Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

It’s definitely because of the Triangle Kush! The animal mintz might help with the flavor but all the power of that high is coming from the TK. She’s potent af and one of the strongest I’ve ever grown. I still wanna check out these Cake Crasher F2’s from Samwell that JBeezy made originally, but really, just the TK by itself is enough for me. I am loving this wedding cake flavor tho!


Yup, im so use to being busy n hooked up 24/7 im gonna divert all that into the plants :sunglasses:

I HAVE TO stay busy or ill go insane, well, more insane i suppose, lol.

Been a week now, pretty much all caught up with the ladies, but when i get the call from Jackson @ Farmer Freeman, it will ramp the F up. Got 1 Mother tent and one Flower tent now. NOT gonna be nuff to keep me busy…so Tent 2, Tent 3…coming to a grower near you soon . Oh what to run, what to run, lol.

Im really enjoying this free time shit!!! Not use to it yet, but getting there, still hard to belive it is true!

This morning i got up, rolled a fat one of the now hydrated “Fire as Fuck” Bud, got on the Ebike, and hammered down with my “pack” . Cold as shit out, 39 degree’s(way cold for here) , the dog’s were all in HIGH FREAKING GEAR.They love this weather and looked like 4 coiled watch springs unwinding…lol.
Much havoc, body checking at 25 mph, growls, teeth smacking, first 5 minutes was liking watching an action movie fight scene, but better…it was real!!!

By the time i got to the woods where we run , i had taken 3 hits of Fire As Fuck. I put it out, left it sitting in dead middle of trail for someone to find…LMAO!!! They will probably like it, im gonna turn it into rosin later today, no other use for the pretty but nasty crap,lol!

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Never smoked Bubba Kush , had the chance to but never did. I do love a good Kush however, my kind of taste profile!


YEAH…becoming my favorite flavor, even though i cannot describe it well, lol! DANK DANK and even DANKER is how the outside one tastes n smells. IF you whack a joint like 5 times in a row and really hard, like High School Daze hard, lol, it sends me into outter space for 5 minutes. Cuts through the Rosin like a knife through hot butter. The joint with it slathered in her own Rosin was mostl likely the hardest hitting joint i ever smoked. That thing would pout down a dozen “average” smokers"

WHAT YOU GOT I CAN HAVE…of the TK??? Got straight up TK i can hit with OGAH??? She seeded everyone even Mac with it’s spunk. She is a great breeder, just like 50’s ORange Goji is. @HolyAngel


Oh yeah! This is one of my favored traits. Being able to overwrite other herb’s highs with only a puff or two. Only other thing I have that does this is the NorthStar, and she will even cut through the TK like butter :wink:

I do have the TK again but waiting on her to grow out a bit before I can take cuts and root them. Can definitely send her to you once I do.


I am all about kushes. I can send you a cut if you like, I have the pre-98 cut from Orgnkid. I love the smell and it has a great body high.


What is Northstar @HolyAngel

It’s my own creation.
NL5Haze C x Sensi Star F3 #5 crossed to NL5Haze A x 89 NL5 BX8.
Basically a NL5 leaning version of Neville’s Haze.


Seed form then you mean? @HolyAngel

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Would like that…your grow CLEAN??? LMAO!!!

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Yes but I’m basically out of seeds of it. I’m waiting on clones of my favorite cut (#4) from the first 20 beans I ran to root. Can send you a cut of her too if you want. newb2.0 is running most of a pack and I’m planning on looking at the last 10 beans myself before the end of next year in order to make F2’s.

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Would love the TK and # 4

KNOW you dont take cuts or id hit ya back.

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Hit the WC last night with a SUPER heavy foliar feed, super heavy. Light on in 40 minutes , cant wait to see what happened. Should have burned them, but BET it didnt!

WTF they are not drinking from the rez is just beyond me!

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Oh i DO take cuts. I just got the TK back, and got the Tahoe OG, Hollywood Pure Kush, Dynasty’s Caramel Haze, and JJ’s Nigerian Haze cuts along with her. Might get the Chem91 soon too. If your WC test comes back clean I’d definitely be interested! Probably some other’s too lol.


ok cool…got you mixed with another i reckon.

IF WC Mac BW are clean, and trust me, we have no bugs anymore, you can have them. Got Space Monkey and OGAH 2 also. Got Frankie too , plenty of Frankie if you want her. Both WC and the Mac are all that. Mac’s taste is 100 % unique, WC kicks major ass, and Blissful, although i have not smoked her really yet, looks promising


If i take a real close up close up, can you gestimate the “cleanlyness” of my run ??? @JoeCrowe

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Sure do, 100%.


Cool, by end of week ill have test back on my ladies, if clean ill trade ya ifn you want what i have


Cool to discuss trading cuts/seeds in the threads correct??? Not wanting to get bounced again

@toastyjakes Got my back man??? :heart_eyes:


heh heh, do it up!

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