Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Off to my advanced Hyrdo-fit class. Chin up man. Feed em, luv em and leave em alone. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

Yeah they look like they had root rot or something going on. Roots not happy for sure. They do look like they may be pulling out of it now thoughā€¦ Maybe just waiting on new roots to make their way down to the res? How do the roots look that are in the res? My first milky way clone was looking kinda like these from not happy roots but pulled out of it after a week or so in flower. Sheā€™s a prolific rooter though.


I think you are doing great. I feel that it takes bumps in the road to learn how to drive well :sweat_smile:
I will second and expand upon ColeLennonā€™s concern though: Spraying plants may make them look better because the leaves directly absorb the nutrients, and high ppm levels are acceptable on leaves, but the nutrients donā€™t translocateā€¦ they donā€™t move beyond the leaves to help the rest of the plant and that causes the plant to stop growing more roots because the plant thinks it has enough food. So the leaves may look better from foliar sprays, but the plant may stop extending its roots from that, or (not to dwell) its health may still be struggling due to the high osmotic pressure manifesting in the root zone.


Great post @herojuana.tom


Thank you kindly @Jetdro. Were are all here to help you succeed. I feel like we are your personal presidential advisors: We dish out what we know from our personal experiences but you ultimately preside over your decision as to how you want to grow.


I started out using MGMC with 50% perlite. I killed so many plants, before I figured out how to stay in the lane that works well for me. Even amounts of Coco/Peat Forest Organic product/Perlite along with feeding more often but micro dosing. I donā€™t have to worry about over watering or under watering. I use a good amount of Dolomite lime powder, and nutes that buffer to my neutral tap. I donā€™t PH anything. Never have. Even though I canā€™t leave my plants alone. I learned how to harness that behavioral, so myself and the plants benefit from it.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^You know that saying? ā€œYou canā€™t teach an Old Dog new tricksā€ sure, but that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be trained. :100:

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Wonder if you shouldnā€™t add some hydrogen peroxide to the res clear up any nasty shit that is happening?


You definitely have results which prove that you are doing it right. It takes time and effort to become one with the force and gain the ability to feel what your plants want.
I can see soil not needing ph balanced water, people water with their lawns with tap water that is ph 9.6 and their gardens look great. but hydro Ph has been the cause of pretty much every problem I have ever incurred in a grow.
I was a curious kid. Back in sixth grade I grew three peas and a single tomato under fluorescent lights in my shed growing hydroponically using lava rocks because I had read it was possible in a chemistry book I had borrowed from the library. Yes, I was a really weird kid who read chemistry books in sixth grade.:sweat_smile:
When I got out of the Navy and started growing cannabis back in 1991 I didnā€™t hesitate to gravitate immediately to hydroponics as my method of choice. I began with rockwool as my grow media. Around 1994-1995 a buddy of mine who was the original source of my namesake Herojuana strain got me hooked on his Ein Gedi Blue Aeroponic bucket system with some hydrocorn balls in the suspended net cups. After an extended power outage caused a total harvest loss, no power in aeroponics is no Bueno, I later moved to hydrocorn as my media until around 2004 when I worked at CCG and saw the results of side by side testing of large numbers of plants in different mediaā€™s and moved to a mixture of 50%coco 50%hydrocorn. Hydrocorn is fairly expensive and I donā€™t like to reuse my media so nowadays I take my clones in rockwool but then use a 50/50 coco/perlite blend as my primary media. I have stuck with that until just this current cycle where I plan to run a batch that are in 100% rockwool.
Any time I have root problems, I
(1) Apply Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. This is sold as Botanicare ā€œHydroguardā€ or the much more concentrated and affordable Southern AG ā€œGarden friendly fungicideā€. The stuff is an all-around great product that will ensure healthy roots as well as fight off infections when applied foliarly. It is great stuff.
(2) If the problem is anaerobic conditions, e.g. overwatered soil/media, where I notice hydrogen sulfide (stinky) runoff, then I add LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) along with (1) during my next watering to assist in remediating up the anaerobic conditions.

I think Jet has some pretty darn good advisors, if I do say so myself :joy::v:


Iā€™ve never even thought about what happens when the power goes out. ā€œSnapā€


Hi Jet,
Your advisors here have covered so many bases already Iā€™m reluctant to ask, but what do the roots that made it to your Rez look like? Can you take a pic?

I had a similar root problem in micro octopots and the solution, after much hair pulling, was to clip off some obviously damaged mushy roots and then replace the water in the rez with a double dose of Hydro Guard, pH 6.0 & 50% TTF nutes.

New roots began to form in about a week and they stayed healthy afterwards. Now I add it to every batch of octo nutes, but I switched brands. This stuff is more concentrated than Hydro Guard and also cheaper for the exact same active bacteria. (Hat Tip to @MrWizard for that intel)

3ml per gallon keeps the roots rawkin.

PS, beware Top Feeding Octosā€¦ danger ahead!


Not a root issue, just isnt. No rotten or smelly roots in rez, rez is CLEAN smells correct.

Samples will be sent to Farmer Freeman today, get to the bottom of this quick like.

As a note:

Been foliar feedingā€¦the ugly weeding cakes on the right of the tent still look ugly.
the Blissful Wizard on other side of tent have gone GREEN GREENā€¦


How you doing this morning brother


Im fine other than a huge tent that isnt looking way i want it. I gotta bet the damn plants have the virus.

All my shit is squareā€¦thinking the plants are notā€¦will know in just a few days. Took samples just now, paid for the test, gonna overnight the samples later on today.

I have a tons of lil oneā€™s in Dixieā€™s , a week or so away from being placed into octopots. Not touching anything till i hear from Freeman.

IF the plants have itā€¦ALL of it, every plant, going in the trash and im back to square zero after a year of seed and clone hunting. Bunch of time wasted.

IF these have it, i promise myself i shall never ever ever take another clone into my house.

Benn 2.5 days on MY new seedsā€¦nothing up yetā€¦if i see nothing tomorrow ill start to get worried.

Hope your day is bettervthan mine @ColeLennon


Hey @Papalag

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Thatā€™s how I feel about taking in clones.


Damn bro this is like my Frankie
Started after my thrip invasion all the over spraying I did to kill the little fā€™er
Then I upped the feed way too hi and I burnt the Pisa out of her , then I cut bac feed way too much to compensate what a mess

Finally I drained the reservoir and feed at a Moderate amount of feed roughly out of 700 ppm but the big key was I added liquid kelp which seems to of helped drastically good luck bro sometimes crap like this just happens I almost wanted to pull Frankie out completely and dump her


Do soak then that new use the worm castings method

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Same here thatā€™s how I got the thrips damn clones

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They were just a test , so no big deal, but i still expect to see them ā€¦i planted them deep so 3-4 days IS what it should take before seeing them above ground

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