Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Bubble making doing well . First pull of first set was excellent . First 3 pulls great , 4th pull not and dumped .

On second set now . Not looked at 90 bag but know it’s heavy !

Appears I’m gonna do 3 sets of 3 wash’s each

Damn bubble making is work lol

The 160 looks pretty good in person not gonna chunk it till I see what is in the 90 bag. Thinking I’m gonna have plenty and won’t need to add in this 160 sift


Look, and you thought retirement was going to be all staring out the window. Keepin you busy. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Been hooked up since . Busy first week of nothing , lol

But hey …… dog door installed pool cleaned
Mom tent tent saved all bud trimmed hash being made car got new shoes up front so been productive .

100 % CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH from physical
Got results yesterday but forgot to look till just now . Note from Dr says …… healthy as a mule you lucky dog . So that’s good news .

Yes I’m enjoying my freedom

Enjoy getting up at sunrise and being tied by 8 pm now ….He’ll I’m already tired today


3 more pulls n im done, getting a stack of 160, what to do with it??? Bubble hash sesh needs to end im getting hungry, dog’s looking at me like WTF you doing ???


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I stir mine by hand. Lol
Cant wait to try my new 90 bag.

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Have to tell you a funny, my trimmers trimmed that beautiful bud that I tossed cause I had bud rot, next time they come to visit they brought me some of their outdoor, did not need a scope on that, shit was Brown with bud rot lol I am like are you for real here? LOL in the garbage it went.

Glad you don’t smoke that shit, probably one of the reasons for clean bill of health ha!


ooops, mistake , never mind ,lol

OK first two sets are done three runs on each getting a butt load of 160 and it’s looking pretty nice. I’ve got the last set in the machine soaking be done soon and then I get to see what I’ve got in the 90 I know it’s gonna be a nice sight


For the first time, in maybe decades, i was able to make bubble hash without interuption or doing 5 other things at the same time, what a pleasure it was. Took my time, smoked plenty of stuff, lol, nothing else going on, so i could actually concentrate on it. Tried not to make a mess, was not successful, but was successful at making the bubble, 1 outta 2, im ok with that :sunglasses:

Ran what i had, the 160 looks too nice to chunk, so ill dry it and see how it smokes before i do anything with it.

The 90 bag looks excellent and clean. Good haul too. Didnt weigh the 160, the 90, after hand pressing in a press screen on a towel, weighs 95 grams. I will have enough when it dries to make one or two carts, huh @ReikoX

Formed into shapes i can grind with my tool, into freezer, will pulvervise tomorrow when fully frozen, much quicker and easier than now. Then freeze dried for 7-10 days.

Batt and carts should be here by the time it dries. Gotta get me a lil oven or hotplate or something to heat the pile with. Then re read Reiko’s thread, make sure i get it right. NOT gonna add any terps or mix anything into it to thin it.

Thinking this is gonna work well, my bags did real good, and the carts i make should be my kind of Fire!

EVERYONE having a good evening i hope !!!



That looks great Jet! Congrats. Always a pleasurable experience making bubble when there’s nothing ales going on. Big fan. Can’t wait to see the finished product. Here’s to retired life!!!:metal:



Right back at ya!

Gonna dry it, then press it into rosin(maybe not all of it) and make my first ecig carts with it.
I cant hit the Proxy in a lot o places, this new PCKT will be super descreet and i will be able to hit it everywhere. Plus, unlike the Proxy, i should be able to hit it all day without a recharge.

Cant wait to try it, only carts i have used have been store bought and taste was terrible, high not to my liking , hope this will be better.


Not a big fan of carts. To strong. I like flower. After smoking one my tolerance is so high I don’t catch a buzz for a day after smoking flower. Their convenient when public bits that’s about it


I love carts. Smoking, screws with my allergies. I love to smoke, it just does not love me. I need to get one of those ROOR Germany Glass Activated Carbon.


Don’t use carts much I prefer the wax and my pen to travel with


Have you tried moose labs filters ?
It’s a good filter


Haven’t tried any, I need to if I’m going to smoke.

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I just ordered a mouthpiece and some filters. I can’t wait to rip some bong hits :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol: @Papalag

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Will have to look into these filters…let me know how they work @ColeLennon

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