Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Just playing brothers grew up together fight 10 hours a day . I’m immune to it . Don’t even hear it till it goes to far then just yell , lol


That’s how our two girls are. Sisters that have never been apart.


You can also blow it into their ears, it supposedly also absorbs that way and some dogs like it better


3 grape pie babies


Here’s a post from when I grew out the Grape Pie x Snow Lotus BX1. I assume Shiska made F2s from them, but still might give you a decent idea. They were frosty as hell and smelled strong of berries. The smoke was potent. Looking forward to see what you guys pull in!


There crazy frosty .


My new found freedome hAS ALLOWD ME TO GET everything in order finally! Feels good, im on top of it all.

ALL my Octopot’s are rocling now !

8 in Tent 1 , 4 Blissful Wizard, 3 Wedding Cakes, 1 Mac 1 Caps Cut all back on track now :sunglasses:

4 in Tent 2, mac, 2 Wedding Cake doing WELL!

10 in my Mom tent …no more hand watering :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Took the last 5 big clones and placed in Octo’s outside, will run on my patio, in shade for a few days first

Mercy, my Female…protecting me from Sea Monsters that could be in our pool…

Makes 27 Octo’s up and running …SWEET!!!

Feels GOOD to be full up and running wide open, my preffered method …NOW i have time to handle it :sunglasses:


Ill say! And Im excited about eight octos at once. Lol


I voted for Fuck Cancer! :sunglasses:


That’s a goood girl!!! Grows spectacular Jet!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:

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That’s awesome. Grows are looking good!

I’m interested to see if anyone has run octos with organic soil and water only. I guess once the roots hit the res they would get sick without any nutes in it?


Yeah, I have trouble imagining that working. If you put pure water in the res they’d be pulling from that as well as from the soil, so the nutrients would be too low; but if you put sufficient nutrients in the res, that’s gonna be wicking up into the soil and causing lockouts. Either way you’re screwed. I know @Slick1 tried a soil octo recently, and had problems most of the way through…


Hi Cormoran & @schmarmpit,
I tried that on one of my first octo runs, despite reading that it was foolish behavior. Fabric pot, organic soil spiced up with my compost and a healthy dose of perlite, pH water & hydroguard in the reservoir.

It worked, sort of. The plant took off fast and was healthy enough through veg though there wasn’t as much root development in the Rez as in the other, octos with promix & perlite.

The problem came, predictably, when the soil was tapped out in flower. She looked starved and when I added nutes in the rez, then nutes topwatered, then everything went downhill.

I salvaged a harvest out of it, but it didn’t compare well to the recommended octo soil mix. No reason to try it again.

So, there’s an answer… Don’t do that!



Looks like i will get the run i wanted, a clean, full term, Mac 1 and Wedding Cake run.

Tent 2 is set, the plants are in the rez, everything setup fpr a good run with these two finally!


Wedding Cake

Gonna be a color show too

Go ladies go …

Got first fill to half level today, they sucked they Rez’s dry like i wanted them to. Par set at 500 , nutes lite.


Issues with burning the leaves on and off throughout but not with bud production or growth. I would actually wager the few times I fed were where where the issues started. I would be curious to grow an octo with no nutes and see what happened because I feel like it might actually be ok.


My mac looks great sadly the WC looks like she’s in shock hopefully she’ll pull through :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::hot_face:


Whole point of Chri’s invention is bottom feeding. Soil in sleeve is just filler , to set up different “wet zones” for different types of roots the plant produces. Bottom feeding allows the plant to take what it wants/needs rather than what we think it wants/needs.
I have played around with them a bit, have a bunch of them, and have come to the conclusion that inert soil mix, with plenty of looseness to it, and bottom feeding produces the best results. Exactly as the maker suggests, he did his homework for sure .


cant imagine why, they had good roots n healthy when i sent them. Show me pics.

Told you both of them are problem children…but look above i have both under control now. You will too. NEITHER like being transplanted.



Both watered the same and was healthy looking last night


weird…did you transplant yesterday? What par level they under? What you feed her, light feeder in veg, very light.