Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

My sister gave me some last summer, said they were clean. Few days after getting them I see PM. Tossed them and sprayed plants that were near them with sulfur and water.
PM gone, but no more clones coming in.


Hay @Floyd the c99 and the c99x GG4 seed I got
What’s the flower time on them I’m definitely slotted one for the next run


Jet look at this hash pipe Chameleon Glass – Durable. Functional. Art.

nice , thinking of getting one?

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I need a new hash pipe
The glass pipe I use is not meant for hash I like the idea of the heated glass wand

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Hope I’m wrong. I lost years of work and a couple clone only varieties when I got it. Better stock up on bleach. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Roughly 60 days 12/12

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Im betting your right. NEVER had any issues, my routine has proven itself.

I will lose all i worked towards this whole damn year…gonna be pissed.

CLONIFY better hope he didnt give me this shit…

Same thing happened to me too. Had to toss and bleach clean my whole room and start over. Thankfully had my favorite cuts backed up elsewhere from before that happened that I was able to get back. HpLVd is a bitch.

I’ve had read in a paper that the leaves don’t always test positive if the plant is infected, but the roots ALWAYS will if it is. I don’t know how true that is though, and I thought most testing asks for leaf samples :thinking:


Hopefully that’s not the issue with a test they’ll be able to tell?

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Jackson says he can, took 3 full leafs on each of three plants, WC, BW, MAC…if any show it all is coming down , and ill trash my Moms and the dixies too…off to post office , argh!!!


After thinking about it all day, looking at my plants, sending off samples for Virus test’s, here is what i know/think on this:

BTW…2 of my boy’s are driving me nuts to know too…

Not everyone is unhappy. The lil ones in Dixie’s in Mother tent looked like shit because they were drowning. I didnt put holes in the Dixies :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Re potted them into proper Dixie’s, changed to fresh soil, all are rebounding and looking better quickly. PRETTY damn sure all the Mother tent issues were MY FAULT. The Dixies didnt have holes in them. I had a big fan blowing way too hard drying out the cut’s cubes, and shaking them much too hard, i had my lights way to bright.

Fixed all that mess, all lil ones should be good from here on out. The 4 i placed into the Octopots are not having issues. Cant remember when i placed them, but they have not suffered as of yet. Think it has been a week or so. So all lil ones, and 4 Mom’s in Octopots appear fine.

I placed the 4 Mothers from Dixie cups, with well established roots. My “turbo” method as i have always done.

Now to Tent 1.

Left half, Blissful Wizard , looks ok. I say ok, because they dont look stellar. They are light in color. I have been foliar feeding both sides for a week or so. The Blissfuls have green’d up, and although not to my liking, they look like they can finish . Leafs up, starting their stretch.

The right side. Since i began foliar feeding, the solo Mac 1 has stopped dropping leaf, and turned proper green. She is still holding her leafs low, only her very top ones being horizontial or better. Thinking on her is that her roots are not in the rez, she is feeding off what i have been spraying on her, and is low on water .

The damn Wedding Cakes. 3 of them, look like total shit. I pulled a corner of their rez’s, nice white roots, clean rez, no smell…BUT…very very little roots. Should be lots more. With the amount i have been foliar feeding them, they should have green’d up, but really have not. Still losing a few lowers too.
The enviroment is sound. My pots are sound. The lighting and circulation of air are sound.

The wedding cakes have branch’s at 90 degree’s all over them. They have started the stretch and are going sideways not up. The leafs are small, and not getting bigger as she grows.

So…i am going to rule out :
My lighting…it is just fine
My pots…they are set right, they have never failed
Enviroment…it is very good and sound

Nute lock out…been here 25 years, using same water. It has never changed. Cannot imagine it changed now. Using same nutes, same soil mix, same ratios i always use. Same pots .Not a nute lock out.

Think it is one of 2 things.

  1. i Did NOT place the WC’s correctly into my octopots. Instead of from fully rooted and filled Dixie, i placed them into 4x4 pots and then into my octo’s. Did NOT let them fill the 4x4 pot before placement.
    When i place them, i use a dummy pot, and water down the bottom of it creating a “column” of water narrow and down to the rez. This time i used a 4x4 blank pot and my thinking is it allowed too much water to go sideways in the sleeve, and they set uop shop in the 6 gallon sleeve rather than the rez.

  2. HLV…small leaf, 90 branching, hard to clone, not vigirous. Been foliar spraying, they are not impressed with that.

So, samples sent to Freeman, just waiting to see which way it is gonna fall…


Forgot to add in this confusing part:

Grab a branch of WC and Mac from dry room. Been hanging only 5 days. Pull seeds out of them and put up.
WC was covered in seeds, took 3 decent buds to make 1 joint. Mac had 3 seeds in 3 buds.

Smoked the WC 1st. Even green 5 day hang, YUP, tasted like WC, was actually delish, and stone is already in there.

The Mac joint tasted better than the mite Mac from inside, and potent as Hell!

HLV suppose to kill thc by 30% …if these are down 30 % , i couldnt tell it.

So that is confusing to me,. Both already have taste and smells. The WC was not, but the Mac was so sticky my fingers are black from peeling seeds out of 3 lil buds.


I don’t think it a virus brother


I sure hope not @Papalag


Positive vibes bro , positive vibes

Love your dogs man.


Excellent process of elimination : )
I think your right on the uppoting to octo too soon etc
Sounds like wc is similar to the core
Why the wc goes downhill for many growers
Now you’ve sussed her out these next clones will be great ( don’t think it’s the virus either like paps said )


Im kinda attached to them too!

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I hope it is this, too much time invested in these cuts to just trash them all.

IF they are not sick, virus sick…wonder what i will do? Water over the top till they finish, or yank them and replace them with proper cuts from Dixies???