice tomorrow, keep foliar feeding every day till buds start, and i backed off the PAR level quite a bit.

@ifish makes a great statement above. I have een it several times, that poor growing plants in veg will become nice flowering plants.

Im only in 1st week of flip, so i have time to fix it…but issue is no fixing no roots in rez. 6 gallons of soil between them and the rez, nothing much i can do.

Suppose if the Voodoo Juice , foliar feeds, and lower PAR level do not help, i will HVE TO WATER OVER THE TOP …LAST CALL AND NOT WANTING TO DO IT


As you know, i have no ph meter, no ppm meter, and not getting them either. KNOW my nutes are fine, my ratios fine. DOUBT all of a sudden my home water changed PH and TDS levels. Could of hsppened but i doubt it.

The WC and MAC were obviously placed into my octopots too early. I generally come from Dixie cup to Octopot. Because the WC and Mac were so slow, i decided to up pot into 4x4’s , then go into octopots from them. Done it before , always had great results.

I didnt let them fill the 4x4’s and placed them too early is what im guessing. OR, i used the 10 year old shit brown soil mix in their pots.

NOT SURE…but even if i have to hand water , this run is going on. The WC and Mac are so damn good i have no choice.

Doesnt matter…got 6 rooted cuts of Mac and WC right now just went into Dixie Cups. Mom tent is back on track, was the damn bad soil mix, the pots with no drainage, and the fan blowing way too hard. Everyone is going to be just damn fine in there. Ill let the Macs n WC’s fill the Dixies then go into octo’s that are already filled with proper mix and waiting on them.

They will go into tent 2 . IM GOING TO GET a good run on these 2 if it’s the last fucking thing i do!!!

Since i have 100% free time now…and dont even have to open the back door 300 times a day for the dogs to go out anymore…im gonna set up the free 4x4 tent i got with the press, and run that tent too :heart_eyes: Want to run my new X’s in there…might do a shitload in 1 gallon pots, (yes ill have to water but will use my pump and wand to do it with , sitting in a chair ) and flip as soon as they go alt branching. Get a look at what i made.


Ill go take few pics of the mess so yall can see it

AT LEAST…im no longer a door man :heart_eyes:

Off to take lawn mower to the shop…Sona pulled the wheel off while i was mowing this mornning and broke its mounting hole :+1: While im mowing, he runs up and grabs a front wheel and tries to pull the mower away from me. I think he hates the mower, lol

Be back ina bit ifn anyone has some brilliant suggestions…you know, other than setting them on fire


Morning @ColeLennon

Where do you live again man??


Eugene/Springfield OR Morning. Whoever it was above that mentioned that they think you shocked them when you went 2.5x’s on strength in rez is probably right you shocked them. They will come back go back to feeding them less and bump slowly per the caution rate with the coco. Coco with Led’s needs Cal Mag sup. I go in low amounts every feeding in bloom. Plus molasses. :slightly_smiling_face:


Off to mower man.

Yall have a good morning…

sure is NICE now, got time for all i need to do. HOW IN HELL did i do this while working 80 hours a week?

Had time now to look around here at home, house looks like SHIT.

Doggie door was 1st thing, had to do it to keep all the damn dust and humidity out of the house leaving mt back door open for the dogs while i wad gone 14 hours a day.

The Cannatrol drier i WANT wad 1600 bucks…dog door 2000 bucks…FOR ONCE , at 69 years old, i acted like an adult and got the doggie door instead :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I hate the fact im becoming an adult…


What ya think @DougDawson

Am i pulling off a third grade grow??? :sunglasses:

Least the canopy on same strain plants is good… :boom:


It’s not third grade man!!! We all shock plants with nutes. Happens to the best of us.



The bigger hiot did nothing. They are not pulling fromn the rez.

TO MY EYE, they are starving, NOT overfed or nute lock out…but thats my eye…

I POSTED THEM TO SEE what everyone here thinks, wealth o knowledge here.

The heavy foliar hits have improved them 100 percent. Seen them a week ago, you would understand.

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Didnt shock them with the nutes. Same strength i placed in rez i used foliar. 2 hours after 1st foliar they perked up. and stopped dropping leaf. After second hit they got some green back.

I still contend they are hungry…you say overfed, curious as to the others take on it.

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Yep foliar feeding will help def. If they continue to get better while foliar feeding and not drop off in a couple days then you fixed your problem with the rez.

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could of just been PH drift

Well i figured out the problem…they are not poulling nutes from rez, BUT i do not kniow how to fix it, or what to do when i get 4 weeks into flower.

Cant foliar feed that late…guess ill hsve to water over the top


I obsess too much on my plants. I can’t help it. ADHD/PTSD with OCD. That’s why I use coco and hand feed micro doses. OCTO pots and Hydro. I would screw it up quick and not by choice.


Nothing wrong with top feeding them for the rest of the run and starting fresh on the next run and dial your Octo in.

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Looks good on my phone screen :wink: Odd they are not taking up nutes :thinking:


They are lime green with much yellow. Week ago, before foliar, almost all yellow and ropping like flies


That sucks man, I can’t see for shit on my phone and can’t connect on my laptop as they blocked the site. Hopefully someone has some ideas as to the poor root development and lack of feeding. I see you opened a thread for it so somebody is bound to have an idea.