Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

@Jetdro just hanging smoking some nyc sour

Waiting on am to deliver the new fan

It’s damn cold up here 34 degrees dog needed a sweater lol :joy:

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was 40 here last night, 46 right now…cant get the dogs to come in!!! Big Shepherds LOVE the cold. Finn, my oldest, slept outside last night at 40degree’s…


I want some!!!

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Sorry to say 1 jar left :confounded: and no more seeds

But their next harvest samples have your name on it

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The WC is better much better

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I smoked a joint of it from the greenhouse, placed several out there in 1 gallons, took one 2 weeks ago.
Might be the best weed i have ever smoked. Love the shit, better not have HLV or im gonna cry!


No real suggestions. I use a little one I got with honey in it. A small Jelly jar or similar would also work well.

There is a second cycle, real low about 100°F, to prime the carts.

Here is the video my thread was based on.


watched it yesterday, thanks.

Need a glass needle it looks like…Amazon prolly has some, just ordered some 1 oz glass straight sided sealing jars :sunglasses:

Looking at toaster ovens…OR…heat/stirring plates :boom:


Ordered 1 oz jars, glass syringe with tips, just need a toaster oven or heat plate now and im all set to make these things.


Going to use this instead of a toaster oven. Will not have to heat for 48 hours only a couple with this


What one of those worth?


59 bucks! No brainer


Curious, what makes you think that will reduce the heating time?


The agitation ought to lower time needed I would think , might be wrong .

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Fairly sure the heating is for decarb, not just to get it liquid… if you don’t decarb as long, you need more heat, which will probably burn off a lot more of the terpenes.


Indeed. If you don’t decarb long enough, it starts to decarb in the tank. As you heat it, it will create bubbles and build up pressure. The pressure can cause leaks and clog the air intake.

If you are in a rush, you can up the temperature, but this is at the cost of terpenes.

You’ve got all the time in the world now that you are retired, don’t rush it. :wink:


Naw, not gonna drop the ball on this one, gonna do a cool, well, cool to me anyway, 3 way test off of methods to make these things, with a “blind” taste test at the end. :sunglasses:

Spent all morning reading shit on the web about all this. DAMN, 100 different ways, 100 different ideas. I decided i want to try 4 different ways.

  1. @ReikoX Method. Decarb the pure rosin @ low heat and change it into liquid that will work in a cart.

This method is widely accepted as the absolute best way to make them, Cleanest, simpliest, purest form of the Rosin cart. I shall do it as Reiko and the video’s i watched did it. Exactly that way, just using a heat plate with an agitator instead of an oven.

The whole point of using 150 F for days is it burns off less terpenes than a higher temp will. I looked at terpene burn off points, can see where they start to go away. Also find out no matter if the temp is well below the particular terp’s boil off point, if it sustained, terps will still be lost.

So Reiko’s 150F is a “best case” temp, will decarb it, will make it more flowable, will save the most terpene’s.

Reiko tells me it does burn off terps. It will not taste like my joint or dab of it does. Not as good…so

  1. Gonna add terps to it. Will mix on the heat plate with spinner at only a rate needed to flow properly. Probably 1 or 2 drops per gram of Rosin

Oh my God…Google terps, or best terps, or which ones to use. UNLIMITED bullshit to read, unlimited.

EVERYONE says theirs is the best, all others suck. Every review is either 100 Good or 100% bad. ALL the big names claim natural no pg or the other shit, ALL private reviews of them with lab analysis show different, lol! WHAT A JOKE.

Watched owner of NugSmasher make it on the very press i have…used a terp product he reco’s. Do some digging, horrible product that lies about how itis made. All the other big names the same.

Want to see for myself…so googled reviews. Went with the one with best reviews, go to site, they offer free 2 1 mg bottles to try for free, pay shipping, i did!

So Cart 2 will be the Rosin mixed with enough of this shit to make it flow. I will add it to my Rosin as NugSmasher does it, in their press with the special container for that(which came with my 300 buck used Smasher :sunglasses:) in a fast n dirty 204 degree decarb method. HEY, dude smokes the finest Rosin on the planet all day long, says this works well, we will see :grin: If terps go away too much in Reiko’s way, and this way adds decent ones, maybe a mix of the two with less added terps??? Who knows.

  1. Pyur thinner…dont ask, dont know how i found it, just did. Good reviews , it is different , gonna try it.

Gonna do a fast decarb, whole point of a thinner, be stupid to slow decarb then add ANYTHING, so this is test to see how this shit works. :sunglasses:

  1. Slow decarb at 150 add in tiny bit of terps

Should be fun , gonna have Vicki label them 1-4 and not tell me which is which. Do a real life test to see what i like and can i tell a difference. Think it will be interesting.

Tent one WC still look like shit. Have not foliar’d them in days…waiting on report from Farmer Freeman. Paid for 1 day shipping to him, been 3 days, just called him, he doesnt have it…of fucking course! Mother tent back to glory, bunch of dixie cup lil ladies chompin at the bit to get a ride in an Octopot under a big light, lol!

Might cut my loss’s and yank the 3 WC’s…but then i think whats the point? Just leave the spots empty?? 12/12 tent, have no plants ready for that yet…so might let them run. Last mite infested 6 week run of her produced stellar bud, no bugs this run, lol, yup, their all gone now, so if they are not HLV infected, i suppose ill go to watering over the top till they finish. They drank nothing from the rez’s in over a weeks time.

Mac1 is out of her slump, not looking good, but she is not hurting and will bud out ok. So not gonna get a good run of her this time, my 2nd damn attempt at her!!! Damn it.

3rd time will be the charm for Mac and Wedding Cake(assuming their clean) , i have the time, i have the desire, and after smoking on both of them for a month now, and seeing my supply will be out soon, i now have a NEED for them.

My life will suck without Wedding Cake in it, ive become attached to her big time. The lil 2 footer that I yanked from outside 2 weeks ago PLANTED MY ASS last night. She gave me 1/2 ounce, lol, lol, but clean nice bud absolutely so covered it was difficult to deal with. I pressed a bit of her, came out golden, and coverd a paper in it. I bet i lit that joint 10 times, lol. Still sitting her on my table as i type this, NOT touching it this early, nope, that thing is a night ender, lol!

Everything here is about to get rolling.

The 4 lil ones from DIXIE CUP into the Octo’s as Mothers, are kicking it, happy happy, and already pulled the rez’s dry. Tomorrow they get their 1st fill up, and LST training, and will give up nice fresh happy cuts.

Got maybe 15 or so Mac1’s and WC rooted in Dixie’s, a week away from needing Octopots. Got ogah 2, SM3, Grape Pie, Frankie, Spitting Cobra, Blissful Wizard also in Dixie’s the same week away from going into big pots.

Got 4 decent looking BW’s in Tent 1 now in flower, BW will sit out the next few tents.

IF WC and Mac come back clean, they will get the nod to go into tent 2. MIGHT put up the free tent i got as Tent 3, have just nuff room for it, and let Grape Pie, Frankie, Spittting Cobra have it.

Gonna pay attention from here on out, and have the time to do it all the way i want to. Gonna be a new era for me, doing shit as it needs done, not when i can get to it…it can wait is no longer in my growing vocabulary! :sunglasses:

Im 70 today…wish me a happy birthday. A week or so ago i won(betting on weed site, lol) 3 1/8 ounces of supposedly killer Bud from a small craft grower up Northeast. USPS says they arrive today, so i got myself my own birthday present!!! Hope they are good, but for what i paid doesnt really matter .

What matters is how the “best of the best” LEGAL bud compares to what i, we, grow in our tents. This is claimed to NOT BE dry pgr treated tumbled for keif Bud , but 100% the best that can be purchased at retail in a 4 state area. Gotta be good right…we shall see


Damn im happy…


What i dont get is this: When you burn it in the pooen , doesnt it decarb? Like when we burn a joint or smoke hash in a pipe?? It decarbs as we smoke it correct? So why do we decarb it? Cause we are not “smoking” it, but "vaping " it??? Dont understand @ReikoX


Yeah it will decarb as you use it but Reiko’s last post just said if you don’t then it’ll bubble in the tank and cause leaks and such.

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So thats why we decarb it for carts then. Remove the lipids and fats that come out when heated by the carts coil and gums shit up??? IS THAT IT???

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